lundi 25 septembre 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Denis Coderre - Muslims or other ethnic groups settling here, no religious or other accomodations

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Denis Coderre - Muslims or other ethnic groups who settled WITH US, NO ACCOMMODATION RELIGIOUS AND OTHER

Muslims, Islamists, Salafists, can claim rights unthinkable for our Western civilization, culture, gender equality, by the evil political religion the Koran and Sharia, as well as several OTHER RELIGIONS with their retrograde prehistoric commandments having all kinds of religious symbols visible on their heads, and covering up whole body.
This is to all of us, citizens of the country, we have a duty to require our elected politicians TO STOP ALL THESE ACCOMMODATIONS UNREASONABLE TO THE SACRED NAME OF MULTICULTURAL DIVERSITY AND LEFTIST bythe existing laws in our country and our province. To enact new laws prohibiting religious or multicultural accommodation in a community, an ethnic group, a group of citizens in favor of a political group.
Immigrants - You knew our civilization before happened is yours alone to fit in, and not the other or back at home.

Let us remember, that over the years, the accommodations granted to Salafi, Islamists, Muslim, become indisputable rights to the horns of Justice. These accommodations are part of our Charters of Rights and Freedoms as well as Provincial and Federal.  
And these same accommodations used to justify religious bullshit, building their empire on our territory, continue their jihad for Allah and enslave us with their lies and authorized promoted by the Prophet for their future slaves, servants infidels.
Nothing is more criminal than those religions and the religious that plague all spheres of our Western free society at all levels of government and our elected politicians including our first Quebec Minister Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau and other Canadians first ministers, and ministers and deputies, as well as their opposition.
Considering the Charters of Rights and Freedoms consider the accommodation of the Liberal Party become, settle and rule over all the laws of the people of Christian origins stem.

Strains of Quebecers like the Canadians strains, lose every second of the day and night all their achievements, their freedom of thought, to communicate, as accommodations for those FOREIGN THESE IMMIGRANTS THESE RELIGIONS, THESE RELIGIOUS AVERAGE AGE, THIS ETHNIC overlook the existing laws for the sake of our elites to welcome them in the basket the next electoral ballot.
Our politicians are prostitutes see Philippe Couillard Islamic Commission systemic
Their lobbies are so powerful and our elected officials are selling and we sell all of us, citizens of strains to accommodate those who have never done anything good for our community. They came here, they took our house, my wife is raped, my children, they made slaves or prostitutes future in their religion incompatible with our Western democracies.
As we pointed Imam Hamza Chaoui,Montreal and terrorist Adil Charkaoui, the imam who wanted to blow up an Air France flight from Montreal to Paris with accommodations allow it to freely continue his ploys and hate criminals jihadists and terrorists with the supervision of the Government of Quebec and Canada that Justin Trudeau frequent mosques.
Well yes, we fund with our taxes, these religions and religious  accommodations unreasonable of all kinds, we their have built schools, mosques, places of worship, delivered food Halal, whose costs are exorbitant they choose the sex of their doctor at the hospital, citizenship documents are photographed according to their religious beliefs with or without faces.

They can illegally park their cars in the streets on Saturday Sabah in Outremont or Côtes-of-Neiges and Notre-Dames-de-Grace (NDG) or Bernard Street, because Moses had parked his car there 4000 years on the streets.
Denis Coderre, Liberal, supports illegal, Islamists, refugees and hate Quebecers of Origin, it is multiculturalism, without culture
If you are a Christian, a Francophone Quebecers Strain,a taxpayer and tax for several years and honest, police Montreal Denis Coderre, who welcomes the guests, illegal immigrants rejected by the United States of Justin Trudeau at the Olympic Stadium give you tickets $ 150 plus the usual fees.  
But if you are a Jew Orthodox with braid,and you frig you from left to right or vice toa, you will have nothing any offense,the police officer turn a blind eye,even if the street is blocked by this religion, as a reasonable accommodation the mayor and by the Commission of Human Rights Library for non-Christian and Francophone original
Several religious communities, Jewish and others, have the right not paid in taxes several water areas because the water comes from the sky according to the Torah or the Koran and other religious books regardless of their sects. They have the right not to send their children to school, not to teach English and French, and teach only the language of their religious book.

