Muslim Brotherhood has already won the Canada
December 2010: The leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in encouraging Muslims to "conquer the world through Halal movement"
For Point de Bascule | 21 March 2012 |
The goal of Islamists involved in the halal c is to control all stages ranging from production, transportation, marketing of products. This is what brings Mustafa Ceric to advocate the conquest of the world via the halal. Contrary to what many commentators argue Quebec, halal far beyond the issue of blessing chickens Olymel.
In a speech in Islamabad (Pakistan) in December 2010 to delegates at a conference on halal (Global Halal Congress) Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mustafa Ceric urged Muslims to"conquer., the world through Halal movement"
at the time the statement was reported by the Daily Mail Islamabad (archived on GMBDR): "The Grand Mufti of Bosnia Herzegovina, Dr. Mustafa Ceric urged the Muslim Ummah to conquer the world through Halal movement ".
Mustafa Ceric (Ciric) is part of the European Council for Fatwa and Research,an organization that brings together leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood and led by their spiritual leader Youssef Qaradawi. Jamal (Gamal) Badawi, another network leader based in NovaScotia,is also part of the Council. Badawi was one of the directors of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), the main organization of the Muslim Brotherhood in the country from 2002 to 2006. He is still involved in the direction of several other organizations in the Islamic Brotherhood in America North.
The exhortation to conquer launched by Mustafa Ceric is in addition to many other supremacist statements Islamist leaders from different periods. Point de Bascule reported in several in an article entitled "The Islamic conquest of project"said.
In July 2011, before his supporters of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) met in Dallas (TX), Tariq Ramadan " it should be us, with our understanding of Islam with our principles positively colonize the United States ofAmerica."The transcript of the main excerpts of the speech is available on Point de Bascule.
In January 2012, Tariq Ramadan was appointed director of a new research center Shariah based in Qatar. At the official announcement, he was accompanied by Mustafa Ceric and Youssef Qaradawi.
Canadian Muslim Association
In a memorandum written in 1991 and produced as evidence in trials for terrorist leaders in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) in the United States in 2007 and 2008, the Muslim Brotherhood urged the use of institutions and principles in Western societies to destroy them from within:
(Translation PDEB) "The Muslim Brotherhood should understand their implementation work in America as a kind greatjihad to eliminate, to destroy it from within Western civilization and sabotaging its miserable abode to thereligion of Allah be victorious over all other religions. (...) It is a Muslim's destiny than to lead jihad no matter where it is located and until his last breath Terrorism.
"InvestigativeProject on Understanding in Arabic and English translation
GMBDR (25 November 2008): Leaders of the Holy Land Foundation recognized guilty on all charges (Holy Land Foundation Leaders Found Guilty On All Charges)
When the Muslim Brotherhood speak of "wagejihad",they do not necessarily speak to resort to terrorism but to do everything in their power to undermine Western Society inside. Thus, Youssef Qaradawi, the spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood, told his supporters in a fatwa in 2009 that they should participate in interfaith dialogue to convert Christians and Jews. In a 1990 speech, he told them to do it to discourage Christian leaders to support other Christians involved in conflicts with Muslims. At the time, Qaradawi had mentioned the specific case of Sudan and the 2011).
Point de Bascule (9 September This sought by the Muslim Brotherhood when they participate in interfaith dialogue
Point de Bascule (31 August 2011): The interfaith conference in Montreal: a call for censorship
Islam Muslim Brotherhood is a doctrine ofwar,disinformation and sedition. The current use of halal is part of this strategy
"Destroy from within Western civilization and sabotaging its miserable abode" is what is on the agenda.
A gradual application of sharia
In his column of March 15, 2012 the issuance of Paul Houde (audio 1:21), Jean Lapierre spoke of a "lighthalal"to describe the fact that all the rules of halal found in the Sharia manuals are not applied to Olymelpresent.It would make our Islamists pushing for halal Quebec moderate while those terms apply 100% would radicals. Is to misunderstand how the Islamists proceed to implement Sharia law.
The rules of the Shariah manuals are ideal. These are the goals of the Islamists. They work to implement some of these short-term arrangements and other longer term. The rate at which they apply their methods of halal program is based on the balance of power they get to settle in an area. In a text in December 2011, Youssef Qaradawi specifically encouraged to "use the gradualism in the implementation of the Sharia law.
"Tounderstand the implications of the halal certification programs, it is important to consider the reports that organizations that provide accreditation have with the infrastructure of the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist organizations that use the blessing chickens or other symbolic operations as a lever to banning non-halal products in the societies where they operate.
More movement halalis gainingmomentum in a given society, the more Islamist coercion shall be exercised against those who refuse to comply with their requirements. So is the ban on ham sandwiches in Malaysia to threats of Muslim taxi drivers pose to the economic survival of the companies that hire them when they refuse to carry alcohol.
