Marihan Lopez and Dolores Chew - JUGS WOMEN Federation of Quebec "THE MORE THE FOOLS OF THE WORLD 'THAT APPROVE segregation ISLAMIC RELIGIOUS
The most absurd political correctness pushed to its degree and further evidence of the drift of a certain intellectual left professors from UQAM, student associations, Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, with two faces, and journalists from Radio-Canada and Mélanie Joly of this politically incorrect world Salafist Liberal in Ottawa ....
the pernicious about, incestuous, malicious, racist, harmful, immoral, unhealthy, harmful, ruinous, noxious, ashamed, extremist devastating disaster, fatal, morbid, perverse , pestilential, devilish, Quran, Salafi, Charianique, evil, harmful, etc. ?
Excerpts these cunts very well paid by public money printed bold.
"The Quebec Federation Folles is outraged and deeply saddened by what the Prime Minister Philippe Couillard held June 22,2017:" Islam can not be separated acts committed in its name. "
Islam is full of compassion
A cat meows and a dog barks, and the Fédération des femmes du Québec ... .. Ladies words must be said that they are such. Due to the world, one of the only religions that indoctrinate and terrorizing is Islam, Muslims, barbarians destroyed humans with your approval by pushing your head in the sand.
I have always said: feminist movements always destroy the battles of real women in their activities by not thinking with their brains and minds but frustration and hatred wanting to be compared to males instead of thinking before speaking to show their greatness.
Some in feminist movements, such as your destroying what Muslim women fighting for hundreds of years for their freedom in their countries they suffer slavery, and YOU, THE QUEBEC STUPIDS YOU DO NOT OF AMALGAMS. GAUTHIER BERNARD RAMBO WAS RIGHT RETURNED TO DO YOUR HOMEWORK.
Such amalgam is shameful! They say under their skirts as the Federation would like women to be beaten and executed when their husbands want to get rid of them, of their slaves. The barbarians, Muslim terrorists, Islamists are within their rights to kill Westerners, Christians and Jews by the Federation of Quebec Silly, ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew.
Quebec turd Federation is brain research, Françoise David
"In the current climate of rising Islamic racism, his Nazism,the purity of his blood, of Islamophobic our Canadian prime ministers, and ministers and deputies, and Justin Trudeau Prime Minister of Canada,fueled by a populist, whose support of Justin Trudeau and his ministers and MPs in Ottawa, gain some "legitimacy". Also, the Prime Minister's words are particularly pernicious with systemic racism. It's not just a question of political correctness.
Well knowing the volatility of Gabriel Nadeau Dubois and Amir Khadir of Québec solidaire they will make the next workhorse at the next election to hold women in slavery with the Quebec Women's Federation favors the full support and close their eyes .
"Is the Liberal Party in the process of joining the populist wave for electoral purposes? We ask the Prime Minister Philippe Couillard to correct his remarks quickly to not feed the ambient current of racism and Islamophobia.
"For the first time the Prime Minister of Quebec stood up and told the unvarnished truth . So the Federation of Women of Quebec, Shutup!Congratulations for his courage as for him, I think he stopped sleeping to say these things to his friends who keep him in power.
First, what are the words of Mr. Couillard have to do with feminism?
What FEDERATION OF QUEBEC WOMEN just do it? Feminists should mind their own business and close their mouths and help women flouted by the Koran, Sharia and Islam, and bearded.
It seems to me that this organization subsidizes it to defend the rights of women, not he fight against a supposed "Islamophobia" which is not one.
The tared of the Federation of Women of Quebec
Second, the Prime Minister does not say that all Muslims are Islamists. He said that Islam still has something to do with Islam.
In the words of the great writer Salman Rushdie, MUSLIM, in an interview with L'Observateur, magazine of news in France,just a few weeks, "MUST STOP THIS BLINDNESS Stupid FROM ONISLAM": "When the Daech people, the Islamic State, blow themselves up, they do it by saying "Allahu Akbar!"In the name of Allah or Jesus Christ" So how can we therefore say that this has nothing to do with Islam? We must stop this stupid blindness as you all!
"We are in fundamental disagreement with those leftists who do everything to separate the fundamentalist, extremist Islam. For fifty years, Islam has been radicalized, and terrorizing the world. Only Donald Trump has the courage to kill these Salafi Islamists.
"And you the Fédération des femmes du Québec approved the Islamic State terrorists, rape your daughters, mothers what kind are you to close your eyes to such kinds as federations paid by Quebecers taxpayers? You are shame to all men and women when you mean something as obscene is villainous your part.
