samedi 9 septembre 2017

Emmanuel Macron, President of France - Terrorists are Islamists, Musulmans practicing the Qur'an point line and that one is the say once and for all

Emmanuel Macron, President of France - Terrorists are Islamists,  Musulmans practicing the Qur'an point line and that one is the say once and for all
Justin Trudeau,Prime unnecessary selfie, Canada, Philippe Couillard Prime Minister of Canada, Rachel Notley,Prime Minister of the Islamic veil pathetic Alberta NDP symbolically cutting the head of sheep to emphasize the non-integration of Muslims wanted to the original Canadians and approved by the actions of Rachel Notley, populist, Denis Coderre,the dictatorial mayor of Montreal welcoming royally immigrants illegal paid by taxpayers who pull the devil by the chef.
Kathleen Wynne,Premier of Ontario veiled visiting terrorist, Pakistani Muslim Zunera Ishad in Mississauga,Ontario, the city Mecca organizations terrorist Canadian Salafi Islamists Including several ministers and Liberal MPs are from the House of Commons of the Government of Canada in Ottawa.
And the propaganda minister, the Honorable Mélanie Joly, veiled Salafi, government networks, CBC, CBC, RDI, sows billions the of multiculturalism Justin Trudeau to accomplish the total disappearance of Canadian identity complete as ordered by the father of traitor Pierre Elliott Trudeau's Charter of rights and freedoms for minorities.
Denis Coderre,Montreal Mayor blind dictator of a city sanctuary sheltering royally at the Olympic Park and in style with all the media in the first lodge with the Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard,MPs and ministers, and they do not care for all the Canadians and Quebecers legal laws which they themselves legislated as they are above the law.  

Premiers and ministers do not even respect their own laws they voted themselves
According to the Premier of Quebec, the survivor ofSaudiArabia,salfiste,  police and national security can not make any verification them, as well as journalists as they are on the scale forensic audit at 4.
the normal citizen, and white, the Christian born in Quebec and French-speaking Quebecers of origin that pays its taxes and taxes and work for little pay to die hungry, "THESE DIRTY DOGS " these idiots, these taxpayers do wind pay all costs for the terrorists, refugees, illegal immigrants can have all the services they never had in their country of origin and they never paid here, and they  never pay.
And as the icing on the cake will not be good enough for them, Amir Khadir, anarchists, terrorists, imams blithely declaring their hatred in mosques, Jaggi Singh,who goofs off with his ten fingers as sow shit and this anarchist and friend of Québec Solidaire (QS).
Et the media, Jean-Luc Chartrand, CBC, propagandists Justin Trudeau,intellectuals, imams who call stops without accommodations unreasonable that never want to integrate and give a little company that has welcomed with open arms,  pure selfish Salafists as it is dictated in the dictatorship of the Koran,feminists and others.
Denial TO APPOINT THEIR NAMES Religions Murderers and false

Our elites with their heads bowed to the ground, which aplaventissent as earthworms, leeches, coliforms, cockroaches, cockroaches, bedbugs those in power, these multi no conscience, no dignity, nationalism, here the rompistes GENTLEMEN JUSTIN TRUDEAU, PHILIPPE COUILLARD, DENIS CODERRE, LADIES MARIHAN LOPEZ, DOLORES CHEW and companies.
Give all their media collaborations, financial, journalistic, religious impostors these disbelievers in their Crusades, THE NAME OF ALLAH or other religions TO KILL ALL CHRISTIANS AND JEWS TO INSTALL THEIR Y DOMINATIONS BARBARIANS, SERVITUDES, INHUMAN AryanSÉGRÉGRATIONISMES , bestial PEDOPHILE ETC. ".
So long as these politicallyincorrect,these demagogues, these schemers truths, invertebrates populist,and the media of the entire planet, including those in Muslim countries will not go far as to demand the deletion of this political religion and medieval barbarism to evolve, there will be terrorists in our courts. First, imams in mosques should denounce their religion and harm the inhuman behavior of anti religion called Islam.
Emmanuel Macron, Islamic terrorist attack Western
President Emmanuel Macron has set Tuesday, August 29, 2017,the fight against Islamist Muslim terrorism to the heart of French diplomacy and assured that he would return to France "independent" rank in the world, in his first foreign policy speech to french diplomats.
"The security of French is the purpose of our diplomacy, this requirement is visceral and we must respond without faltering," he told the head of state to over 150 French ambassadors gathered at the Elysee Palace for the traditional diplomatic comeback.
Fixing his diplomats "three main axes," the security, independence and influence of France, Mr Macron declined in a long inventory of the state of the world, its desire for France "resuming his rank among nations "and" able to be heard. "
President Emmanuel Macron "The fight against Islamist terrorism is the top priority of our foreign policy.
Yes, I speak of Islamist terrorism and I fully assume the use of the adjective" said the head of the State, assuring that "otherworldliness is not needed in this respect" claimed the president of France, Emmanuel Macron

Justin Trudeau, Angela Merkel, Denis Coderre, Régis Labeaume, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Theresa May, Pope Francis, Amir Khadir, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, François Legault Rachel Notley Kathleen Wynne Thomas Mulcair, RDI, Radio-Canada-Jean-François Lisée, magazine Marianne - Le Figaro - State Free TV in France - TV2, TV3, UQAM - Feminists - Intellectuals - Take in the seed.
Terrorists are Muslims, Islamists, Muslims, men pajamas, a Muslim who does not work on social assistance and pogne ass of French girls whose judges release with Islamic nationalist anti compassion on the street, according to the president from France. Donald Trump, the US president is the only one who has awakened the sleeping vultures.

"Daech (Arabic acronym for the Islamic State group) is our enemy," insisted Mr Macron, adding that "the return of peace and stability in Iraq and Syria is a vital priority for France." Mr. Emmanuel Macron,which shocked the Syrian opposition in June saying he saw no legitimate successor to President Bashar al-Assad assured that "the reconstruction of the rule of law in Syria should be accompanied justice for the crimes committed, particularly by the leaders. "

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