dimanche 10 septembre 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Denis Coderre - Our Politicians - Populists - demagoguery - Fascists - Stalinists - Dictatorships - intellectuals - Religious - Haines of Imams

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Denis Coderre - Our Politicians - Populists - demagoguery - Fascists - Stalinists - Dictatorships - intellectuals - Religious - Haines of Imams
So Dave Courage,the stage technician who was seriously injured by Richard Henry Bain at Metropolis, which wanted to kill Pauline Marois, had to sue the government for compensation.
Meanwhile, Henry Bain,this criminal, the man who ruined his life receiving care in prison with federal congratulations. But you can not say anything because you're going to accuse demagoguery and not respect the rights of prisoners abused in Quebec Québec Solidaire (QS) ...
Above all, do not say anything, because you will be indexed Islamophobia byIgra Khalid Muslim terrorist of Ontario's liberal MP Hamas in the House of Commons!
When residents of nursing homes ask to have a second bath a week or potato puree made with real potatoes, with a Menu $1.99 per plate Minister Gaétan Barrette (available texts and pictures on the internet) which he received as a gift the sum 1.5 million for increases to the Quebec physicians of 7 billion dollars,increasing by extension deficits and taxes of Quebecers taxpayers by reducing the services of doctors and specialists and US replied that lack of money and resources are not unlimited.

But when ILLEGAL MIGRANTS the INVITED Justin Trudeau and Denis Coderre illegally cross the border to request a status to which they are not entitled!
The money grows like magic in the trees, ambulances arrive, the air-conditioned buses, limousines bring the illegal, terrorist, refugees, Muslims, Islamists, rats thrown out of the boat that the United States made out of prisons as had once Fidel Castro of Cuba to Florida.
And the big mouths them in Ottawa and Montreal, the Honorable Member populist liberal parties and corrupt to the marrow of bones, have seen in Montreal, a city sanctuary cones, for terrorists yellow  veiled people, mosques or minorities reign dictators.  
From the top of their multiple MINARETS, Denis Coderre,Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, the official opposition, and leaders of minority groups that are religious and civil laws of the country and the province, shout to all international voice, internet, social media, newspapers in Plattsburgh, Burlington, US taxi how Canada promotes irregular voice enter to Canada for the nose at US President Donald Trump.
Justin Trudeau, the Honorable Prime selfie of Canada, went even physically by telephone Jody Wilson Raybould,the Minister of Justice of Canada, and what magazines like Marianne, Le Figaro, The Rolling Stones, not certainly not want to know,do not hear and know that the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honorable Justin Trudeau literally defecated on the Canadian flag during the swearing in of ZuneraIshad,the Pakistani member of al-Qaeda (pictures available on the internet with text to support) that remains in Mississauga, Ontario, and a member of Muslim brothers whose political party of Mr. Justin Trudeau layer with for several years.  

Also associations, the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) (available free photos on the internet) International terrorist groups are part of the same groups that mosques Mr. Justin Trudeau distributes its Friday prayers because it is the only worship that frequent Salafist Islamist Muslims. Often it goes in Brossard Quebec or in his own riding in the mosque that is being monitored by US federal agencies terrorists.  
Justin Trudeau has met several times with leaders of the lobby of the Muslim Brotherhood, global terrorist group, recognized by Canada and the RCMP that the Prime Minister does not care, mosque Brossard
The mega-mosque in Brossard, opened in 2004 and can welcome more than 2,000 Muslims, plays a central role in the proliferation of Islamist Muslims and terrorists on the south shore of Montreal. Justin met the directors of the mega-mosque to establish the Koran and Sharia in the Canadian Constitution and the Charters of Rights and Freedoms as treats like his father was.
Samer Majzoub, facing Trudeau heads the Canadian Muslim Forum, the first political and media lobby of the Brotherhood in Quebec Last November, Justin Trudeau had sent this letter to the Canadian Muslim Forum, a division of the Muslim Brotherhood co-financed by the Muslim World League and finance the Liberal Party of Canada. (See photo Justin Brossard)
Sheikh Saeed Fawaz, representative in Canada of the Muslim World League, is part of the board of the mosque in Brossard.
Justin is a multiculturalist he sleeps with anything, no matter contagious diseases the media encenseront
Justin Trudeau was criticized by a Canadian Muslim organization, because he visited a mosque that is considered by the US military as a center recruitment of Al Qaeda. The Al Sunnah Al-Nabawiah is in his riding of Papineau Prime Minister Justin Trudeau having links with alleged terrorist groups.
The Honorable Justin Trudeau also admitted that excision of the clitoris of Muslim female babies is totally justified because Islamist women are not able to control themselves sexually before virulent bubbling cuddling her sex.

