mercredi 14 juin 2017

Theresa May - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Emmanuel Macron - Part 1 - Extremist Salafist Islam Deadly degenerative disease to eliminate as some of our Elites sold

Theresa May - Justin Trudeau - Angela Merkel - Emmanuel Macron - The extremist Salafist Islam fatal degenerative disease eliminate as some of our sold Elites.
Part One

Muslims sick,physically, mentally, and spiritually, sent for treatment and extermination in Saudi Arabia or Qatar with our Politicians crooked that we have introduced Salafist Islam Quranic Charianique Barbarian Blasphemous Satanic force in our Western civilizations , Surah 8, 12-13, for Emmanuel Macron.
Attack London: Theresa May calls to review the strategy counter-terrorism but the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau is total disagreement. Canada as it is for multiculturalism and open borders to Muslim terrorists because they are only exercising the commandments of Allah on earth.
Theresa May, the Prime Minister of England, with many more cojones than Justin Trudeau, the first minus ofCanada,having lost during his meeting with the Queen of Europe, Angela Merkel during his circumcision at Mosque in Berlin-Wilmersdorf whose queen was perched on a branch at the second court monitoring of flesh fell on the bloody halal tiles.
Our presidents, prime ministers bow down before these miscreants, these extremist Islamists medieval monsters racist nazistes
She specifically said that the time has come to say enough is too much and that Birmingham Muslim ghetto, Sharia, disappear and that Muslims will become true British or leave the country with the religion, "said the British Prime Minister during a televised address.
Theresa May she will have the support of his colleagues to combat Islamic evil Salafi Muslims rooted in Britain, in Europe, in the West including several Elites receive billions into their own pockets and their political party and their families these scoundrels, the emirs, petrodollars, gas companies demanding more and more energy to the old continent and maximize their profits on the backs of the Muslim peoples of the Golf keeping them in the dark with this political religion, Islam.
Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, and wonder, Canada empty shell, JustinTrudeau,a face in Canada and another abroad, like father like son. And several first Western ministers and presidents, actually work against all solutions to irradiate the MAL ISLAMIC QURANIC blasphemous and purges PEOPLES LIKE WE'RE IN SOUTH AFRICA AND THE UNITED STATES WITH slavery BLACK
"We can not and must not pretend that things can go on (...) We are confident of dealing with a new type of threat, "says Theresa may. Our immigrants for decades have refused to integrate and it is time to do the integration.
Philippe Couillard, the Premier of Quebec,the wimp headless suggest to be the emissary and intermediary between them and Saudi Arabia so they can continue to kill their fellow cheerfully according to the principles of their barbarities satanic.
Theresa May and Donald Trump have now eyes open on the Koranic Satanism
Theresa May, as Donald Trump, the only two with eyes open world, it proposes four areas in which changes should be implemented. He called on Muslim leaders to deal with the "Islamic extremism crisis" significantly different expression from that of "radical Islamic terrorism" Donald Trump urged Muslim leaders to offer no 'safe haven' for terrorists in the "hunt" of their communities and their places of worship.
"America is ready to be at your side but the Middle East countries can not expect that American power crushes the enemy for them," he insisted.
"The path to peace begins here, in this sacred land," where there are holy places of Islam (Mecca and Medina), he further said. Stressing that few nations had been spared by terrorism, he referred to "the atrocities" of September 11, but also called to never forget that "95%" of victims are Muslims.
Minutes before him, the king of Saudi Arabia Salman had engaged in an attack against Iran he called a "spearhead of global terrorism."
First,the fight against evil, blasphemy of the Koran, Islam, Sharia,the Prime Minister of Canada, an active member of the Muslim Brotherhood and his fellow ministers of his political party, the Liberal Party of Canada , with close ties to al-Qaida, Hamas and several internationally known terrorist organizations and Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iran and other Islamic countries barbarians.
Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada Salafist Islamic and most of its Muslim ministers from Ontario and Western Canada only attend mosques with his wife and wants the Canadian constitution and the whole Canada is a country under control of Islam, the Koran and Sharia as the Commonwealth.
Justin Trudeau criticized by his lack of judgment and dresses and eats floor like animals in the mosques every Friday after his speeches, we certainly must emphasize that he has a brain like François Hollande
