mardi 10 février 2015

Is there a difference in the Government of Quebec and a black hole in astrology

Is there a difference in the Government of Quebec
and the black hole in astrology?
What is a black hole?
The ball marks the area where light and matter can not escape , is called the"event horizon."
Black Hole M-106
is sometimes called the "surface" of the black hole, although the term is somewhat incorrect (there is not a solid or gaseous surface like the surface a planet or a star).It is not an area that has special characteristics: an observer who would cross the horizon would not feel anything special this timeour.  It's like with the Government of Québec it taken off us our monies and  assets gradually, it hurtsless.
However,he would realize that he could not escape from this region if trying to turn around. It is a kind of point of noreturn.In essence, this is a situation that is somewhat similar to that of a swimmer who would move away from the coast. For example, if the swimmer may only swim two kilometers, it will not feel anything if he leaves to more than a kilometer from the coast; but if it should turn back, he will realize that he does not have enough energy to reach the shore.
In contrast, an observer located in the vicinity of the horizon seen that time flows differently for him and for an observer located far from the black hole. If he sends light signals at regular intervals (eg one second), then the observer near the black hole will receive more energy signals (frequency of light signals will be higher as a result of the blue shift suffered by the light falling toward the black hole) and the time intervals between two consecutive signals will be shorter (less than one second, so).
Philippe Couillard embodies the black hole of Quebec cunning as the devil
This observer will have the impression that time is faster flowing to his colleague stayed away from the black hole than for him. Conversely, the observer stayed away from the black hole will evolve his colleague growing slowly over time in the latter seeming to flow more slowly.
If the remote observer sees an object falling into a black hole, the twophenomena time expansion and redshift will combine. Potential signals emitted by the object will become redder, less light (light emitted loses more and more energy before reaching the distant observer) and more and more widely spaced.
In practice, the number of photons received by the distant observer will decrease rapidly, becoming zero: this time, the object being to fall into the black hole became invisible. Even if the remote viewer attempts to approach the horizon to recover the object he had the impression of seeing stop just before the horizon, it will remain invisible.
To an observer s' approaching a singularity, what are the effects of tide that will become important. These effects, which determine the deformation of an object (the body of an astronaut, for example) because of the heterogeneity of the gravitationalfield,will inevitably perceived by an observer approaching too close to a black hole or a singularity.
The area where the tidal effects become important is entirely within the horizon for supermassive black holes, but significantly encroach beyond the horizon of stellar black holes.
Thus, an observer approaching a stellar black hole would be shredded before passing the horizon, while the same observer would approach a supermassive black hole safely spend the horizon. It would still inevitably destroyed by tidal effects,approaching the singularity.
The management of our money to the Government of Quebec?
There is no difference because both holes can not be filled and eat everything what is going on around him without considering the needs of taxpayers. In astrology, it's black hole eliminates the astral natural functions.  
But the Government of Quebec cram our leaders with a ferocious appetite, devouring everything in its path, eliminating any competition, creating laws and ministries seeing that everything belongs to him . The taxpayer is the source that should contribute to 100 percent for fattening of a group of privileged individuals in opposition of the people.  

This system has been in place for several years with boyfriends, with a common point of politician or the officer is to fill stockings wool for his family and well-being very personal. Therefore there is no difference between the Mafia, the Quebec government or astral black hole. All the particles fly and fled in a large bag for their own good that is still no end in finding all the ways to scam people. This is a spendthrift for the wealthy as I often say it is the social welfare of the rich and elite.

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