mardi 20 juin 2017

Salah Abdeslam, this Dirty son of a bitch Islam Salafist Terrorist of Multicultural Putter Mr. President Emmanuel Macron who killed FRENCH Not Punish

Salah Abdeslam Dirty son of a bitch Islam Salafist Terrorist of Whore Multicultural Mr. Chairman Emmanuel Macron that killed FRENCH Not Punished
2017 20 June - Salah Abdeslam is laughing about you all, he won his crusade
The sole surviving Commando of 13 November 2015 to appear for a shooting incident at the end of its run.
Salah Abdeslam, one of the terrorist commando of 13 November 2015 in Paris, will face his first trial in Belgium. He will be tried before the end of the year for their roles in a shootout with police in March 2016 in Brussels, during his run.
Mr. Chairman Emmanuel Macron you close your eyes deliberately to punish these Muslim terrorists who walk and run your government and your French and European institutions by not denouncing them and protecting them with your laws, your lies, your populist, your sold judges the Emirs of the Gulf.  
You and your compasses presidents, prime ministers Western, Queen of Europe, Angela Merkel you bend before the planetary evil barbarian Salafist Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other countries with Koranic this false religion which manufactures mentally retarded.
You should definitely take note of the will of the Prime Minister Columbia May who wants to escape these Islamists, these imams, preachers, these provocateurs, with their Koran, which is registered in the front line to kill all infidels, Jews and Christians, therefore you our first in elite because you are Christians, until proven otherwise, is not it.  
Only the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau became the official protector of Muslims and became a Muslim Salafist full professing their prayers in mosques on Friday.
The Prime Minister of Canada, in Ottawa, consists of more than 30% of salfistes Muslims and adding multicultural ago, Canada as stressed we so often the Prime Minister that Canada has become like France a country no culture, a universal identity waste that does not comply.
I am sure that you French in France you love this empty shell, Canada  when he made the wishes in the broadcast media, cutting off all our favorite shows, to wish us his good wishes. All previous first Canadian or provincial ministers were present in their respective capitals.
But the Honorable Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the International selfie was already on vacation on a island private of an Islamist Muslim millionaire lobbyist and provides the bottom of the liberal party of our dear Prime Minister, was already several days in Bahamas the sun, all paid for by Canadian taxpayers. He had pre-recorded message, sent to the Crown corporation, the CBC and CBC English and other media to fool us, because it was supposedly direct, as you say in France "live".  
But as the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, always has two sides to his face, one for Canada and Canadians, and especially he hates so much Quebec, he could kill us all if he could. Justin Trudeau, his only goal now his team is that Canada becomes an Islamic country like France, Britain, Germany, Belgium, and the entire West is invaded by their crusade which our elites protect with existing laws.  
We are in states of war against Islam, Muslims, terrorists, extremists and we must Irradiated of our territories, and it should we remove them from our democratic laws, these dogs brackets that do not comply, walking as Mr.Pajamas, Nabil Mhiri  Amiens, filth, attacking women whose leaves do justice petasse Salafist these evils because it is part of its tradition and holds the balance of power, our political elites.
Justin Trudeau and another next to Emmanuel Macron in Italy, arm in arm, looked the Mediterranean, like angels, the eternal lover multiculturalism's, destruction of their respective countries.
Salah Abdeslam, Muslims, Islamists, Salafists, this son of a bitch, that our states rights, protect our democratic laws, is living on the backs of honest French and Christians
Salah Abdeslam is not a human being, Islam n is not a religion, it is a life code Nazism, intolerance, murder, disqualifications, immorality, perversion, segregationist,of apartheid's, blasphemy, rape, etc.   
The balance sheet reached 130 dead and 352 wounded, including about 90 in serious condition. "The world" has decided to publish their names when their disappearance was confirmed by a member of their family or their employer.
One hundred thirty people (130) died in the attacks of 13 November in Paris and Saint-Denis and the president to cry like a hypocritical madeleine and did nothing as his predecessors and his successors will do nothing to irradiate these Muslim terrorists that form ghettos all over the French and European territories. Europe will soon be taken with under Islamic countries that infest every vein of your departments such as cancer until you kill all by their contribution of births in their communities.
You have welcomed them and they have stolen you, stole everything, even your identity, your crops. Now Europe is dying with devastating religion and has never given mankind no good whatsoever to humans, Islam has always create disorder, death, desert, sand.
The pasha of life Salah Abdeslam sports included Halal free
The investigation into the shooting of street Dries, in Forest in Belgium, is about to be completed, do we learned from Belgian judicial source. The two main defendants, Salah Abdeslam and his Tunisian accomplice Sofien Ayari, could be returned for attempted murder in a terrorist context of police officers. This would be the first trial of Abdeslam for his role in the jihadist cell behind the attacks in Paris and Brussels.
Suggestions to get rid of his majesty the terrorist legally
You know that judges and justice of the European countries, and Belgium and France will do him no harm, and it will probably be released from prison within twenty years and costs will be several hundred million Euros to this useless land.
When he is old, you again have to pay him a pension, medicines, hospitals, places of residence supervised so that it is not attacked again and hundreds of millions of euros for this crap Islamic KoranicSalafist Wahhabi friend of our politicians and judges.
The best way to get rid of the problem and you will have the agreement of all parties could protest against his imprisonment, or others. This is to make him the greatest pleasure of his life, to extradite him, put on a plane to Saudi Arabia, just go with no possibility of return to Europe. And if he puts foot in Europe it will be executed immediately, on the spot.
Knowing that he has lived in Belgium, with the Europeans, with Western wealth, SaudiArabia, Qatar, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, as far as possible or in another Muslim country. He will be in prison, or go see the Islamic State, and will kill himself, and that will be good for him, there will be 78 handsome young men for him in paradise. He can pray seven times a day, eat on the floor, do his business in the sand, wash the anus with pebbles, catching deadly diseases.
By deporting the so, you made him no harm physically, you save millions of Euros. You clean your prisons, your current justices, have fun victim knowing he would never be punished and the president or prime minister of the country will lie to us in the media that he followed the voice of the Quran and made life Salah Abdelsalam.
So the next election you vote again for the same leaders who brought you the rot Salafi Islamist extremists in your territory and you forget your French patriotism, Belgian or otherwise, to be welcoming.  
Your Elites continue to manipulate you again, minorities will have in hand the balance of power, since you will not get more vote for you are jaded lies, liars.
Europe began the end of the West and Islam will begin the end of humanity into a global desert.

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