If these deadly attacks that put the planet at fire and blood have nothing to do with Islam, the great gods, they have to do with anything, certainly not with the Pope Francis, or the Archbishop of Montreal, but with Adil Charkaoui who walks free as air to indoctrinate our youth and the Federation of Quebec protects women with false statements and public comments?
You destroy all women currently in place to improve conditions in the city of Quebec. Come to Montreal, the Muslim city par excellence, and you will see 10 people you will see at least two veiled or reading the Quran in the Metro.
Montreal today an immigrant world without culture
is easy to live in the city of Quebec with Mr. Labeaume but some mosques in Montreal, it's not the same, Montreal is like in London in Paris, these are cities that have lost their identities and have become multicultural, at the Justin Trudeau, no crop, we became residents veiled, so to speak. We are not Canadians or Quebecers, we are immigrants from other immigrants.
Islam is a religion of peace and love
You, the Federation of Women of Quebec are doing just the opposite. Your politically correctly take you to be responsible for deadly abused women, unable to flourish throughout their lives, outright slavery, the Koran, sharia, Islam this qu'amène Muslims or Islamists regular, moderate, extremist, extremists as great at the gas pump.
This will depend on how their parents carbureted have this Quranic hatred during their childhoods with extremist and terrorist imams to destroy the West and kill Christians and Jews.
The Prime Minister Couillard asks Quebecers Muslims To fight against evil that plagues their community and help us neutralize the radicals who shed blood in the name of their religion. This religion, Islam is racist, vile, murderous, backlog, inhuman nazi. It's racist, right? This is the first time he speaks honestly Quebec.
As often said in comments Mrs. Denise Bombardier, when writing texts, many people do not understand the meaning of his writing because they have a lack of intellectual understanding.Perhaps it is the case of the Fédération des femmes du Québec, there are sessions at daycare from early childhood to learn French at affordable costs
We believe on the contrary that it is quite normal to this request and Emmanuel Macron currently President of France at the request of all Muslims of France. Furthermore, if the United States, Muslims do not begin to decry the Salafist terrorists, Donald Trump does not interfere to raid them.
Afterwards Muslim countries wanting to keep links and money and power with the US, also start to clean their countries these Salafi Islamists, the Muslim terrorists, these populists you the Federation of Women of Quebec, intellectuals who worship them, the left, they will move you to the guillotine, one after another.
Political contests among elites and politicians now, the terrorists have already taken the beautiful game, but their goals will soon arrive. The joys of imams in mosques advocating the death of the West will come to an end too. Petrodollars talk again and Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Gulf countries want to be the new super-rich in the world and they need the West for it.
Islam we can depuce our pre-pubescent girls according to the prophet - Bilal Philips Imam
Eventually the forces will be rebalanced again reign investors, and Islam, the political-religious, if Elites Salafists do not want them they will just delete them. And the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the Muslim Salafist loses his bet to have a Charianique country.
In fact, the Prime Minister I salute the courage and the franchise for the first time, should not even ask it to Muslims Quebec. It should come naturally to MUSLIMS PROTEST TO DO ALL IN THE STREETS OF THE PROVINCE OF CANADA AND TO CLAIM THE DEPARTURES TERRORIST Salafi Islamists ...
A beautiful journey for all of you with scorpions in the desert, no toilets and your stool in the sand without toilet paper in the well bloodied anus and sandblasted
Finally, we have a compelling proposition for tripped the Fédération des femmes du Québec Ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew.
We started a collection from the Muslim community and Adil Charkaoui will be our spokesman. With the funds, would you go to live in Iran, Saudi Arabia or Qatar for a year? Boko Haram awaits in Nigeria, handsome male, african, well muscled, from head to foot, passing by a long ventricular extension, currently built trenches for its veiled females from head to foot, he violates a every night, and after he gives to the lion as a prayer to Allah.
You see his sense of prayer is so well regarded that his jihadist followers, before giving them to the deer, they carry with them for several days. They communicate with Allah, this unique way to demonstrate their virility.
Try to open a branch of the Women's Federation od Quebec, Saudi Arabia, there, just for fun. You give us the news "Everyone talks about." Maybe Luka Rocco Magnotta will receive your head to Port Cartier prison.
Your flight schedule went only return uncertain, can be decapitated
Montreal, Quebec, Canada in Riyadh, SaudiArabia,Islamic democracy of the Federation of Women of Quebec
17: 45 -07: 05 7:20 min
Montreal (YUL) - Frankfort on-Main (FRA)
Lufthansa 479 - A340 stopover in Frankfurt
14: 40 - 21: 30 5:50 min
Frankfurt am Main (FRA) - Riyadh (RUH)
Lufthansa 622 Airbus A330
information below are the Government of Justin Trudeau, Canada's
Entry into the territory in Saudi Arabia to when you leave Ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew
On arrival in Saudi Arabia, the bags are usually inspected in detail.
