lundi 23 février 2015

Boko Haram has friends and emissaries to Ottawa Justin Trudeau and the liberal party

Boko Haram has friends and emissaries to Ottawa
Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party
I congratulate the Canadian Multiculturalism giving us the opportunity to invade you
Boko Haram, officially called Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Wal-Lidda'Awati Jihadجماعة اهل السنة للدعوة والجهاد,"SunniGroup for Preaching and Jihad"), is amovement Salafi Jihadist northeastern Nigeria aiming to apply Sharialaw in the country.

Foundedby Mohammed Yusuf in 2002 in Maiduguri,the movement is classified as a terrorist organization by the United Nations Security Council and sometimes called cult.
Advocating a Islam, rigorous and radicalthe movement was first claimed an affiliation with the AfghanTaliban,before teaming theses jihadistsofAl Qaeda and theIslamicState.The movement is behind many attacks and massacres against civilians of all faiths in Nigeria but also in Cameroon. Its current leader is AbubakarShekau.
The ideology of the movement has evolved considerably since its creation in 2002 by Mohammed Yusuf in Maiduguri,but the objective remains the application of Sharialaw in Nigeria.
The official name of the movement, Jama'atu Ahlis Sunna Wal-Lidda'Awati Jihad means "Sunni Group for Preaching and Jihad." BokoHaram,its abbreviated name in Hausa,can be translated as "Western education is a sin".
Boko Harammassacres
BokoThe word (from book, "book" in English,but this etymology is disputed) is a Latin alphabet, created by the colonial authorities to transcribe  oral Hausalanguage,and by extension refers to thesecularschool.The word Haram means "forbidden" or "unlawful" in Islam.
While claiming to its original parentage with Islamism Salafist and the Taliban Afghan,Boko Haramis frequently referred sectto.
According to Marc-Antoine Perouse de Montclos of theResearch Institute forDevelopment,"the group reflects both the cult and the social movement. From the beginning, it is by its sectarian religiousintransigence,its cult of the leader, techniques of indoctrination, his intolerance towards other Muslims and its functioning in isolation.
"Accordingto him, his speech is also very heterodox "doctrine of Boko Haram does not really fit the model: Wahhabiit is a sect that indoctrinates and uses magic. Some followers of Boko Haram wear amulets,which does not really look like Al Qaeda"AccordingToulouse.
Guidere,a professor at theUniversity of  - JeanJaurès, Boko Haram sect was until 2009 before becoming an Islamist insurgency after the death of its founder MohammedYusuf.
Boko Haram request your help to destroy the West
According to the BBC,membership of the group to Al Qaeda would be subject to bond because both factions have different objectives. Although both opposed to modernity and Western values, Boko Haram is characterized by attacks against civilian and not just against Western interests populations.
However, from 2010 and especially attacks the summer of 2011,it is possible that Boko Haram has established links with Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), formerSalafist Group for Preaching and Combat Algeria.
However, Bertrand MonnetEDHEC,the agenda of Boko Haram is "exclusively Nigerian" and "does not advocate the international jihad", contrary to its dissident branch Ansaru.
In a video broadcast on 13 July 2014, Abubakar Shekau supports both Abu Bakral-Baghdadi, Caliph of theIslamicState, Aymanal-Zawahiri, Emir ofal-Qaida and MullahOmar, Talibanleader.
Some Liberals of Canada and Quebec, Islam is the safety, tolerability, fundamentalism and the peace that will soon be the new Western values.
On 5 January 2015 Shekau announced its intention to recover oldCaliphateterritories. SokotoTen days later, in a new video, Abubakar Shekau exposes its ideological doctrine and refers to Ibn Taymiyya and Muhammad ibn Abdal-Wahhab.According Romain Caillet, researcher at theFrench Institute for the NearEast,in the light of this statement it appears that Boko Haram "Is thus not a fundamentally different jihadi group from the Middle East.
"Inthe next Canadian election, you should think about your safety and that of your children for the future. What do you think?

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