samedi 23 septembre 2017

François Blais - Illegal Immigrants - Louise Harel - Denis Coderre - Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Quebec - It is better not to be born Quebecois Francophone White strain in Quebec

François Blais - Illegal Immigrants - Louise Harel - Denis Coderre - Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Quebec - It is better not to be born Quebecois Francophone White strain in Quebec
François Blais minister and his son
François Blais,Minister of Social Solidarity, 4000 checks for guests Justin Trudeau for the month of August 2017 cost taxpayers for illegal immigrants surcharged Quebec $ 2.5 million, non-taxable, nontaxable including dental, medical, driving license, schools for children, etc. . free.
FrançoisBlais,the minister, who cut 25% social security checks of Quebec strains of Quebecers living in Quebec since birth and in the Long Term Care Hosting Center (LTCC), seniors and disabled their are cut meals at a cost of 1.99 and they monitor the layers thereof. And just in Montreal, AMT, Denis Coderre grants 60% increase to the leaders of the transport service and decreases of $ 6.5 million in services for the disabled paratransit.
See the money grow on trees liberals for guests, illegal friends, Justin Trudeau not for Quebecers who have paid their taxes honestly for their living dog. We francophone Quebecers, whites, we are not refugees, illegal immigrants, visible minorities, LBGT2, so we are diarrhea of our political elites.
The New 5 Stars Jail in Seven Islands in Quebec with Concierge Please
Sébastien Proulx,Minister of Education of Quebec, providing the next provincial election, for illegal immigrants, opens the valves money to HIGH and subsidies without any right to look to spending for school boards and schools, including checks for welfare including clothing, transportation and other $ 25 million for the month of September
2017 Francophone Quebecers apologize to breathe, what other communities are pleased to exist
Louise Harel,member of the Quebec party, supports Justin Trudeau and his illegal invited for the month of September 2017 will cost taxpayers for illegal immigrants from the United States the sum of more than $ 3 million for the month of October,2017.The PQ best friends of the ruling party, they always have knives to slice the blows of their own companions PQ.
Denis Coderre,Mayor of Montreal, city sanctuary for terrorists and illegal immigrants, social security checks as the original Quebecers will have to pay for the month of November 2017 approximately $ 3.5 million in addition to rent the Olympic Park that Mr. Denis Coderre hidden in municipal elections in Montreal.
Philippe Couillard said Espinay,the Honorable Prime Minister of Quebec Salafi faithful friend mosques, social security checks before the next provincial election asking illegal immigrants signed cards of the Party Liberal Of Quebec (PLQ), will for the month of December 2017 another check for $ 3.5 million paid by taxpayers whose most indebted provinces of Canada and the G-7

the destruction of the country by the multiculturalism of Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard Denis Coderre and
Justin Trudeau, the selfie, Wahhabi Ottawa, global tour operator, which is paid with debt on credit card Quebec with its exclusive guests arrived they love to make fun of Canadian laws to all citizens in trouble, in its multicultural vision.
His anal visions, halal and marijuana,the smoke that governs Qur'anic Canada from mosques,us, cost for the month of January 2018 for the welfare of which he will give them Canadian citizenship for his next ballot for that they can vote for the Liberal party of Canada (LPC) in 2020 more than 3.5 million, and so on.
If you believe that Justin Trudeau will close the borders err, his big mouth has gone around the world and millions of loyal guests Justin come siphoning our money, our services and we will reap only the crumbs.  
At the Gay parade in Montreal
Devastating diseases, religions control the National Assemblies worldwide
According to Liberal strategists, allophones, minorities always vote Liberal parties throughout all of Canada. For them it is the manna descended from heaven, they do not care much impact on individuals, on our own society.
Politicians have Hearts selfish, and only work for themselves, the intoxication of power, money doesn't matter.When they say they give their lives to serve us, today, this new religious elite civilization that governs us irresponsible because our secular laws suffer attack without cease all religious movements intellectuals that gradually destroys the West and our civilization and humanity.
Our politicians have dropped taken to please the minority against the majority
We allow ourselves a digression, he will ask these illegal immigrants to defecate on the Canadian flag as he asked Thomas Mulcair Zunera Ishad during his swearing citizenship, October 9, 2015, in Mississauga, Ontario, the city of Mecca charianiques Islamist terrorists Koranic Canadian after St. Laurent, town of Stéphane Dion.
Pakistanese We hate Quebecer We love their Money They are so Stupid we telle them that we hate them and they give us money Theyr are really stupid
The Pakistani terrorist, Zunera Ishad affiliated with the Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda whose justice minister Judy Wilson Raybould specifically commended by phone. Zunera Ishaq is a volunteer for an association linked to the Jamaat-e-Islami,whose armed wing is considered a terrorist organization a Pakistani Islamist party that several Western countries is a terrorist organization which several MPs and government ministers Trudeau attached thereto.
Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) & Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
the Honorable Mr. Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau will relieve often the flag of Canada and Quebec, and it is very well known throughout the international media. Justin Trudeau likes good, to look this narcissism.
Having no crisis management quality, see the 2017 hurricanes in the Caribbean,he was dressed at the fair in St-Tite and Canadians and Quebecers were left out against the West Indies with the hurricane out of their hotels.  
his lack political intelligence, discernment, even when he was leader of the official opposition in the House of Commons in Ottawa, which he almost never attended, illustrate his lack of vision of the future and the economy.

Justin Trudeau is not made to be a politician,  he can only sell his muscular body, he is an artist and a very good artist, talented, pair off, wonderful as all women would jump on him, even veiled, having lost the clitoris, on street corners, or exhibitions, media, European television.

Justin Trudeau is not meant to be a head of state, it is made to be in front of cameras and be adored by fans around the world. The greatest gift he should do is to get out the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of the Canadian Constitution and resign. Afterwards go to Hollywood or London, the major international networks, to mount all its values, because there are millions of which he could never get them out by being Prime Minister

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