Arrival atthe of age30, these Jews Hasidic as an example,or the Sect Tahor,they can not even communicate with the public but the braids continue to grow at their head and they lead the Government of Quebec Justice for millions of damage because they can contact us and receive the same social conditions as their religious of the time and their religion did not allow them the authority of the Government of Quebec and the Ministry of Education, and family.
Here we can also name the Islamists pschoolsrogramméesby the Emirs of Yemen in Montreal to indoctrinate the most of their Muslim jihad.
So here's what happens, the results of mental invertebrates, religious, inhuman, with religious unreasonable accommodation that the Government continue to give these false religions anti democratic and anti Western including Kathleen Weil, Minister loves to enrich their religious racism and promote through puppet committees.
Cons of Fools, taxpayers them, the Christians, and ordinary Jews must pay for their water like everyone else, is this fair?

In Quebec and in Canada it is better to be an immigrant than being born Francophone strain because we are inferior beings but paying bills immigrants
Month I am Jehovah's Witnesses,other patients, who do not want blood transfusions, and the government and our laws give their refuse and commit suicide with their children.  
The other Friday not working it to his prayers, and many other festivals throughout the year and he wants to be paid. The Commission grants the right to be paid and the employer pays the and other employees Christians must replace it without getting paid for the extra work.
But it will take all holidays, festivals of Christians during the year because it is the law. They use our laws as in the buffet of Club Med, but without having put one in unless their legendary racism, religious mediocrity.
Countries that are controlled by religion, faith and that the population eat PORK, all these countries are countries or religion to create MENTALLY EVIL and that travel the whole world now.

Islamic Salafi hateful propaganda authorized by the Premier of Quebec
These countries have never and will never be able to build something positive. Since the world began, none of his country, Muslim or not, but that religious rule on the people martyred by them, the representatives of their so-called God, or named by any name, never built anything worthwhile, sustainable. Why ! Religions and God in these people's minds, and untouchable. Like building on something that is not human, that is only after life.
No dead person, Prophet Jesus, or else physically returned after death to tell us on CNN, Internet et Justin Trudeau, our selfie, love the pictures of himself, he would have noticed the one of its ablations at the Mosque of Mississauga,Ontario, to demonstrate the hatred he had towards Quebec Francophone.  
But no, all these religions were created by man it has thousands of years and the prophets did not return haunted us today in the era of communications.
People of you never wondered why all these books, which were written words in words in hundreds of years, people in person, and that the texts were manhandled to please a particular person the time. For we can all say that religions and religious are all politicians. Well yes, they are there for power and for money, full stop.
Nothing else of interest to religious crooked leeches, galero, imams, Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia, Islamic barbarians that spread in the West, spodik, Turban, Veiled, Niqab, Hijab, Yarmulke , Zucchetto, or other names you wear to gratify you with your toilet paper roll on the head eagerness to not lose what you have fluid in the human brain, if you do.  

We so welcoming that we self flagellate to please the systemic racism Philippe Couillard
The greatness of being is not up toilet paper you on the head or the way you coating sticky paper enrobe systemic black from head to toe, your female slaves that give you the right to remove, torturing, killing the life UNIQUE to every human on this planet causes of your religious beliefs.
We, all the people we have ponds RELIGIOUS your shit you carry in us and our policies whores who lick the ass constantly. There will come a good day, we also have a Donald Trump, with his balls and that will put you in your place.  
Throughout the West, there will be bloody confrontations and Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard and go to hidden to start crying on your conditions of immigrants, and whether soups are too hot for them, they are the first to betray you.  
See, my dear men, allophones, you have the upper paved, but in Europe, the people are beginning to wake up, and this revolution will be small. And all having received these accommodations,you lose them.
Philippe Couillard will starts its Racism Commission Islamist system where you know?

Emmanuel Macron All terrorists are Muslims Islamists
"Nothing would be more absurd than to deny the link between terrorist acts that we live and playback both fundamentalist and political Islam a"
Emmanuel Macron, President of France
" the fight against Islamist terrorism (is) the first priority of our foreign policy. Yes, I speak of Islamist terrorism and I fully assume the use of the adjective "said the head of the mentioned State, ensuring that "idealism is not needed in this regard."
Marry and put a girl of eight years, pregnant because the Prophet did, it's criminal in Occident.
We'll have a good day paid OUR LIVES AND THOSE OF OUR CHILDREN WESTERN for having bribed Canada and Quebec over the names of religions and religious.
Last time: In the House of Commons in Ottawa, we found a walking clitoris? The person he lost it, please contact 1-800-SELFI1

Vote Conservative Party Only -08-29-1300872729

dimanche 24 septembre 2017

Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre, Igra Khalid, Samira Laouni, Louise Cordeau, populist racist ingrown

Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre, Igra Khalid, Samira Laouni, populist racist ingrown
The Accommodations Unreasonable Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau for Salafi Islamists to facilitate the Crusades barbarians of the Koran and Sharia in Canada and Quebec.  

