jeudi 6 juillet 2017

Rehab Dughmosh, Toronto Muslim accused of Islamic Terrorist and Justin Trudeau approves his desperate gesture by calling it fighting for the supreme cause of Salafist Liberal values.

Rehab Dughmosh, Toronto Muslim accused of Islamic Terrorist and Justin Trudeau approves his desperate gesture by calling it fighting for the supreme cause of Salafist Liberal values.
Toronto, Ontario, July 4, 2017,the country's multiculturalism,Justin Trudeau country having lost his only two true and unique cultures French and English, the empty shell, the simplistic populist who walks through the world at our expense does not believe his eyes.

Justin Trudeau, Rehab Dughmosh, a lone mad that sought sanitary napkins, it is not a terrorist
At first he thought it was again, a separatist, or a one-legged man who was guilty but never a Salafi Islamist friends the Liberal party and the Muslim Brotherhood in Mississauga,Ontario, the Canadian capital Salafist Iqra Khalid, and ZuneraIshad,which we defecated above the Canadian flag with approvals Justin Trudeau and Judy Wilson Raybould Liberal minister justice Canada.
Rehab Dughmosh the charianique, Salafi, uToronto woman now faces a string of terrorism-related charges after an assault that occurred at Canadian Tire Mississauga, near Toronto.
Be careful, be politically correct, majesty Rehab Dughmosh Is Muslim, so untouchable, Iqra Khalid Motion M-103 Liberal MP in Ottawa, Salafist and pro-Hamas terrorist group

Rehab Dughmosh,which presents itself as a supporter of the Armed Islamic State group (IS), had already been charged in connection with the events of early June.
Michaëlle Jean teaches us last time to be very experienced in this miserable Muslim who suffers racism of Ontarians and Canadians
We all wonder if the Queen of Canada fallen, Madame MichaëlleJean,with its Foundation and the money of all taxpayers Canada, and not of his own money, will donate to give him a good lawyer to support her crusade against the entire Muslim Canada considering it as Michaëlle Jean.
During interviews with CTV, CITY News, CBC NEWS, Al Jazeera News International, CNN World News and Fox News, Ms. Michaëlle Jean visited the Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Ottawa at 201 Sussex Drive near the residence of the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, best friend charianique known on this artery of emirs.
During his meeting with the Ambassador in Ottawa, being veiled, as requested infidels, she asked, very quietly permission to make a novena my knees HOLDERS multi colors bring me around the cube to buy good indulgences Yahweh.
We must defend Mrs. Rehab Dughmosh in Mecca, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia for this charming falsely accused by Quebec separatists. She is under infamous pressures of Christians and Jews and Canadians despicable acts that destroy all terrorist Islamist beliefs that are rooted in our deep souls which I have a deep admiration.

Mr. Ambassador, before you leave, if you have a few million to bribe me better I would be happy to recommend you for membership as member of the Francophonie and that would both please the government of Canada, your protected. Turlu!
This gracious lady, Rehab Dughmosh,who has never learned and wanted to know our own customs and values for many years and we came to piss with his own convictions. If she did not come to the infidels that we are, why Canada has she left back and why did she come here to get herself sick to see us torturing the way.  
If these people do not know us enough, I think the roles of our embassies and consulates give their truths on all of us and not just propaganda of Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party of Canada.
Rehab Dughmosh, Canadian Islamic holy martyr by Québec solidaire
Rehab Dughmosh, this 32 year-old woman would be presented in a Canadian Tire store wearing a niqab and headband in the colors of the Islamic State. There, she allegedly threatened and attacked staff with a golf club and a knife. She was eventually mastered by officers and employees. One of them was slightly injured during the events.

