lundi 11 septembre 2017

Contempt of Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard - Refugees and illegal immigrants are better treated than Quebeckers of origins during hurricanes

Contempt Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard - Refugees and illegal immigrants are superiorly treated better than the origins of Quebecers during hurricanes
Contempt Justin Trudeau Fuddle Fuddle
The Prime Minister Justin Trudeau,the Salafist, the sponsor of Refugees and  mentor its illegal immigrants invited his Liberal Ottawa,  himself disguised as  cows dairy weekend of September 8, 2017 in Saint-Tite Festival in Quebec in order to have the maximum selfies his distinguished international figure for nullity magazine French Marianne, Le Figaro and the Rolling Stones in the United States.
During a meeting with his Minister hidden in Ottawa, the Minister of Defense, the Honorable Harjit Sajjan,with its toilet paper on her head, a secular country,said that the Government of Canada knew and that n 'no help Quebecers block in islands the southern and the government of Canada would intervene after hurricanes have completed with all the damage.
The Ministry of Defense Of Canada and other departments will be ready to receive applications from these countries to help them, for their own citizens.
The Premier of Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard, water carrier Ottawa,asked the Quebec who are caught with hurricanes, the islands and Florida to pray to Allah, and wait for the good weather. And that Canada and Quebec do not have the monetary means to help them now because resources are allocated to guests of Ottawa.

Demagogy Philippe Couillard
Budgets are distributed to the guests of Justin Trudeau and our wonderful refugees who vote exclusively for our liberal parties federally and provincially. All our media, and even Louise Harel Parti Québécois congratulated us for hosting Haitians illegal  guests and refugees smash budgets of welfare recipients and seniors we have to cut subsidies in nursing homes and food costs.
Louise Harel understands us well, we liberals dropping Quebecers to their fate in other countries. We sincerely thank Louise Harel to wear the PQ knife that political party doing so well at his waist.
It is to know that our government, the Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, thinly veiled, disguised as a cow inSt-Tite,does not take all means to help us because Quebecers are citizens of the last orders Canada, the "outcasts".
Can we observe a people of his own prime minister does not even respect its own people, Philippe Couillard
But certainly we must say that Mr. Justin Trudeau, the Salafi, Wahhabis right, people crawling on the floor with a Prime Minister Islamist racist Quebec, who hates the province who directs and encourages minorities to destroy the majority of French-speaking Quebecers Strain to every day, seven days a week.
How can you blame the Honorable traitor in Ottawa the son of the father, wanting our total destruction, with its Ministers healthy toilet paper rolls on the head, in the House of Commons in Parliament in Ottawa.

How not to ask questions to federal inaction face of calls for help Quebecers stuck in the Caribbean, especially St. Martin, Cuba, ravaged by hurricanes? What's the point of setting up a hotline for Canadian citizens and their relatives is not answering on the phone?
Ottawa: Fuck you French Quebecer
Carrément left to themselves for five days on the Franco-Dutch island of Quebecers had to swallow their fear and accept the fact that they spent last long after the Dutch, French, English and Americans. Canadian aircraft repatriated foreign citizens and left in the lurch francophone Quebecers.
At a press conference, the federal department responded that Quebecers are inferior to the national development and deserve to be treated this way as requested by the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada.
Quebecers welcoming accept no matter what, that!
A Quebecer stuck there told me that "we are the laughing stock here." She fed her children with remaining peanuts until the federal lift a finger except for Anglophone Canadians and foreigners, refugees and illegal immigrants guests pampered terrorists by the Mayor of Montreal, the city housed the sanctuary Olympic Stadium.
Shame to Couillard and Justin Trudeau  
How blame a large number of citizens to compare the Justin Trudeau eagerness to come to the aid of refugees knocking on our doors to his apparent disinterest to rescue its own citizens? Justin Trudeau, the Salafist only thinks of his own interests and his ego, it is ... ..
Justin Trudeau, the Canadian cockroach who misses no opportunity to destroy the Quebec and Francophones in Quebec in the international media to describe us as worst immoral citizens, without any consciousness, low rise, without complacency, systemic racism with all the negative adjectives in all possible languages.

Our selfie, our clitoris veiled humanly acceptable barbaric liberal religious, never misses an opportunity to stage can no longer ignore the distress calls and using its cons.
The millionaire, who has never done anything useful in his life and having a salary of $ 400 000 per year, the second highest of all the leaders of the planet after Donald Trump.Merit Does it pay to make selfie and never paying for transportation, food, rentals, for tartufferies? Planetary  
Well, yes, Mr. Prime Minister, as this kind of dignitary flies over us, it is part of elected leeches that after a period of four years we try to kiss again.
Knowing that Quebecers have a memory of up to two days,lies Justin And Philippe will forget past storms and Justin receive new guests to vote for the Liberal Party of Canada and if possible Islamic religion.
Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard will be re-elected and will again lie to us like all the populists and will have their days of glory fraternity encyclopedias for manipulating  and citizens French media will be happy to guests in their antennae.

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