samedi 23 septembre 2017

Philippe Couillard launches his Diabolized Racist Knives to be exploited by Justin Trudeau - Denis Coderre - Islamists - Veiled Muslims

Philippe Couillard throwing knives Racist Demonized to be operated by Justin Trudeau - Denis Coderre - Islamists - Muslims Veiled
The Couillardises racialized rooted systemic Philippe
Minister Kathleen Weil puppet Philip explained the other day of a clear and objective manner Salafist and I quote:

"Private hearings will be deprived of the public and the public will be private."
said the veiled Minister Kathleen Weil,Muslim tamed, gangrenous and filling envelopes, smiling natural bleating before his racialized Salafist aplaventrisme of premier urinal.   
Uh, yes, it is the freedom of speech of the Liberal Party of Quebec, for Muslims,Salafis Only,newborns liberals with a fee, the Islamic terrorist vermin and rot there will direct all the words and documents already dictated by Honorable Wahhabi Saudi Arabia Philippe Couillard.  
The texts of the final documents are already in the office of the Premier of Quebec, in a strange city to the public. The commission will begin its private hearings next October 10, 2017 in Abitibi, but the city name remain secret for a period of ten years. The members serving on the Board will not be disclosed to the media not to interfere in the deliberations of the Commission Eight Clos.
No media, will follow the police in our deliberations through all the cities of Quebec. Our guests, racism, which will be used to destroy the original Francophone Quebecers who were selected by the office of the Premier of Québec, Kathleen Weil, Omar Khadir, Samira Laouni, Adil Charkaoui

Tamara Thermitus Committee Chair
of the Commission human rights and youth rights is immersed in a serious internal crisis when it should initiate a broad consultation on systemic discrimination and racism in Quebec, learned the Press.
Six months after taking office, the new president, Tamara Thermitus,is already the subject of three complaints of abuse of authority,mismanagement and lack of respect for the staff.
She will demolish Francophone Quebecers by PLEASURE RACIST?
Tamara Thermitus engages in a real "demolition derby"in the words of a witness in the body. This was a factor that prompted no less than seven employees to leave their jobs temporarily or permanently.
According to testimonies collected from days by La Presse Newspaper, this crisis does not question the legal skills of Tamara Thermitus,in office since February. Where the rub, it is rather in his authoritative manner direct the 150 employees of the Commission, the anti-white racism, it also exists.

Staff members who testified anonymously, to avoid exposure to reprisals, spoke of "an atmosphere of suspicion and terror," marked by "bullying and contemptuous attitude". They reported extremely strained working relationship where those who are suddenly disliked by their great patron may face punitive measures.
Kathleen Weil unveils
Let's see some names princely of the Koran and Sharia, racist present on that cursed, evil systemic Committee that the Minister Kathleen Weil love crowded and veiled, these terrorists to many of their meals, listened to and to fill bottom of the Quebec Liberal party (PLQ).
So start by feces, funny bibitte this FMC AMAL Québec - Association of Muslims and Arabs
Samer Majzoub, President of the Canadian Muslim Forum (FMC-CMF) terrorist group
The recent origins of the MAC back to the Islamic renaissance early twentieth century, culminating with the movement of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist groups including the Trudeau government and its ministers regularly attend.(...)

The MAC adopts and makes every effort to implement Islam (...) as it was understood in its contemporary context by the late Imam terrorist Hassan al-Banna (1906-1949), the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. MAC regards this ideology as the best representation of Islam as delivered by Prophet Muhamma
Philippe Couillard launched its Knives Racist Demonized to be operated by Justin Trudeau - Denis Coderre - Islamists - Muslims Veiled
Thomas Mulcair, Zunera Ishad and Jagmeet Singh mix religious Muslims and explosives turbans
But its president, Samer Majzoub, also represents the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), main branch of the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada including former federal Minister StéphaneDion,in Ville Saint-Laurent was their main representative and is currently ambassador for Canada in Berlin.
Samer Mazoud is quoted as administrator of organizations related to the structure of the Muslim Brotherhood,international terrorist groups, which is also part Zunera Ishad,the Minister of Justice of Canada Judy Wilson Raybould (PLC) congratulated by Justin Trudeau (PLC) during his swearing in Mississauga, Ontario, the paradise of terrorists that supports the Liberal party of Canada (LPC).  