It should respect the prohibitions on the import of certain goods to avoid their confiscation and painful search, including:
It should respect the prohibitions on the import of certain goods to avoid their confiscation and painful search, including:
alcohols and derivatives of alcohol (drugs, cosmetics, wines, chocolates)
non-Islamic religious articles
Products basic pigs, pigs
Books and printed character "subversive" or "immoral" (to the authorities)
Statues (statuary prohibited)
Drug (absolute prohibition on pain of death, public beheading)
Products from Israel (boycotts)
the work week runs from Sunday to Thursday.
Women whose ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew, are not allowed to drive cars, motorcycles or scooters or to ride a bicycle because they may lose their ovaries and be infertile according to the Qur'an and the Prophet .
If you are involved in an accident,do not touch anything before the arrival of the patrol, do not take financial arrangements with other drivers. If the accident has caused injuries, drivers can be held for several days, without regard to fault, until the liability has been established and there was compensation. In case of serious injury or death, the person responsible for the accident may have to pay compensation to the family of the victim.
Some Saudi cities have set up an automated system for monitoring traffic. Any contravention and received must be paid before leaving the country. Payment can be made at the airport, during normal hours of business.
Illegal or regulated activities
Are forbidden to criticize the royal family or Islam. Religious proselytism is prohibited.
Be careful if you discuss politics or religion. Freedom of expression as we have here are no ladies of the Women's Federation of Quebec.
The law prohibits law marriages, adultery and prostitution, which are subject to severe penalties, including the death penalty.
Dance, music and film are prohibited, except documentaries on the desert sand.
Audiovisual materials or printed, imported or produced in the country are subject to censorship.
Heavy penalties apply to those convicted of import, manufacture, possession and consumption of products containing alcohol, pork or narcotics. So no bacon in the morning, no eggs, only halal your plate, sprinkled with tea word of Allah and flour.
In Saudi Arabia righteousness is righteous
Saudi authorities will show no tolerance and do not distinguish between alcohol, soft drugs and hard drugs. Persons convicted of a drug offense can be sentenced to death or corporal punishment. You are not in Canada, prisons are not Club Med and the laws do not favor criminals and Canada, you are guilty before entering the trial.
It is prohibited to photograph official buildings (government offices, military establishments, etc.) and the holy places. Do not photograph people without their permission.
Travelers LGBTQ2
laws of Saudi Arabia prohibits sexual relations between persons of the same sex. Offenders are liable to the death penalty, decapitation, mutilation, torture, blowjobs, barbarities, Islamic copulation between male and another male.
The LGBTQ2 travelers should carefully weigh the risks a trip to Saudi Arabia. Consult the Canada pages on lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trisexuelles, transgender, allosexueles, two-spirit, LGBT, liberal, transgendered for details.
No special toilet for transgender people because they cut off your head
Clothing and behavior customs
Behavior customs, laws and regulations of the countries respect the practices and beliefs of Islam.Dress and behave soberly, and respect religious and social traditions to avoid offending local sensitivities, particularly in the holy cities (Mecca and Medina) and in mosques.
In Saudi Arabia there is no Catholic church, Christian and no synagogue. Religious freedom is required, only Islam, according to the principles of Justin Trudeau and the Federation of Women of Quebec.
Avoid physical contact in public (for example, hold someone's hand).
Women must meet the Saudi dress code and wear conventional and loose clothing including a long cloak (abaya) and a scarf covering the hair under penalty of prison. Men should not wear shorts in public or go out shirtless.Before you arrive, ask about acceptable attire.
Total freedom for men and women
Women whose ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew,can not mix with men in public unless accompanied by other family members. A woman found in the company of a man who is not a close relative can be charged with prostitution.
Restaurants have two sections: one for men and one for families and women with ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew, accompanied or not.
During the lunar month of Ramadan (the ninth month of the Muslim calendar), refrain from drinking, eating and smoking in public between sunrise and sunset. In 2018, Ramadan is to begin May 15 or close to that date.
Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice to the Quebec Federation of Women that this wonderful country has to offer
Democracy Sharia Sometimes the Mutawa (or religious police) harass, prosecute and assaulting foreigners seem not strictly observe the rules of conduct and dress code of the country. Often, agents Mutawa simply require too women cover their hair including ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew. These agents have special identity papers and are accompanied by uniformed policemen.
If they approach you, cooperate and ask to see their identification. Offer to accompany them to the nearest police station, but do not hand them your ID. If the police keeps your documents, notify your respondents.