Liberal Leader confirmed late last week that he was presented to the Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiah that respects a strict interpretation of Islam based on Wahhabism. He also questioned the designation of the mosque as a recruitment center by the US government.
We need to lower the levels of Salafi religious
But it is for openness of all, with the exception of Quebec francophones and Christians Quebec. His only motto as his traitor, father Pierre Elliott Trudeau, first destroying Quebec and are introducing multiculturalism because English Canada will not notice anything and it will install there the Koran, sharia and being an avid collaborator Rulers Gulf by filling his pockets.
Justin Trudeau specifically chose Montreal for this invasion could again destroy all of Quebec and it opens the doors to all the dross of the world.  
He said internally if the situation escalates this will be the sins of racism and Francophone Quebecers will have him all the praise of international magazines and French and hopefully for newcomers, it could say that management has worked with Philippe Couillard and he was able to watch Donald Trump in his American racist. So he will have won on both sides of the coin. See how it is diabolical our selfie that can not even manage a box of feminine napkins.  
According to the Prime Minister of Canada without culture, our country and Quebec I believe in much more culture than English Canada who primarily American culture, not the culture of Great Britain is a superior culture by Mélanie Joly.

Canada and France Justin Emmanuel Macron, Salafi Islamists countries his masters of all universal cultures now turn in their coffins to see destroy their crops to install multicultural religious barbarism, became the country sanctuaries of Stupidities where there are magically millions of dollars in bottom of the barrel to destroy us most, our ancestors, our values, our democracies.
But you can not say anything because you're going to be accused of populism ...
Journalists reveal a Quebec identity group has links with foreign far-right groups and we commend them for their vigilance.
Some citizens say that a mosque has links with the Muslim Brotherhood as were the Honorable Stéphane Dion Minister under Justin Trudeau and now Canada's ambassador to Germany (pictures available on the internet) and treated Islamophobic. But you can not say anything because you're going to be accused of racism ...
Politicians say we should ban the wearing of the mask in the demonstrations to discourage rioters and applauds. Commentators say we should ban the full veil in public space because it goes against our values and they are told that the state does not dictate to women what to wear when their crusades RELIGIOUS TO DESTROY OUR WESTERN CIVILIZATION.
But you can not say anything, because you're going to accuse you of xenophobia BY FOOLS OF INTELLECTUAL THE Amir Khadir, the Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Philippe Couillard, Jean-Luc Chartrand, the media of the Desmarais family, the TV of 'States, the Imams, the Igra Khalid Hamas, a terrorist group

Two weights, two measures, medals to one side, leftists morally depraved, the new society without freedom of expression Stalinist
Your child or your spouse is murdered by a repeat offender and you have all the miseries of the world to recognize you as a victim of crime. A bank robber is the victim of a car accident during a police chase and it is compensated by the SAAQ. But you can not say anything because you're going to accuse of wanting to stir up the anger of the people ...
Denis Coderre, the dictator in prostate research, says Montreal city sanctuary and warmly welcomes migrants, refugees, illegal terrorist, and Philippe Couillard applauded hands full. The Liberals, corrupt have made the most of their Salafist systematic racism in the province of Quebec.
Did you know that the third largest refugee claimant in Canada: AMERICAN, the richest country in the world? Are Americans persecuted by Donald Trump, the communist, this barbarian? American pick in employment in Canada and Quebec without going through the regular channels as Justin passed false messages.
I can tell you in a real TV series, "Customs under surveillance,"  a US come from Florida, passing Vancouver airport with a dozen books about marijuana and marijuana crops had to be culture in BC because he said that Canada customs publicisait he could legally grow and sell in Canada.
In addition he pointed out that the Prime Minister was so great to legalize all drugs that Canada will become the world economically Mecca for American, the new Klondike. This unfortunate was deported immediately and added that Justin Trudeau is the best president of Canada.
Regardless if you are a Democrat or Republican, there he has systemic torture as in Quebec, according to the racist Prime Minister Philippe Couillard in Quebec women in French prisons.

According to the Quebec premier who hates the entire Quebec being frustrated from being a water carrier and not to be born an English-speaking and Islamic seek to raciser the entire Francophone Quebec as does Justin Trudeau in Ottawa pleasure of Canada English.
Alain Juppé, Mayor of Bordeaux, says there is a distinction between migrants who are applying for asylum because they are persecuted and those who do attempt to improve their economic situation, as Haitians Americans who lost their jobs,and Philippe Couillard can not and want to understand the meaning of words because for him the only votes are a reality.
He does not care Quebec and Quebecers. Philippe Couillard hate as Justin Trudeau literally Quebec Francophone and they could both ask the president of North Korea,  Kim Jong-UN  a nuclear bomb over Quebec, they would with great joy, AND WE WOULD SAY THAT IT IS THE FAULT OF SEPARATISTS AND PAULINE MAROIS. But you can not say anything, because we will accuse you of lacking compassion ...
When a madman killing 14 women in Montreal, we do not say that the city is chronically misogyny problem.
When crazy, mentally ill, killing six Muslims in Quebec City, Régis Labeaume, Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Denis Coderre, Media, all tell usit that  is terrorist Quebecois Francophone Christian and not a psychological ill mental suffering racism Philippe Couillard which he had acquired the knowledge propagandists primaries racism systemic Quebec Liberals for years.  

Who sow the wind will reap the often storms gentlemen Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau, populists, demagogues, opportunists politicians
But you can not say anything, because we will accuse you of trivializing Islamophobia created especially by Islamists, biggest racists in this world who do not want in any way to integrate with the majority that the Motion M-103 on the superiority of Islam over all other religions and human beings, that is to say the religious nazistes time modern.

Can you find the male, "whore" to our political elites who are real prostitutes, whores in our National Assemblies and we could attach these their nicknames.

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