dimanche 24 septembre 2017

Dieter Schwarz Company Lidl Germany Greece Hide this cross that I can see to please the Islamists terrorists like Philippe Couillard Justin Trudeau Angela Merkel Emmanuel Macron

Dieter Schwarz Company Lidl Germany, Greece Hide this cross that I can see to please the Islamists, terrorists like Philippe Couillard, Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Emmanuel Macron
Take off that Cross
Lidl non nationalist fearful of German company without spine removed the small cross of the dome of the church of the Greek landscape church Santorini landscape of the Mediterranean. Someone noticed and the new media has pierced the screen. According to company, Lidl Management has specified that Muslims, Islamists, Salafists, the wassabi, your  terrorists, Syrian refugees and other Islamic countries, Qur'anic, charianiques are being superior to all Germans origins and Europeans Christians he stressed Germanic way.  
They remove the cross to please the salafist How Stupid the Christians are?
Lidl,the owner wanting to increase its turnover and profits, he did what politicians have done it sold the Germans to terrorists, Muslims, Salafi, and stoned Christian civilization of Germany as now the fact Angela Merkel and collaborator, Pope Francis, who is not at rest.
Here is his story in order to lie to you again, money makes the happiness of the rich and destroy the German and Christian civilization in order to bring the charianiques Koranic barbarians.
In 1930, Josef Schwarz created the company in Heilbronn, and gives him the name of Südfrüchte Großhandlung Lidl & Co. Initially, it is a specialized trade in exotic fruit, which will be expanded later to all food products.
Islamist people are superior to christian and to French people in Quebec Said Justin Trudeau in a newspaper in Germany
Justin Trudeau Prime Minister salafist of Canada provides immediate citizenship to all Muslims terrorists, Salafi, Islamists on arrival in Canadian soil with life pension Act 234 House of Commons Ottawa 2017
Lidl name is that of an associate of Josef Schwarz, Ludwig Lidl, a retired teacher from whom Dieter, the son of Joseph, bought the rights to his name for the sum of 1000 Marks, that the name of Schwarzmarkt ( "market Schwarz") is not ready to confusion with the homonymous term meaning in German "black market".
Note: Muslims hate Jews but Jews like Muslims with money, is absurd, money does not smell and religion?
In 1972 the company headquarters moved to Neckarsulm in Baden-Württemberg. Josef Schwarz opened its first hard discount supermarket in 1973 Ludwigshafen. Dieter Schwarz, took over the estate of the case on the death of his father in 1977. Lidl then has a network of 30 subsidiaries. Subsequently, the activities in the field of food discount stores (small areas) pass under the banner Lidl.
Dieter Schwarz holds the third fortune of Germany and the 23rd wealth of the planet and he cares about the future and German ancestors and the Christian culture of Europe.
We muslims hate Christians anf Francophones in Quebec
Hide Cross at the National Assembly of Quebec to please the left intellectuals, Islamists, and without panties, Quebec whose ancestors were Christians
Dieter Schwarz pointed us nou must not offend, we have to support them in their crusade to conquer the German and European territory as desired German Chancellor Angela Merkel. We must destroy Western civilization as requested by our Chancellor.
Hypocrisy Christians, Western
The Edit Company has amputated the cross on the dome of the church Christians not to offend Muslims who buy their products but retain the word "Halal" that offends Christians that matter to the company Lidl,the German company, a country Christian Merkel, the Salafist Justin Trudeau as Canada's selfie mosques.
Hide this cross, in the Mediterranean, that I can not see Allah in the distance to stone our Christian civilizations!
Forced to explain, the company has taken refuge behind the argument of respect for all beliefs. As we often say in America, bull shit. In Saudi Arabia, the crosses are banned, why because they are stoning Christians, line item, they respect them, but not you Dieter Schwarz because you are not a respectable and respected man. It is very surprising for a German to a French yes, but a German, I would have thought, but you leech Angela Merkel, the treacherous,it must depend on you all the collaborators.
Justin Trudeau at House of Commun in Ottawa
Why remove the cross? Because the company wanted to avoid excluding any religious belief. And also because it displays its accession to the sacrosanct "Islamic diversity." By embracing a Christian symbol, not risk it not to offend those who do not recognize him?
Politico fiendish barbarity religion worldwide Salafis, the Koran, sharia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Pakistan, etc. Theresa May
He had to neutralize the brand. It certainly will be a coward behavior, deflated, funky, loose as the Premier of Quebec dishonorable Philippe Couillard. Suppose however that that is really his concern. Let's really the company wants a culturally neutral environment and that is totally wrong in my opinion.
But why take for its advertising landscape is inseparable from its Christian dimension?
Is there not here a huge hypocrisy? It wants to reap the beauty of a landscape shaped by a civilization and religion, but at the last moment, asked the latter to disappear, because it bothers us anyway.
We want the Christian world as long as it quietly consent to sacrifice? If I would be, I would have taken pictures of the day of sacrifice when the barbarians that stand the blows of the lambs,their full bloods shirts, walk the streets of Berlin, hanging a few Berliners on the fly for the raped entry to the fold before eating stalls or mosque smiling before your cowardice for having left them penetrated and invade your homes as currently doing the destroyer of Canada, the selfie, the Honorable Justin Trudeau, with his guests illegal immigrants.

The West is Christian, no offense to the Salafist shit, she will do it, Emmanuel Macron
What you have done Mr. Dieter Schwarz and several other managers or owners of companies or industries you knelt in front of religions, religious just waiting to see if you are able to stand up. I know you can as you root out billions and you stand in front of the rapists, a religion that offers only the death of the human, and you do rebel not like Christians should. Have you lost your balls?
The Germans and Europeans expect the likes of firm answers to these destroyers of the West and to put them in their place in their deisrt preferred or shut up. If they do not like our manners and customs they disappear and this well for us, we do not want that shit here.
In a sense, we want to erase the signature of the work, we want to erase her identity, we want to tear its roots. How not to see in the gum blow to delete a form of unconscious cruelty itself? How not to see a destructive reflex?
Stories of lack of nationalist, cultural and Christian value of Mr. Dieter Schwarz and Angela Merkel
Is this really the society we want: one where the mere presence of the crucifix scandal, even when it is at its place more natural?

This has nothing of a news item. Rather it is a telling fact or if you prefer, a symptom. Symptom of on their stomatch before the adversary the devil, criminals, Salafists who destroy good Muslims to become terrorists with the support of our elected officials.
Our civilization tends to want to apologize to exist. And it seeks to almost frantically erase everything that reminds her Christian past, as if stained the image we want to project today.
Yet there is here a frightening ingratitude. How, in the tumultuous times that are ours, could a civilization survive if it believes offend humanity in assuming its tradition, its memory and distinguishing marks?
Symptoms whores, elites of our elites to our National Assemblies, they all lowered their panties to get fucked by petrodollars
can have faith or not, but here it is not the question at all. We simply can not reduce the historical monuments to simple decorations sanitized postcards. It is a matter of decency.

Emmanuel Macron, president of France
and the fight begins to put the cross on the church Santorini Greece Mr. Dieter Schwarz
"The fight against Islamist terrorism (is) the first priority of our foreign policy. Yes, I speak of Islamist terrorism and I fully assume the use of the adjective" said the head of the State, assuring that "otherworldliness is not needed in this regard."
The Christian West is no offense to other religions and religious

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