When citizenship oaths this Pakistani terrorist, Zunera Ishad, like many Pakistanis, and other immigrants can not be integrated, even became a minister in the cabinet of Justin Trudeau currently, when she refused to remove her veil cursed to defecate on the Canadian flag to show its Islamic racism.
Her SUPERIOR THIS CHARIANIQUE, this blasphemous THIS INFIDEL ROT,TERRORISTS TO BALANCE QAEDA HER MAJESTY, Zunera Ishad with her husband, and future terrorists will follow children in the arms of Canadians Invade Soil Canadians and Quebecers across the country with the Koran and the Charia, qu Iqra Khalid, Salafist, Hamas Terrorist,a member of Canada's Liberal party (PLC) as well known presented in Ottawa with his Motion M-103 Islamophile Islamic racism towards Canadians of Origins, according to the magazine Point de Bascule, Riposte Secular France and HuffingtonPost Berlin.
Samer Majzoub, Chihab Battikh unsavory in the pay of Philippe Couillard systemic racist
Samer Majzoub Founded a private Muslim school in Pierrefonds, including the building belongs to the MAC, which was funded in part by Kuwait, according to TVA Nouvelles . A Chihab Battikh, head of education department of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) terrorist organization recognized worldwide, has served as a director in 2010-2012.
M. Chihab Battikh is now in prison for attempting to remove the small-son of a billionaire in Montreal Outremont park against ransom.After talking with close Liberal Philippe Couillard, they reminded us that honor killings, ransoms, violas, their barbarities are part of their daily and that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms Quranic Religious of Philippe Couillard law 62.
A systematic commission of mobsters preselected by the Liberal government of Quebec racist
members of this religious sect have every right to commit all the horrors they want because it is part of their ancestral values and traditions, according to the Honorable Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau.

Dating federal and provincial Liberals are unhealthy, mafias, Salafists, terrorists, Muslims, Islamists
I forgot, the following for the Liberals of Canada and Quebec,the MAC is the main organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in Canada which is also party to United States Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and associates. From 2001 to 2010, it transferred 296 514 $ to Internal Relief Fund and Afflicted and Needy of Canada(IRFAN-Canada),Canadian terrorist Muslim Islamic organization, Hamas fundraiser which Iqra Ishad is an active member is Liberal MP government Justin Trudeau in Ottawa.
In April 2011, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has revoked the charitable status of IRFAN-Canada for funding the Hamas terrorist organization.
In its charter, Hamas looks like the wing of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine. It is dedicated to the eradication of Israel and establishment of Sharia across the world, Canada and Quebec with active support Justin Trudeau Prime Minister and Philippe Couillard Premier of Quebec, systemic racist according to the National Post.
Several Liberals provincially and federally, Amir Khadir, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Philippe Couillard, Jean-Marc Fournier, and hundreds of others,are photographed with these terrorist criminals that you can see on the Internet images and our women MPs veil to become like them submissive, slaves. Wondering if these deputies can you sell when their respective parliaments in their provinces? Well yes, they sell your girls and boys, and continue to trust them?
What connection with the consultation on systemic discrimination Philippe Couillard has since his arrival from Saudi Arabia?
Ah yes, now I remember! Private hearings will be in private, but the public is invited to publicly attend closed sessions, provided they are public and they will never be public. No, sorry, that's not it either ...