Justin Trudeau was criticized by Muslim organizations Canadian because he visited a mosque that is considered by the US military as a recruiting center for al Qaeda.
The Government of Canada, allows donations to the mosque and issue tax credits to terrorists. See, the Government Trudeau since coming to power, promotes the development of global terrorism and our media and our state tv approval.
If you want to make donations to Muslim terrorists in the pay of Al Qaeda, the governments of Canada and Quebec will send you credits tax and imams and preachers of this sect do not pay taxes and are on the state arm, that is to say all of us, Christians, Jews, infidels, honest people, and according to the Koran, to be killed.
Information for donations or instructions how to become jihadists with loans and grants from ministries of educations of Quebec and Canada
Mosque Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah, 7220 Hutchison Street, Montreal, Quebec, Canada Phone: H3N 1Z1 Federal Electoral District of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, one of the poorest in Canada, but he is a millionaire
mosque Al Sunnah Al-Nabawiah is in his riding of Papineau in Montreal, the French colony of Quebec, including Prime Minister Salafistis Philippe Couillard of Arabia arrival after a passage of five years of incubation of Islamic barbarism in Saudi Arabia with his wife and daughter that he is trying to force down our throats the evil barbarians theories Koran of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda as the same principles of a new democracy for Canada, without culture, multi cultural and Quebec water carriers.
Liberal Leader confirmed late last week that he was presented to the Al-Sunnah Al-Nabawiah that respects a strict interpretation of Islam based on Wahhabism. He also questioned the designation of the mosque as a recruitment center by the US government.
"I think I probably went in every different mosque in my riding, said Mr. Trudeau. I know a number of people who were listed by the US government on a no-fly list and we make our own decisions in Canada for this kind of things, because the US government is known for making timing errors time.
"The founder of the Muslim Canadian Congress, Tarek Fatah, found" outrageous "the response of the Liberal leader.
"This mosque is proud he calls, according to his own description, a Wahhabi mosque, which serves as an example to the Islamic state, Hamas, Al Qaeda and the Taliban," he told the QMI Agency.
According to Mr. Fatah, the Liberal leader would have done better "denounce jihad, sharia and hatred of the Jew, which are the basis for sermons in the mosque."
The Office of Prime Minister Stephen Harper accused Mr. Justin Trudeau"goto  fishing for votes among religious extremists in our own communities [...] It is clear that we can not trust Justin Trudeau to protect Canadians "according to the spokesperson Stephen Lecce.
A Montreal mosque was considered by the US Army as a hub of Islamist militants, according to intelligence documents "secrets" of Guantanamo Bay published recently.
The"matrix of threat indicators"of the US Pentagon identifies the Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah of Montreal as one of nine world houses of worship where "known members of Al Qaeda were recruited, trained or assisted" . The Matrix of the army, published Monday by the New York Times, formalizes maintained longstanding suspicions of the intelligence on the mosque, which was attended by several known figures in the 1990
The Matrix was created shortly after opening the Guantanamo camp to help the US military evaluate prisoners. Even if a given indicator in isolation is not necessarily significant, the idea was to develop a comprehensive profile of activity that could help interrogators identify Guantanamo detainees who were truly agents of  al-Qaida.
Several individuals who passed through Al Sunnah Al Nabawiah in the late 1990s ended up in prisons abroad - including Guantánamo - after the attacks Sept. 11, 2001 against the United States. The most important of these is Mohamedou Ould Slahi,who served as an imam at the mosque for about a month.
The secret file on Mr Guantanamo Slahi was published on the WikiLeaks website Monday. The record tells how Mr. Slahi, from Mauritania in the northwest of Africa, is accused of having taken part in several terrorist plots. He walked from Europe to North America to Africa in the years before September 11.
Members of a family Pierre Elliott Trudeau have several links with many terrorist groups around the world
"The detainee received from the Canadian government received an immigrant visa. On 26 November 1999 he went to Montreal and planned to study electrical engineering at the Polytechnic School ofMontreal,say the documents. While in Montreal, the prisoner became imam of the al-Sunna mosque during the month of Ramadan, replacing the previous imam who had gone to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca).
"Mr.Ould Mahamedou Slahi, in the sights of the Pentagon, did not last long in the mosque. In late December 1999, the RCMP was asked about his links with Ahmed Ressam - the Montrealers of Algerian origin dubbed the "Millennium Bomber" who had been arrested at the Canada-US border with a load of explosives .
