mercredi 14 juin 2017

Theresa May - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Emmanuel Macron - Part Two - Extremist Salafist Islam Deadly degenerative disease to eliminate as some of our sold Elites

Theresa May - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Emmanuel Macron - The extremist Salafist Islam fatal degenerative disease eliminate as some of our sold Elites.
Part TWO

British Police terrified in their own cities by Muslim shit and governments did nothing for decades to protect their own citizens against Protestants Islamic invader
course, Britain is responsible for what is going on its territory. She welcomed the Islamic terrorist movements, including the Muslim Brotherhood, Hizb ut-Tahrir and Salafists. Not to mention his support for the armed opposition in Syria and elsewhere.
And today, there are hundreds areas in Britain, Birmingham, Liverpool, London Heathrow control by employees unionized Salafists washabite Pakistani or Indian terrorists, including in London,where the police can not develop normally because of the brutality Islamists, their control of the street and their control over the mosques, where they pray to God to make barren women of their enemies, and their children orphans, etc.
Moreover, Muslims in Britain every stripe, including the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, repeat 17 times a day:
The Qur'an says:"Guide us on the right path, not the path of those against whom you are angry (the Jews), nor the way astray (Christians)."
Barack Hussein Obama, former President of the United States, is a Muslim, and a Muslim Brother and a terrorist and Hillary Clinton who was literally sold like a whore to Salafist Qatar
Donald Trump said "At least seven people were killed and 48 injured in a terrorist attack and the Mayor of London said: "Do not worry." the Mayor of London and a Muslim, as we Westerners, we ripoux to power we will do anything to stop them, Muslims are our friends
"Islam= Hate Death = Slavery = Satan the Devil, nothing is good in this false religion
But the fact remains that the teachings of Islam that cultivate hatred, segregation, the apartheid's, racist ,murders, the barbarities, the islamophobies, the perfidy of the imams in the mosques with their hate speech and discriminatory, the slaves of women and girls in the hearts of Muslims are behind the terrorist attacks s, London and elsewhere.
But what happened shows that these lessons can turn ordinary Muslims as terrorists. These lessons must be examined.
Islamic epidemic, quarantine is required, and deportations of non-integrated
If a country is hit by an epidemic, the authorities impose quarantine the sick. The quarantine period depends on the time required to protect the population and prevent the spread of the Islamic illness sweeping for too many years. This is the case when the disease affects humans.
The number of sick of Islamic terrorism in Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium and elsewhere, would be at least 100 000.
The control of such a number of patients has become impossible. Tracking a single patient of Islamic terrorism in France requires 39 police officers. Add to that 70% of prisoners in France are Muslims, probably sick of Islamic terrorism and we need birth control because they are with their newborns who will conquer the West in the Quran
Their dream is to destroy France, the country to its knees, so welcoming, the Catholics, the people of Emmanuel Macron,without culture, multicultural, once out of prison. France has tried to set up centers to treat patients of Islamic terrorism (called radicalization centers, the Elysee), but all attempts failed.
And Islamic terrorism in the country of infection is spreading like wildfire. France currently faces a threat of civil war, or the transfer in its cities and streets of the war ravaging Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Somalia, Afghanistan and still other countries.
Today, the British Parliament is preparing to change the law in order to build its own version of "Guantanamo Bay" for extremists and prisoners related to terrorist attacks and extremist propaganda. The creation of this prison is part of a broader strategy to fight against terrorism in prisons to ensure the safety of other prisoners and the British people British Prime Minister, Theresa May,announced to be willing to change laws for the defense of human rights if they prevent authorities to fight against terrorism
fight against terrorism: Theresa May attacks the defense laws of human rights
two days before the parliamentary elections in UK First Minister Campaign Theresa May has not procrastinated last night at a rally: pointing the fact that human rights laws prevent the authorities, she said, as they fight it would against terrorism, including by preventing restrict the freedoms of people in the crosshairs but have done nothing enough to be prosecuted, she said: "If aws human rights prevent us from doing so, we will change these laws to be able to.