The public hearings will be held in public, but ... Oh, shit, I do not understand!
Yet it was simple when Madam Minister explained before yesterday, if you are Salafi Islamists, veiled racist systemic pro, as is the Prime Minister, you can not attend the public hearings in private.
Demagogy of a servile servant: Minister LIAR demagogue "The testimony will take place in private, but that does not mean it's not public," said Madame Weil.
One thing is certain: for days and days, people will scroll to say how Quebec is racist and that the idiots of taxpayers will pay tens of millions to the pockets of Islamists who dictate the statements required in all documents Philippe Couillard the Koranic demonized racist.
It is Philippe Couillard who will be happy to destroy the Francophone Quebecers original he wants to throw at them constantly with election materials, anglophones, allophones and Islamists, Salafists, Muslim and subsidizing that plague the Liberal party Quebec and Canada to the marrow bones with this devilish Koran.
For him, the Honorable Philippe Couillard, with his hateful and racist speech, he can afford to say what he wants without being subject to the leftist intellectual discourse which he creates all discriminatory meanders with the Charters of Rights and freedoms.

The first minus Quebec, being the Islamist Salafist water carrier to eliminate Christians and strains of Francophone Quebecers of their rights and freedom of expression except when approved by the Prime Minister's office polishes.  
Similarly, in Ottawa, the branch of the Muslim Association of Canada(MAC)global terrorist organization affiliated officially and secretly with media and government networks happily working for the propaganda of the Prime Minister of Canada, the selfie,billionaire, who walks taxpayer expense without ever paid from his own pocket.  
Our whores are at work sytémique
Well yes, the Honorable Salafi Wahabi,who frequent the waste places, mosques, Koranic Justin Trudeau with his beautiful wife veiled in his service who perched on the branches to the second level looks on his jubilations segregationist of ablution consider the destruction of Francophone Quebec a constant priority in his eyes.
Justin Trudeau, the Honorable multiculturalist having no culture, no trait of patriotism, nationalism was the fact ask his servants and ministers with toilet paper rolls on the head  defecate usCharianique Motion M-103 Iqra Khalid Mississauga, Ontario Mecca Salafists, terrorists explaining that we were Islamophobic.  

Madam deputy terrorist working for the Hamas terrorist group, stressed had forgotten that they were the Islamists were the true racist as are the Islamists, Muslims are racist who does not want to integrate into Canada and Quebec.
We welcomed them with open arms, bars are open to everyone except the French, the Christians,refugees, Salafist terrorists, guests Justin Trudeau, and they want to destroy us gradually, according to the prophet, the Qur'an and Sharia, their sneaky planetary invasion, evil, terrorist, lying still with the aid of our politicians.
Philippe Couillard YES to the Islamists only he is not racist, oh no!
The proof: its candidate in Louis-Hébert for the wearing of the burqa, the niqab and honor killings, the removal of the clitoris. Madam it is a candidate needed to have one if you are a candidate for the Liberal Party of Quebec? Members of the Liberal Party of Quebec they have suffered mental excision including the Premier of Quebec, which rejects its own culture, religion and morals for votes.
You do mercies, leeches, my scoundrels without conscience, without human value, I understand your reasons to be with the Qur'an, religion soulless, inhuman religion of the devil Satan.

That's the opening to the other, folks! That's tolerance! It means accepting the differences! The medals in Canada and Quebec have only one side, Muslims, leftists, liberals, and we lost our freedom of expression, as prescribed in the Qur'an,we make "Mentally unbalanced," c that is to say without any human brain, see the Prime Minister of Canada, there is an obvious example, an image with no content, and the whole world adores.
Indecencies of our politicians
Not like the nationalists cursed Francophone Quebecers who want to ban husbands to veil their women from head to toe when it's 35 degrees in the shade! My semen receiver is pleased to boil under his clothes according to my wishes.
The Liberal candidate, she finds it cool that a woman refused to show his face at his cursed citizenship ceremony backward MP and traitor to his parents and his own religion, Madam candidate in Louis-Hébert, shame you and your future Islamic girls procreation and the removal of your clitoris and boys who will practice slavery,barbarities and honor killings in your own family Madam candidate inLouis-Hébert.