The pettiness, the Justineries the Prime Minister washable with Muslim refugees, Islamists, Salafists and illegal invited Haitians crossing cheerfully, borders on the orders of Prime Minister, the Honorable Justin Trudeau.  
These illegal immigrants, his guests,without these papers, required by Canadian laws, including himself, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,voted the decree in the House of Commons in Ottawa.  
According to gossips,on the other side of the border,may be, on voting day, Justin Trudeau, was under the influence of marijuana smoke, hence its illegal forget to open borders?
Only tell the member, terrorist Hamas, Ontario, the Liberal Party of Canada and friend Zunera Ishad,which defecated on the Canadian flag with the applause of the Minister of Justice of Canada, Judy Wilson Raybould during his swearing to become Canadian citizens.  

This same Zunera Ishad,Pakistani, terrorist , and being with ties to terrorist organization Brothers including Prime Minister of Canada and the Liberal party is interested and Al Qaeda, closing his eyes.
Denis Coderre, Montreal Mayor hallucinating recent months, Emperor's Sanctuary
Certainly, we must not forget that the Mayor Denis Coderre,for several months, since his check for 25 thousand dollars, he more and more misery to think intelligently.  
Looks like its part, the old politician, corrupt  sneaky, liberal surfaced and became increasingly anti-Quebec and pro Allophone pro Muslim Salafist pro, pro illegal immigrants, ie a true raptor sold to extremists, intellectuals minorities, leftists.
We believe it now follows the teachings of systemic racism Philippe Couillard he acquired during his Salafist Islamic holidays of their political religious barbarism, SaudiArabia when he learned the techniques stoning, excisions, maneuvers Multi major, torture of LBGT2, etc., according to the Quranic laws of Sharia.
All these people and their warts that follow wherever they go, their staff, media, imams who claim that our Paulicians finally put their briefs that can destroy us once forever.
Justin Trudeau, humanitarian multicultural waste ironically no malice, everyone loves her images
Justin Trudeau, the innocent tamed, accumulates its selfies to fight us all the time and he is even willing to declare that Francophone Quebecers are not even a nation but illegal immigrants as Haitians who are guests in Ottawa.  

Gastric manipulation of Populists Puppets
The commission's, demonization of opponents, fake car explosions, manipulate emotions are on edge and the extreme right and the extreme left doing everything they can to throw oil on fire and exacerbate passions, is a very bad idea.
Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard who walk across Canada to state that all stock Quebecers are systemic racist because the mosque imams Quebec asks.
And then we, Francophone Quebecers, we écœurez to piss on it every day by this shit that we welcomed with open arms and those illegal immigrants who are not happy with the gift horse: people are sick and bowl of this hysterical use of the word racism.
Words must mean the truths
We have not invited as lend the infamous Justin Trudeau, you came here, and defecate on us like this, you are rotten, and that word is not even vulgar do not recognize how we welcome you.

Certainly among us, he idiots,like all nations, but among you, immigrants who arrive here a little discernment, discomfort for a few years would be a good practice for acceptance and be integrated.  
When you built, you'll see how easy it will be to return to friendship and get help when you are in need, because the heart of the true Quebecers is great, whatever the "Quebec bashing" Justin Trudeau , multiculturalism,the destroyer of Canada.
Mr. and Mrs. All-the-world look the way we treat migrants who have illegally crossed the border and say,
"We welcome them with open arms, they are given social assistance, more than 2,400 per month, the health care, dental care, it helps them find housing, dresses the children for school, pay for buses, pay for taxis, and send their children to school, food at school ... what are we racist, exactly?
"How is it that Francophone Quebecers are we racist and cursed one pays any of these illegal immigrants that should give anything just a foot in the ass, stop them, put them in jail or in concentration camps with their children, send them on a boat to their home country. But no, they are given checks, send them in hotels and is treated cursed RACIST.
We have full media back and anti-Québécois newspapers
We understand the manipulations of the Liberals, the Desmarais family, and Justin Trudeau and his illegal invited unaudited Salafists refugees don't hear professional activists associate nationalism and identity to racism and intolerance, people who have both feet on the ground and eyes with the holes will eventually support not inquisitors, but their defendants.
Stop your raging madness gentlemen Couillard Coderre, Trudeau and companies
The indictments of the Quebec francophone people of strain and supported by Muslim minorities, including their barbaric religion, intolerant, that women should be veiled, ségrétioniste, nazi and allophones to systemic discrimination and racism can be behind closed doors, away from the eyes of the media and the public?

