samedi 9 septembre 2017

Louise Harel to the rescue of the Salafist self - The cowardice of our politicians - Justin Trudeau and his illegal Haitian guests

Louise Harel to the rescue of the Salafist self - The cowardice of our politicians - Justin Trudeau and his illegal Haitian guests
Louise Harel,as well as the Queen of Canada, previous, the Honorable Michaëlle Jean First, a confident independence, she will be on the list or Ottawa lists to become Governor General of Canada, Canadian Ambassador or be another spendthrift Senator taxpayer expense with nothing to do except to please the ruling party.
Regarding the verb and the legendary beauty of Madame Harel, a position in the United Nations pleases may be, or a position in an NGO is an organization of civil society, public interest or of a humanitarian nature, which depends neither a state nor an international institution. An NGO decides autonomously the actions it undertakes, mostly American and a lot of money.Its members are unpaid volunteers, usually organized in association. Its resources come from public or private funds.

Louise Hare, the Queen of Canada and Mélanie Joly NGOs
Its action can take the first emergency intervention form to rescue people in danger in case of natural disasters, wars, exodus, epidemics ... NGOs also undertake longer-term programs, less publicized, development aid education, health, water supply, fight against poverty, human rights.

As in Haiti, the leaders and NGOs have received tens of billions of dollars to help the population, the money was often "STOLEN" and they never received anything of services, houses, apparels, only peccadilloes to please the media already purchased by the political elites of Haiti, Canada, the US, France, Great Britain, Germany.
The people, and honest Haitian, the Haitian radio in Montreal, working without cease to collect food, clothing with the aid of real Quebecers, not our puppet rulers, have made themselves fooled to new.  
These are the real reasons that Mr. François lysed said about it, "the guests of Justin Trudeau" this identity monster who travels the world with his lies that encouraged Haitians to come here to be hunted as during the time of black slaves in the United States.
Justin Trudeau,the Salafist mosques in Ontario,it will take a malignant pleased to say that those of mistakes Donald Trump first, Francophones strain Quebec separatists, the Parti Québécois, François lysed, and demonized and raciser with aid of Philippe Couillard Quebec full for the next election.
But you, poor Haitians leave with nothing in your pockets, poorer than ever, and you can thank Denis Coderre and named your first child, Denis Coderre in his illegal immigrant tribute.

Denis Coderre certainly make you visit with the queen Michaëlle Jean, at taxpayers' expense, in the slum in Port-aux-Prince with several bodyguards and give you some candy as consolation.
Denis Coderre, Mayor of Montreal, in recent years has fallen on the head, what are its mental damage? Luc Fernandez, mayor of the Plateau.
Next year, Madam, pure, Mrs. Harel, when the first applicant's ILLEGAL HAITIAN will be extradited to their HAITI CHILDREN who lost everything they had in the US THANKS to selfie OTTAWA who wanted to give a Pied noses Donald Trump by sending a false and irresponsible message to HAITIAN.  
These HAITIAN say and communities in Montreal, Quebec and Canada over that Quebecers are all racists as currently done Salafi Islamists Denis Coderre and Philippe Couillard,Quebec.
Do you think they'll be delighted to see you in your beautiful blue or red dresses in the big world. They have lost everything, the United States as they are will never entitled to set foot there again, that our selfie, never told them, and our not prostatitis in Montreal.
We have wide open the Olympic stadium for receiving guests dad Justin Trudeau to great fanfare and now for these "IMMIGRANTS HAITIAN ILLEGAL WITH ALL THEIR FAMILIES AND NEWBORN" the selfie, the laws of selfie Salafist Islamist Muslim Ottawa, indicate that all these people have to leave in their home and reapply for country way legal reapply of residence in Canada and Quebec.
Therefore, it them will cost many years of expectations and tens of thousands of dollars, and not knowing if they will become eligible in Canada as an immigrant.

See, Louise Harel,you politician, politicians, you always say the words, and you never think before you speak. You never see the consequences on individuals. Here I'm talking about you, Louise Harel,and usually you have a language sensible and I love.  How many times our politicians at all levels of society, not thinking before speaking to the media.
The media make them a field day with your very often misinterpreted sentences regardless if the media is sold at the Desmarais family, CBC, RDI, or the Liberals. Also for several years, freedom of expression was suppressed us in the West to make way for Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, the Amir Khadir, professors from UQAM, the Federation of Women of Quebec,students associations, anarchists Crown corporations such as the CBC, CBC subsidized by Ottawa and MélanieJoly,Jean-Luc Chartrand and company, etc. ...
We lost good columnists, who were fired for telling the truth about Muslims Koran  Islamists charianiques, LBGT2, minorities he loves Prime Minister and that he dresses the same way and perhaps one day he cut off a foot, a hand, and brain for what remains of it to seem like a paraplegic.
The allophones who control the liberal political parties and politicians who dare to put their pants. When you were the mayor of Montreal, you often talk with the mayor of this city self-managed by a dictator.
Your feelings of minority beings and blend the words with «Justineries crazyness» Ottawa are excellent. I think you should now put you on his knees before Mr. Lisée and tell him you made a mistake and saying he is unworthy.  

People unworthy in these folders are the Governments of Canada and Quebec, the Honorable Justin Trudeau, the Honorable Philippe Couillard, the Honorable Denis Coderre, and smaller the Honorable Régis Labeaume ..
Illegal immigrants and refugees we can more accepted miseries worldwide
Louise Harel Interim former PQ leader is unworthy discrediting just about Jean-François Lisée illegal immigrants and not legal asylum seekers according to the Geneva Conventions and the UN as guests of the Liberal party, the selfie, the Salafist, the Prime Minister of Canada, the millionaire, Justin Trudeau.
We sincerely believe that the Honorable Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre and Philippe Couillard should pay their own salaries all costs of illegal immigrants because they are their guests after tout. Will they do it, they are too corrupt for that, they will tell us that it is the fault of public employees, the media, and francophone Quebec separatists.
Louise Harel should return with his boiler work Federations with veiled women from Quebec to communion liberal populist Islamist Salafist common with Marihan Lopez Dolores Chew without any confusion with the Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Quebec, the water carrier Francophone Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard.

The cowardice of our POLITICIANS propagate racism SYSTEMIC AND IMMIGRANTS ENDEMIC of Religions and their population towards strains that have welcomed them with open arms. By integrating not require compromises, unreasonable stealing property, identities, customs, cultures, Christian Western democratic values,territories
Racism Religious Barbarians segregationist apartheids Halal Islamic, Muslim, Shirk, all religions with hoods on the heads veiled or

Not possible confusion with any religion or religious or potential disease

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