Philippe Couillard medal always has two sides, a highway always two directions and back, open your eyes, you create the evil anarchy for electoral purposes and it will fall on the nose eventually.
Resign immediately take the place of selfie in Ottawa with the first tribes and sabotage all of Canada, destroy thereby Quebec you hate to death, as will be your only pleasure. You will be immortalized as the only Prime Minister of the Quebec Liberal Party being a traitor,not nationalist to his own political party,the Liberal Party of Quebec, Jean Lesage, Robert Bourassa to Jean Charest was for a strong Quebec but in Canada.  
But you, the Honorable Philippe Couillard,you are not even a native Quebecer I believe, even if you were born in Montreal, you are like the selfie, the number one enemy of all Canadians and Quebecers Nationalists, the enemy of our Nation, our cultures, our ancestors.
Nations must have a language, common customs, common ancestors, and remain without moving during seasons on a common territory defined by States.

You, the two water carriers soulless and without any respect for the people who elected you. It's unfortunate to remain poor all his life, for petrodollars and Muslim Salafists arrears.
After your death, your family tree, this tree will tell you shamefully and we will talk how you opened the doors to the Salafist invaders and you, madam the candidate of Louis Hébert, have killed, tortured, sacrificed with your husband all your own children, and all Quebecers, as well as good Muslims who left the country religious barbarians to come here, in Canada, in Quebec, not to see the dictation with this damn barbaric religion Salafist our governments. They wanted to live in peace with their families and have given you their wars on hand again Madam candidate in Louis-Hébert.  
Madam candidate in Louis-Hébert made severities that you did make the first racist Quebec minister destroying the entire Quebec for his insane folly populist
But no, you have fallen into their traps lies the prophet and even killed the good Muslims love their religion but not slaves  either.Your children will be religious terrorists, mentally deficient goons to services that give no rights to the human thought itself. You will have done your family,Madam candidate in Louis-Hébert Zombies who has never experienced a single moment of their lives on earth.

How many men and women in other countries are under the aegis of different religions and religious, these barbarians, not only Muslims, and other religions, these people during their 60, 70 or 80 years n ' will never have the chance to communicate once honestly them. To have the choices we have here. This is not the paradise here, but at least we can express ourselves, explain to some extent.
I see more realistic and true documents and documents, these people would give anything to be here but not be ADMINISTERED BY THAT LEECHES APLAVENTISSENT TO MUSLIMS OF ISLAMIC RACIST THEY ARE NOT INTEGRATED IN THEIR crossable.
But you Madam candidate of LouisHébert,and the Premier of Quebec and the Muslims who run all of Quebec now, the Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Amir Khadir, leftist intellectuals, the Federation of Women of Quebec, teachers of UQAM, Media and state propaganda networks Justin Trudeau, feminists, these demagogues schemers TRUTHS OF MEDIA SOLD as CBC, RDI, PRESS THE NETWORK FAMILIES DESMARAIS ACROSS CANADA ETC.
Tell me about an open party! So open that it opens even close!
The three experts on racism in Canada Philippe Couillard, Denis Coderre and Justin Trudeau
Canadians and Quebecois identity murderers are at work, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau and Denis Coderre, all members of the liberal parties, parties barbarians, Salafists, populist, nazistes, segregationist, Surah 3, verse 21 12

Who will sow the wind? No, it was you, Mr. Couillard, the insane. You're going to throw oil on the fire. You who are presenting a candidate who is perfectly normal that a woman hides her face, her figure, her hair, its beauty, its forms, just because of religious fundamentalists obsessed with sex believe that the female body is an instrument of the devil? Shame on you, Mr. Couillard, do you still have your Liberal clitoris otherwise may it be hidden in a cup coffee in one of your favorite Anal suppliers.?

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