Rehab Dughmosh elle has once again been arrested on arrival in court Tuesday by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP), before being charged with 14 counts related to terrorism.
These offenses related to terrorism, there is a charge for leaving Canada 24, April  2016 for the purpose of committing a terrorist act, said the RCMP and released.
In addition to these charges, the 32 year old woman will meet, among others, charges of attempted murder,armed assault and possession of a weapon for the purpose of committing a crime.
According to the Prime Minister, this is part the religious traditions, attention is systemic racism in Quebec and what goes against charters Canadian and Quebec women of rights and freedoms.All Islamists superior rights to other Canadians as prime ministers and judges of the Supreme Court of Canada, as an example, the kirpan,the cover of the Minister of Canadian Defenses, Sikh or the Canadian Mounted Police, etc.  
During a previous visit in court last week, Rehab Dughmosh had said, speaking through an interpreter, she recognized that the sharia, she wanted to revoke his citizenship and it would try "again and yet "to attack innocent people if released, had reported" Global News ".

Canada should let out of prison and  it recognize as free, writes Thomas Mulcair.  To give him all the weapons she wants for her to do the works that his prophet asked him to do in Canadian soil. Like many people openly say, we accepted here, so we need him and room accessories, laws to facilitate his life with us infidels, unbelievers Satan.
Rehab Dughmosh president of the Federation of Quebec
Self women,as a citizen of Quebec, I suggested him to become president of the Federation of Women of Quebec,with a salary of $ 150 000 per year, with a veiled secretary, it could during his ablutions before and circles of women eager moribund leftists are making speeches before the media, CBC, CBC, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois and other feminists.
Rehab Dughmosh audience will like every forumUQAM, at  from McGill, Concordia, anglophones in Quebec and Colleges of Canada, Amnesty International, Hillary Clinton, Luc Chartrand, Agnès Maltais,Yippee,his audience will be so great that it will that person or group of people to go beheaded first.  
All this with the blessings of our legislatures, our wise men who flock to hand this key community of our civilization by condoning atrocities of this retrograde religion and wants to evolve.

Rehab Dughmosh If this lady wants to return to his homeland I hope Canada with my taxes as it will provide the aircraft of the Government of Canada with honors should be paid him with food anal.
As it should be with imams to console her. You could include in the hold to our dear friends and jihadist interlocutor luggage profession and taught in his mosque Adil Charkaoui,passing by Morocco with its charming and delightful wife of Christian faith that was I said. But I think this is wrong.  
Canadians and Quebecers origins no longer recognize in Canada that create the Justin Trudeau, multiculturalism,the man without culture, without color, without life, a void of Canada patriotism. The noodle wassabi the liberal, the son of the father who destroyed all of Quebec.
A Quebec dying more and more that was the only difference between Canada and the United States of America.  English Canadians will soon real Americans, with their cultures, their media, their programs, their social networks. We need to tell English Canada has no more culture to speak Canadian, it is almost all American, is not it, see CBC, CTV, CITY, and other English-speaking media, they are almost all modeled on American networks, without Canadian identities as the desire of Justin Trudeau

Justin Trudeau will destroy all of Canada
English Canada also disappear whereas Justin Trudeau,the man without culture, multiculturalism, has also cast English Culture overboard for it put the barbarians,  Islam, Muslims, Salafi, Sharia, as the dominant voice through the whole country.
For example, Justin Trudeau, the tasteless, repeated that there is no link Islam and terrorism worldwide. In saying this, he said, would amount to Islamophobia. Even if you see the huge problem with this government directive directly from the dogma of multiculturalism.

Justin Trudeau,our Salafi Muslim, that liberal traitor in Ottawa continues to put our heads in the sand to defend the indefensible and now, he does so on behalf of all Canadians, creating resentment among many groups in society, including Muslims who know very well that there are radical fringes, these terrorists that we rub shoulders with every day in our streets,who observe Islam, veiled, interpreted in favor and for the glorification terrorism, via a publicly pronounced jihad against the West and all "infidels" in it (it's we talked about here) including Philippe Couillard, the Federation of Women of Quebec.

Vote Conservative in the next election

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