"Accordingto theGuardian,London, England, the measures advocated by the conservative First Minister could consist of extended curfews and restrictions on the freedoms of association, communication, and to come and go.
Islam incurable disease diagnostic death
The question is how much sick of Islamic terrorism can be locked in such a prison? And how can we prevent the spread of Islamic terrorism of the disease among the Muslim community, which includes the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, without attacking the teachings of Islam, which are the cause of the disease?
Can you trust a Muslim mayor, because a Muslim is still at heart a Salafi Islamist?
Is it possible to eliminate the disease of Islamic terrorism while maintaining in all mosques and all Muslim households the presence of his virus, namely the Koran? Moreover, the Koran is prevalent in those prisons where the patients are. As the British and Western authorities have not replied to this question, all their actions against sick of Islamic terrorism will be futile.
Dr. Sami Aldeeb, University Professor
Director of theArab Center for Law and Muslim
Dr. Sami Aldeeb, university professor What then? I propose the following regarding the Quran:
1) Preventing the spread of the Koran in its current form, in all Western countries, and impose an edition of the Koran in chronological order between the Meccan Koran of Medina Quran.
2) Place a warning at the beginning of the Qur'an in chronological order indicating the danger of the Medina Quran and that it violates human rights, as I did in my Arabic edition and my translations of the Quran. That's the warning that I propose:
Like other sacred books, the Quran has directly, or indirectly through the sunnah of Muhammad that Muslims must follow standards contrary to human rights today in international documents.
We invite readers to read critically and to place it in its historical context, namely the seventh century. Among the norms that violate human rights which inspire the laws of Arab and Muslim countries and Islamist movements would apply, in whole or in part, we point to as examples:
- The inequality men and women in marriage, divorce, inheritance, testimony, sanctions and employment, marrying child brides, and male and female circumcision practiced on children.
- inequality between Muslims and non-Muslims in marriage, divorce, inheritance, testimony, sanctions and employment.
- Non-recognition of religious freedom, especially the freedom to change religion.
- The exhortation to fight non-Muslims, to occupy their country, imposed on non-Muslims to pay a tribute (jizya) and to kill those who do not follow the monotheistic religions.
- Slavery, capture enemies and ownership of their women.
- The cruel penalties such as the killing of the apostate (who abandons Islam), stoning for adultery, amputation of the hands of the thief, crucifixion, flogging and retribution (eye for eye tooth for a tooth).
- The destruction of statues, paintings and musical instruments, and the prohibition of the arts.
- The animal abuse and slaughter of pet dogs.
As for the patients of Islamic terrorism, I suggest:
1) Withdrawal of nationality and residence permit of the patient and his family and their return to an area outside of Europe and the West must create. I suggest to this end the occupation of half the territory of Saudi Arabia and the confiscation of half of its oil resources to house these patients.
2) The expulsion of all Muslim prisoners and their family members to the aforementioned area.
3) The ban on the construction of mosques and the creation of public rooms open to all in order to perform the Friday prayer strictly controlling the prayers and sermons.
4) The imposition of a commitment to every Muslim who is in the country, or there between, to respect the laws of the country under penalty of expulsion to the above area with all family members.
Dr. Sami Aldeeb, University Professor
Director of the Arab Center for Law and Muslim
translator of the Koran into French and English
legal consultations, conferences, translations
Legal consultations, conferences, translations
Juristische Beratung, Vorträge, Übersetzungen
Consultazioni giuridiche, conferenze, traduzioni
Dr.Sami Abu Aldeeb Sahlieh
المدير: الدكتور سامي الذيب ابوساحلية
Donald Trump in Saudi Arabia
A good point of travel Trump? The harsh words he had held before 50 leaders of Arab and Muslim world on Islam. "Get them out of your mosques, take them out of your communities ... It is a battle between good and evil."
These people are not used to being so speak. It's about time somebody did.
See Part ONE

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