The presence of Islamists among groups that have asked the commission abyss credibility. How not to see there a way to exploit the current tensions to impose their communitarian program?
People "racialized" Samira Laouni,former NDP candidate party, Salafist, Islamist, pro-Sharia, pro Justin Trudeau, pro Philippe Couillard, pro Amir Khadir, will tell in camera with representatives of the Commission on Discrimination how systemic racism is an insurmountable barrier to their full participation in Québec life. All to reduce tensions, what.
Mrs. Samira Laouni, racist Islamist, nominated by the Premier of Quebec, to Muslim morality to us of a veiled woman?
Mrs. Samira Laouni Islamist Terrorist, theagency communication for the opening and intercultural rapprochement (COR) was founded by Samira Laouni, a radical Islamist with her husband Abderrahim Maallah  treasurer of the organization. They are very unhappy living with unfaithful Christians of Quebecers who want to destroy for ever, that cursed Province, Allah had promised, according to the Koran and the Sharia.
Rouhollah Khomeini also appointed Ayatollah Khomeini, Islamic terrorist rot is our spiritual leader of Iran. When we were in our democratic country of Iran my wife and I was happy I could leave it at home eat on the floor with the animals in another room. I ate with real human beings, men.  

Abderrahim Maallah, my husband, I was approaching her for the kiss is like heifers,women serve only that, they have no intelligence, and when she dies if their husbands is not the paradise they go straight to hell according to the Qur'an.
Quebec, the Islamist Salafist territory racism same Samira Laouni
But since we are in Canada, Quebec does not matter to me, because here the idiots let us do whatever we pleased. The trouble I have, she asks me to work and I had the brilliant idea of creating a puppet organization, paid with federal and provincial government grants to promote the Koran, sharia, by seeping directly within established political parties.
Since then, we live with several friends Iraqis paradise of Allah on earth with all monies from the sky without any effort, and we can dictate our conditions to the peoples under all our good wills of Sharia. Allah had promised a territory with low spirit, Canada and Quebec are made for imams, mosques, Denis Coderre, the Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Amir Khadir who glorify and protect us from the big hands close Mulfi Philippe Couillard.
Francophones Quebecers subsidize their Islamist slanderers at great expense, is racism, self-destruct?
The racism of our elected officials have no bounds,are without pesky annoyances in our civilized countries that allow these anomalies and spoken in public speeches fairies in our names. They lived in the country of barbarians and they bring their barbaric religion with them here. They devote their dishonesty to destroy our Western civilization in order to bring the Koranic devil, the decadence of all religions that planet earth has and we let them.

We allow them to destroy us, Mr. Prime Minister, we can certainly say that we are a nation of sheep, and sheep with their sharp it will cut your throat and balls.  
This welcoming and con people gave all his property, its values, its territory all possible accommodations imaginable, and his Majesty the Veiled Christian Infidel Not that it is because the West is Christian religion and inclusive Canada.
Madame Samira Laouni, is an immigrant,and for generations because she and her husband, and her children will never be integrated with inflexible religion from wall to wall, feudal style, according to the Qur'an is entitled and must lie to us, hide truths, you kill her if she wants to, and you must respect it in that sense.
Your Highnesses very large fully discredit your wacky commission or Islamophobic motions such as M-103, you 'populist RACIST "Philippe Couillard, Denis Coderre and Justin Trudeau planners racism within Canada.

parties Liberals of Quebec (PLQ) and Canada (DFC), and populist politicians of the New Democratic Party (NDP) sold in quest of votes racist manipulative minorities non integratable Islamist
At the next election to the Federal: vote only Conservative Party
In the next Quebec election:
Do not vote for the Liberals (PLC)
Do not vote Québec Solidaire (QS)
Sharia and salfistes terrorists at work in Canada and Quebec /2014/01/quebec-le-groupe-cor-de-samira-laouni-voue-a-la-charia.html