The first example refers to a director School of Kuala Lumpur who wrote to the parents of hisstudents non-Muslim to advise them that their children could not bring non-halal lunches to school "out of respect for Islam is the official religion of the country and respect for the operator of the cafeteria. " (Jihad Watch - July 26, 2004)
At the Minneapolis airport, Muslim taxi drivers directly threaten the economic survival of the company they work for refusing to pick up passengers carrying alcohol. In a society based on respect for individual rights, a taxi driver should be able to refuse clients. By cons, in return, his boss should be able to dispose of his services because he has violated his contract. The Islamists have understood that several clauses of our charters give precedence to supposed collective rights interest groups the expense of individual rights and exploit fully thisseam.
The smallest minority, remember, it is the individual and not an interest group. Freedom of religion is to be able to make its own resources to develop its own institutions. It does not mean you can force other people to conform to the precepts they refuse. Taxi drivers who do not wish to transport alcohol always have the option of starting their own company and to openly display halal. No one should have to live with their adherence to Halal and their refusal to carry alcohol. (Jihad Watch - February 28, 2007)
All that leads to haram(non-halal)is haram and will be opposed by the Islamists
By accepting the moral authority of Islamist organizations that give them the green light to sell their products, companies that pass halal establish a precedent that these organizations are bound to invoke the latest when will pose new requirements for granting certification.
The spiritual guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Youssef Qaradawi, devotes a specific passage from his book The lawfulness and unlawful in Islam (The Lawful and Prohibited in Islam the) encompassing the appearance of halal(Translation
PDEB) Another Islamic principle is that if something is forbidden, all that leads to it is also prohibited. Thus, Islam is to block all roads to haram (non-halal).
(...) Muslim jurists have established that everything that contributes or leads to haram is haram.
(...) Thus, in the case alcoholicbeverages,the Prophet cursed not only the drinker but also one that produces drinks, the one who serves, to whom they are payable, the one who gets paid for them, etc. (Page 22)
The goal of Islamists involved in the halal, it is to control all stages ranging from production, transportation, marketing of products. Therefore Mustafa Ceric can reasonably speak of "conquering the world via the halal movement." If it was just a chicken blessing Olymel as many Quebec commentators try to present the matter, the Muslim Brotherhood would not have the ambitions to conquer their leader Ceric expressed.
As as Islamist organizations increase their requirements for granting halal certification, they will organize targeted action against companies that refuse to comply. In 2000, when the Justice Party and Muslim Brotherhood Development in Morocco tried to block reforms favorable to the status of women that the king wanted to bring to the Family Code, they resorted to what Dominique Lagarde called it to the Express technical landing (inzal). In this case, Islamist militants arrived in number to meetings discussing the reform of the family code, they monopolized the floor, etc.
In the case of campaigns against companies that refuse to go to halal, one has s expect to similar pressures to those Islamists and their allies against thecarrying storethe Walker Montreal to force it to close its doors because it sells shoes made in Israel. Siege of companies that sell Israeli products, it is also halal.
The legitimacy of the use of force to enforce the Sharia and impose halal
far will the Islamists to impose halal? In Chapter 4 of his book on Priorities of the Islamic Movement (Priorities of the Islamic Movement in the Coming Phase), Youssef Qaradawi says that Islam permits the use of force to eliminate this evil in every time it ' possible ("changing wrong by strength can whenever").
In a text published on Islam On Line in 2011, Qaradawi wished to recall that offensive jihad (attacking non-Muslims on their territory) is indeed part of this he defends. The decision of the Muslim Brotherhood to use force depends only on tactical considerations, the level of support they receive in a given region, etc.
The discounts certification and zakat funds the Islamist conquest program.
When reporting on the halal aired during the show Mario Dumont At noon on 13 March, the representative of Olymel acknowledged that his company paid "several thousand dollars" per year for halal certification. (Audio 5:52)
Muslims merchants that sell halal products must also give back some of their profits in the form of zakat (obligatory contribution to Muslim authority). The h8.7-h8.18 sections of Sharia manual Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller - dependence of the traveler) specify that zakat can be used to pay for three categories of people: those who collect zakat, for people in need and those who lead the jihad. The Sharia manual is endorsed by the International Institute of Islamic Thought, an organization of the Muslim Brotherhood based in the United States close to Mustafa Ceric.
Insist that halal products are properly identified is far from being an eccentric request. This is nothing less than a national security issue. In other countries, civil libertarians have taken a proactive approach and
established agencies to ensure that they certify the meat comes from animals that have been rendered insensible before slaughter and that no profit from the sale of the products they certify will be paid to thefinancing of Islamicjihad.
© Alain Laprise June 17, 2014
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