dimanche 10 septembre 2017

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Denis Coderre - Régis Labeaume - Radio-Canada - Desmarais Family & CO - Intellectuals and left for Feminists - The Racist Minority to Majority strain

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Denis Coderre - Régis Labeaume - Radio-Canada - Desmarais Family & CO - Intellectuals and left for Feminists - The Racist Minority to Majority strain
Thus the hearings of the famous FANTOCHE Commission on Racism systemic delivered by the Quebec premier the Honorable d’Espinay  Philippe Couillard,born June 26, 1957 in Montreal, is the instigator, the agitator préconisateur, manager, leader, instigator, promoter, officer, exciting, inspiring, precursor, ordering the liberal party of Quebec which he is the leader and president.
The primary objective was to demonstrate by the Premier of Quebec who wanted to maximize the number of votes allophones of his own political party, the Liberal Party of Quebec (the party of minorities, anglophones, allophones and Muslims non integrable) and introduced the other political parties of the opposition as racists pure to the US under the auspices of Donald Trump.  
Philippe Couillard,specifically created and invented Stalin and Hitler systemic  discrimination "Francophone Quebecers Stem From Catholics As White As All Of Racist Diabolique, Islamophobes, Extremists".

Unfavorable hurricanes
After getting feedback, negative responses taxpayers, stock Quebecers, Francophone, white.  
I apologize to everyone, there are white Francophones in Quebec and it is not a contagious disease as claimed by Justin Trudeau and Denis Coderre mayor dictator Montreal honorary supportaires illegal immigrants to be called racist criminals through the entire planet.
Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre, these career politicians, these welfare of the rich who can do nothing of their ten fingers to despise their own people who pay their big salaries as knows so well done Angela Merkel with its Islamist refugees in Germany.
Our political elites, which pollute all our lives day heart on our television media, newspapers, Internet and social. Their propaganda with the aid of the leftist media that are only their unique service.  
The Premier of Quebec, dishonorable Philippe Couillard entant hot soup and boiled again after the attacks of Quebec imams calling us racists on the broadcast media and newspapers, after receiving them in our Catholic churches to be their own worship.
The findings are sleep and already printed on the Prime Minister's Office before the start of the Commission, Quebecers Francophones strain whites are systemic racist eliminate

Being close to the next election and walking on eggs, he decided, relieved a little the elastic of his Islamic Salafist Muslim consciousness of Saudi Arabia to have this commission KKK handled just as it did with the so called free Charbonneau Commission instructing the successful conclusion to the Liberal party of which no one could deny commands Prime Minister's office or elsewhere on systemic racism in Quebec Liberals will be in camera, away from microphones and cameras.
Legal definition camera
Huis "comes from the Old French meaning" door "where the term" frames "to designate those around doors and windows. The term is used in criminal law to mean that except interested parties and their lawyers, the public is excluded from the courtroom where the proceedings are held. in civil proceedings it use the phrase "in chambers" and we say that voluntary proceedings debates take place in Room Council
could it be that the reason for the turnaround is that the Couillard government fears that its Commission, far from helping to demonize political opponents, he farts in the face instead?
this puppet commission, this partisanship exclusively liberal and controversy, it is a source of semantic disputes. it is used by critics of the government concerned and calls into question the legitimacy directly from it, to undermine the action and possibly encourage or justify a change in our democracy brutal regime  house to the Koran and Sharia as an example.

Often a government designated as "puppet" in return has a rival government which uses this means to a contrario assert its legitimacy being in government for several years corruptions visceral. Knowing that the Liberal Party of Quebec can count on only 20% of Francophone Quebecers, including white racists, he must appoint the remaining 80%, that is to say Anglophones and allophones and Muslim minorities hoping invaded systemic racism in their crusades all of Canada including the fact even Quebec knees.
Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau sowed the racism storm winds
Our federal and provincial governments continue to manipulate us, to make the nazi propaganda about racism, rape culture in Quebec, that the extreme right is strong in Quebec as the KKK in Mississippi in the USA, that everything that happens in Quebec, a crazy attack a mosque is a global terrorist and our rulers shout it on all the shelves and when they are Islamist Muslim terrorists who kill two or three hundred people that are mentally ill Canadians to our political elites.   
I think we are so in paradise watching the other provinces and countries on this planet, we must imagine the problems and grow. It is our pleasure to hurt and to have near our friends in English Canada to give them money parts Quebec Bashing they have known for over a hundred years refining this demonic culture with their own minorities Francophone Quebecers to decry the stem, water carriers, Philippe Couillard, Jean Chrétien,Stéphane Dion signing allegiances with the Muslim Brotherhood, etc.

All this is an invention of a left in search of enemies and an invisible right.
For there is nothing more annoying than a firefighter who has no fire to extinguish. What do we have to think in Quebec, the snowstorms, our hospitals, our schools, our systems go down, our political elite do not care about anything, they look systemic racism. The budget, the economy does not interest, agreements with other countries, with the exception of taking good pictures and first-class travel at taxpayers' expense, do not interest them.
The con, the taxpayer, not having enough 24 hours to breathe and work, does not interested in politics and the collateral damage that they created constantly. Our politicians enact motions M-103 on Islamophobia and Donald Trump,tears NAFTA.
What is most important for Motion M-103 that racism Muslims continues to proliferate happily in Canada or the Canadian Trade works with our American neighbors, hundreds of billions annually. Our selfie in Ottawa decided that Motion M-103 was the largest and tied them marijuana
Finally, the selfie, Justin Trudeau after leaving the mosque and Iqra Khalid in Mississauga have managed the coup of the century to Canadians and Quebecers are drugged and losing their jobs.

Philippe Couillard was scared by seeing its racist image in his mirror Liberal
Looks like Philippe Couillard comes to realize that his super extra good idea (to organize a commission that will deal with all the racist nationalists) were perhaps not so brilliant as that.
Explode firecrackers in a field is one thing. Set fire to an oil well is another.
You do not know which way the wind will blow.
His government has decided to limit the damage by holding consultations behind closed doors. We understand the Liberals: don't hear professional activists associate nationalism and identity to racism and intolerance, people who have both feet on the ground and eyes with the holes will eventually support not inquisitors, but their accused . The document will go in the trash.

More racist than Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau impossible
Prime Minister, who is not shy to accuse his opponents of throwing oil on the fire of racism and fan the flames of intolerance, even to Jean-François Lisée deal of "Holocaust denier," the worst insult of the kind, just to afford a flamethrower gold plated.
The presence of Islamists among groups that have asked the commission abyss credibility. How not to see there a way to exploit the current tensions to impose their communitarian program?

Philippe Couillard - Justin Trudeau - Denis Coderre - Public Deadly Dangers

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