Dual citizenship is not legally recognized
Dual citizenship is not legally recognized in Saudi Arabia. If local authorities consider you a Saudi citizen, they could refuse to give you access to Canadian consular services, preventing Canadian consular officials to provide these services.rights
Women families, including ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew, children under 18 years and daughters who are not married should have the permission of the head of the family or their guardians to leave the country or go out outside their home. The women,ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew,have no rights over their children as young as 5 years. Stoning and torture of women,ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew are legal if the husband required for adultery.
A Saudi man who wishes to marry a foreign woman must get permission from Saudi authorities. He must also sign a document giving the foreign woman and the children born of their union irrevocable permission to enter the country and leave without restriction. This law is in force since 20 February 2008 and is not retroactive. However, the foreign spouse and children may have difficulty leaving Saudi Arabia when they want because the husband has all the rights of children to kill.
Legal proceedings
The Saudi legal system is based on Sharia, Islamic barbarians. Court proceedings can be lengthy, laborious and very expensive. The suspects as well as witnesses of crime can be detained for long periods, years, without access to a lawyer or consular agent. If access to these services are permitted, it can be severely limited by the Saudi authorities. Consult a lawyer as soon as possible.
The authorities may impose a legal ban on travel to those who are involved in a case or a criminal investigation, or have unpaid debts. A Saudi citizen may also impose someone a travel ban.
Import and export
All electronic equipment that comes into Saudi Arabia or leaving the subject of a thorough check by the airport authorities. The pirated material or whose content is explicitly forfeited. If you refuse to submit to these rules, you risk detention or deportation. In case of expulsion, you will be barred from returning to Saudi Arabia for a lifetime.
It is forbidden to enter the country any object considered contrary to Islamic principles, no Christian or Jewish book, no freedom of speech, call for democracy, such as pornography, drugs, drugs, the alcohol and weapons.
Travel alone in Saudi Arabia, it's dangerous!
The decision to travel report to you alone. It is you alone are responsible for ensuring your personal safety abroad.
The Federation of Women of Quebec whose ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew maintains otherwise, vivid Islamist terrorists, NO AMALGAM PLEASE:
Eleven years of the life of a French woman in Saudi Arabia, the Islamic global democracy according to the Federation of women Quebec
Saudi women now claiming on social networks the right to get rid of male mentoring of law. They advance at their own pace, with measured steps, but they are moving in what I would call "a silent march."
I am a wife, mother and journalist, and I saw eleven years in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. I landed in this kingdom where women are not even "Queens". It is for reasons of job transfer I found myself in this austere country to follow my husband. Not much choice! It was from or being unemployed. You know the saying: "Between two evils, choose the lesser."
In addition, in 2005, my children were small. Mother of duty compels! I therefore put between brackets my journalistic activity. I admit that I hesitated a lot before opting for this destination.
I had read, I documented myself on the lives of women in Saudi Arabia,I could not see no attraction, no interest. My closest friends discouraged me from taking such a decision. Knowing me, they thought I was getting into a risky adventure and alienating; I,French,free to think of speaking and clothe me ...
Woman, journalist, double trouble!
You should know that there are eleven, but Saudi women Western women were not legion to work. They occupied lower positions, primarily in the areas of education and medical. Today, women are becoming more active in this corseted and patriarchal society. Despite the constraints, the Koranic rules imposed,no trying to live or survive. They advance at their own pace, with measured steps, but they are moving in what I would call a "silent march".
In this hostile environment to women,I had to put the "veil" on my principles, acquired long struggle by our grandmothers and mothers in my country,France that ladies Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew of Quebec Federation of Women has completely forgotten and she doesn't care.
Agree to be subservient to my husband, "tutor, my superior."
I have indeed no legal existence,like the Saudi women who currently claim on social networks the right to get rid of male mentoring of law.
Agree not lead to remain quietly sitting on the back seat of the vehicle. A look behind the glass smoke scroll the landscape of a city, Riyadh, perpetual construction. Forced to use private chauffeur companies. Expensive and burdensome.
I will long remember our arrest with my friend Madeha (activist for women's right to drive) and four long hours in the police station to "Olaya". We interviewed these women offenders. Our crime? Madeha was driving while I was interviewing for my 52-minute documentary "Saudi Arabia, women's words." In short, hell! This painful episode I recounted in my book "Revolution under the veil,"the First editions.
The Fédération des femmes du Québec glorifies the Koran and Sharia veiled women, whose Islamist Terrorists.Long live the nounounes Quebec Liberal vivid, lively leftist, populist political correct this time.
Martine Lopez and Dolores Chew Happy simple minds because Allah will veil them.