vendredi 1 septembre 2017

Mohamed Labidi - Mosque of Quebec, the Prophet, Falsehood and burnt car - Philippe Couillard - Régis Labeaume - Denis Coderre - Populist

Mohamed Labidi - Mosque of Quebec, the Prophet, Falsehood and burnt car - Philippe Couillard - Régis Labeaume - Denis Coderre - Populist
According to the Koran lying is aware of the part of officials, imams, Islamists,Salafists,in mosques, Islamic racist to further demonstrate their superiority in their compromises with governments, our puppets to their services against the majority.

Here's what textually says the prophet Mohamed Labidi,Mosque of Quebec regarding the burning of his car after a month the public how a hoax planned as we used to see in these days of the government Liberal in Quebec.
Practical lies permitted by the Prophet, no possible confusion
Practicing taqiya a Quranic basis, including all imams enact cheerfully in their mosques, particularly in those passages that speak of the denial of the faith, saying, "Whoever does contradict Allah's religion, the religion of the government of Justin Trudeau and associates, unless you are looking to protect yourself from them. "Surah (3, 28) While another passing mentions" except the one who suffered the stress and whose heart remains peaceful in his faith "Surah (16, 106).
Within certain minority communities, taqiya can also have an added dimension as a strategic means to conceal his faith in a winning environment. This is the case of jihadist extremist groups such as Al Qaeda, the Islamic State, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) terrorist organization in Canada, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, refugees from Islamic countries, MPs Ministers and disguised liberals and other political parties in their Koranic Islamophiles crusades and Quebec through accommodation. unreasonable and unjustifiable  .
The Qur'an encourages lying so when can we know if their informers tell us the truth, they are like politicians
Islam: "religious deception" (al taqqiya). This principle encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims, US WESTERN to advance the cause of Islam. Muslim groups in the West today use concealment and failure to give the impression that Islam is a "religion of peace", which is totally wrong fiction.
The "deception" has its origins in the Koran. Sura 3:28 says although a believer "should not take unbelievers for allies" ... unless it's for "protect them".
"Let not the believers take for friends of the infidels, but to protect them ...." "We smile at them in front, but behind, we curse .."
Islam is a religion and an unhealthy political system and diabolical that dictates that one should make war against unbelievers until they convert or submit. And so the terrorists around the world justify their actions, and this justification is based on the central elements of the Islamic barbaric tradition.
In accordance with the Islamic doctrine of taqqiya, the "white lie". Or they do this simply because they are unaware of what Islam really teaches. Sahih Bukhari Volume 4 Book 52, Hadith 269:

The Prophet Mohammed said: "War is deceit."
Generally lying is not permitted in Islam. But unlike other religions, there are certain circumstances in which a Muslim can lie and where it is considered acceptable, even encouraged. They always lie. This concept is called "al taqqiya". Al taqqiya means "preventive perceptive concealment" fashioned truth as politicians but of ways to destroy other religions, people, people. A Muslim is allowed to lie to save a bad might happen to him, to him or to Islam.
When one Muslim, an Islamist, a Muslim Liberal MP in Ottawa, Iqra Khalid,is pressurized, it can lie in order to protect religion. It's from the Koran verse 28 Chapter III and Chapter XVI, verse 106.
AbdullahAl-ARABY:There are certain clauses in the lie. Thus, a Muslim may lie to the cause of Islam, or to destabilize a country easily as carefree Canada.
Muhammad himself ordered people to lie. When people with whom he had ordered to go and kill someone said to him, "We would not know if we kill him do not lie," he replied, "Okay, that's good, lying" as has done Omar Khadr.
The Life of Muhammad, p. 367: Allah's Messenger said, "Who will rid me of Ka'b bin Al-'Achraf (...)?" Muhammad ibn Maslama brother Bani Abdul-Ashal said, "O Messenger of Allah I myself to occupy; do you want me to kill him?
""Certainly yes, if you can, "replied the Prophet.
(...) Muhammad said: "O Messenger of God we shall have to tell lies."

He replied, "Say what you want, you are free in the matter".
The world is witness almost daily, Arab leaders say one thing to Westerners and the exact opposite to their fellow Muslims. It is difficult for most of us to understand the Islamic dualistic ethics. They may say one thing, such negotiations "peace" with the Israelis, and the opposite to the jihadists.
Mohammed encouraged deceit kafirs and the Koran echoed these sentiments. But the apologists of Islam, Islam is only a religion and an Islamic religious leader would never lie to us. They do not see that political Islam has no meaning honorable, and they have no understanding of the duality of political Islam / religious.
Mohamed Labidi, enough is enough, you are martyred with our freedoms in Québec
If I would you, dear sir, peace had returned, your dead were buried with the support of Mayor Labeaume who hid in his coffin, and no one had expected that he talked provided a piece of land to Muslims.
And your car whether you or another person who burned after everyone cares for the moment because everything began by forgetting with Quebec disorders. But again, it was necessary that you will put your grain of salt.
You want it all and destroy the Quebec and Canada, is not it. Not quite happy to be in Quebec paradise you must destroy as always throughout the entire planet. Here what I say, is not Islamophobia or racism, it is the truth about Islam Muslims, your ancestral racism, and you can not and you want to integrate.  
As the saying your upper Hamza Chaoui, imam at Montreal, democracy can not live with Islam and Islam must destroy the Democrats, Christians you must follow your own barbaric religion.
Consequences of the silence of governments with their pants down to please the minority against the majority Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard
"If hell is paved with good intentions", "nature abhors a vacuum." As long as you make the shot, I would add "anything lying gets dirty."

Will you allow me to invent "to rot Philippe Couillard, systemic racism you we swept under the carpet eventually stink"?
Say nothing leaves any space for undocumented genes to develop theories even more incendiary plot the vehicle fire.
An opinion that is not based on facts is just speculation. The last thing and the politically motivated silences we need in times of crisis. Because it is.
Can we believe you after these long years?
Unless you believe that the majority of Quebecers are not smart enough to digest the bad news concerning them. Quebecers can not you believe the imams, and no longer believe in their governments, in their elected officials that their lie without stops.
You are all liars, without any values, the same so-called political religious who have often democratic distinction may remain on our soil and hating us so much,I wonder what you're doing here. If you can not feel, why you come here.  
Is the Government of Canada has been in your bedroom in your country, with soldiers and guns and you brought here in chains the feet and hands and you said come to Canada and to Quebec or else we will have kill you on the spot if you live in your native country. I do not believe. I think sooner it is and your family have decided to come here and IMMIGRATING.

Muslim Association of Canada (MAC)
Immigrating means, you adapt to other citizens and not citizens, to adapt to your, guests. Guests must integrate with the majority, even for Islamists, senior, Muslims,bounded, veiled, all like other nations, even the Koran and Sharia, which are not of our religion, our customs and we do not want as common culture for our nation. If you want it for yourself, it's your decision, but we impose is out!
So to finish, or the fools who burned your vehicle to be insured were paid by insurance companies and the police will send these idiots in prison eventually.
And if you and or other Islamists who perpetrated this inexcusable wrong, a member of the Liberal Party of Canada, I hope you have the courage to tell the people around Quebec, and ask forgiveness like it should be. Second, we stop a racist, as does the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard, the populist, every time an Islamist or Muslim has a scarf in the foot, to crucify us in the public square and in the media worldwide.
We have opened our doors and we have ......

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