The two men were found in the few days between the arrival of Mr. Slahi, terrorist, Islamist, Salafist, Canada and the arrest of Mr. Ressam at the border. Mr. Ould Mahamedou Slahi was sent to Guantanamo Bay after being arrested in Mauritania in 2001. He is still there.
Theresa May she will be Prime Minister in March 2018 or Salafi Islamists they have his head with the British liberal multiculturalists?
Also, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, emphasizes that this political religion can not be won through with military operations because their disciples received brainwashing since their births.
Secondly, we must put in place new regulations to reduce the space of expression terrorists on the Internet, media, mosques, hate speech imams, schools, universities, and governments.
The British Prime Minister said: "We must work with democratic governments allied to conclude international agreements on the regulation of cyberspace and be wary of some of our Western friendly countries".
Third, we need more resources to identify and eradicate extremism in British society whose leftist intellectuals, radical feminists, veiled.
Political Islam religion that cultivates mental degenerate
How can you instill intelligence in people's brains when born their parents told them not to act intelligently, not to think for themselves, that it is a book and imams, neurotics who will tell you all your life your comings and came as the animals during their seasonal migrations.
How to fight tyrannical philosophies supported by billions of dollars and criminals, the Arab tribes who kill for thousands of years. Certainly by arms, by the army, the only way is through education of girls.
But the girls are not educated, so they continue the same destructive principles of their parents on their children, the barbarism of a bearded religious pushing dressed in white bloodied blasphemous lies, systemic racism as we repeat so often the first systemic racist Quebec Minister the Honorable Philippe Couillard.
Officials us politicians, the media, Islam and political Islam, petrodollars
British Prime Minister Theresa May confirmed that the fight against terrorism can only be won through military operations and he must be in place new regulations to reduce the freedom of expression of terrorists on the Internet and the media, the mosques to thwart  Islamist extremism.
Zero tolerance, you understand Angela Merkel Emmanuel Macron, Justin Trudeau
The ruling said that there had been too tolerant of extremism in British society, calling to lead discussions may be difficult with the different communities British, especially Muslims. Theresa May also announced that his government was ready to extend significantly the individuals jail suspected of terrorist activity.
Secondly, we must put in place new regulations to reduce the space of expression terrorists online. The British Prime Minister said: "We must work with democratic governments allied to conclude international agreements on the regulation of cyberspace."
Third, we need more resources to identify and eradicate extremism in British society.
Finally the fourth and last point, the anti-terrorist strategy must be improved in the light of evolving threats. The First Minister referred in particular to the possibility of extending prison sentences linked to terrorism-related offenses, even for minor offenses.
Even the king of Saudi Arabia agrees with Donald Trump on terrorists.
Are we at war with Islam on a global scale?
Before deciding what methods we should use to fight against Islamism, we have to answer a question. Are we at war or not this political evil religion.
Our charters of rights should behave differently in peacetime, that a State behaves differently as it is at war or not. "When we are in peace, nothing is more sacred than individual freedom and equality before the law. Today we are at war against the Islamists that plague our country, our legal systems, and use our laws to destroy us.
Our governments must stand up and act
if we are at war, let's stop walking on eggshells, act accordingly and take all means that democracy, law and international rules make available to us to win it.
Indeed we are defeated
Unlike what happened in the 1940s we wrestle not against a country but against an ideology, a murderous ideology that has no army or border, it Islam, Quran , Sharia, and his disciples, millions of followers of disciplined self dictators, manufactured on the same line, assembly  no brain, no knowledge, zombies to be handled near to die for the cause.
Still, the followers of this ideology we have indeed declared war. They said clearly and repeatedly, and it's written VERBATIM IN THE KORAN. They settle even within our societies better for us and we hit destabilize BUT Justin Trudeau layer with them to better kiss all Canadians Christians and Jews. Allah is great in the land of multicultural empty shell.

See following Part 2

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