mercredi 18 février 2015

Syed Soharwardy Iman Terrorist Ideology in Canada Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard what they think about it?

Terrorist ideology Iman Syed Soharwardy
Terrorist ideology is preached in mosques and Canadian universities and Ottawa is slow to stop the "brainwashing", a Senate committee has heard.

Calgary Imam Syed Soharwardy made ​​the comments Monday to Senate Standing Committee national security and defense.

He said that Canada is under threat that intolerance is preached to young people across the country.

"I was in a Friday prayer inTorontoand the imam there, with nearly 300 400 people pray openly said: "When you see a non-Muslim to come to a street on the other side, do not give him a way; try to block it so he or she can just go against the wall, "said Soharwardy deputies.

The imam also criticized the organizations based in Canada that organize academic conferences to"brainwash young children.

"Sohardwardy,that is Pakistan, said that the culprits are the ultimatesects Wahhabi Salafi  of Islam that are prevalent in Saudi Arabia.
He accused the Saudis to get young Canadians Gulf States, and said that "Five boys" Vancouver intend to do a "little pilgrimage."
Salafi terrorist sect of Islam

"We need to look at that carefully," he has said. "What's the point to go? Why are they taking the free? Who hires?"

Saudis Related Groups have raised red flags in Canada.
In 2012, the Canada Revenue Agency has revoked the status of charity of the World Assembly of MuslimYouth.The Mississauga, Ont., The group had links with organizations based in Saudi Arabia, which funneled money to al Qaeda and the Taliban, the alleged CRA.

Soharwardy also mentioned the Canadian government links to oil-rich state.

"Saudi Arabia is ... a very close ally of the United States and Canada," said the imam. "We have a very good relationship. But Saudi Arabia is the breeding ground of this ideology that creates a terrorist.
"BarackObama in Saudi Arabia

Many Saudis, nourished the roots of the pureIslam,the strictschool Wahhabiof Sunni Islam in Saudi Arabia, were encouraged to join the ranks of the Islamic State .
The idea that the Islamic state has nothing to do with Islam and shatters.
Back home, some of these jihadists have carried out attacks against the Shiite minority.
No one would, Saudi Arabia, say that they do not represent Islam as the state European leaders. He who dares it would be considered blasphemy and imprisoned.
The royal family al-Saud, worried, trying to reduce the influence of the Wahhabis, the . ultraconservative teachings and sending fighters into the ranks of the Islamic state threatens the stability and security of the
country,however, Saud sail on the razor's edge, "it is the Wahhabis that offer Saud legitimacy. Politically, they are weak. Their power is based mainly on bail and religious recognition offered by Sunni imams, "said Mohsen al-Awaji, an Islamicactivist.

Up to now, the Saud house had taken steps to" control "the sermons of imams and had slowly inducted some more modern religious in key positions of the state to instill feelings of national identity outside the religious context and to distance militants from the Islamic state.
It is nothing of a modern turn. Saudi Arabia is the most fundamentalist countries in theworld,"approvedby Philippe Couillard Quebec premier" and the royal family does not cut the precepts of Wahhabism.
They want to do is push anationalistWahhabism,with a more modern face to give a better image of the kingdom abroad, economically acceptable, "explains Stéphane Lacroix in Saudi Islamists.
The Wahhabidoctrine,the birthplace of Islam, considers Shiites as heretics, opposed all relations with non-Muslims,prohibits mixing, refuses democracy and impose a strict interpretation of Sharia law, and demands the return to the practices of the first Muslims.
Islam, that's it .
When Muslims say "not in my name" (not in my name) to denounce the actions of the Islamic State, they are placed in position of apostasy in Islam.

Any person, be it the President or Prime Minister a European country, says the Islamic state has nothing to do with Islam is wrongfollowing:.
Reproduction authorized with the  © Jean-Patrick Grumberg

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