samedi 24 juin 2017

Amor Ftouhi - Author of the terrorist attack in Michigan, Tunisian, residing in Montreal - Radicalized under the reigns of systemic racist Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau

Amor Ftouhi - Author of the terrorist attack in Michigan, Tunisian, residing in Montreal - radicalized under the systemic racist reigns of Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau
apparently motivated by his "hatred of the US" OR "radicalized under the systemic racism reigns of Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau they profess at every moment in the media and parliaments. "
Our governements and elites are the first reponsibles persons of radicalizations

How to solve the problems of radicalization that have created from scratch our governments, our politicians, our elites, our corrupt, our populist who lead us, in Muslim communities and Islamists to retain power and the maximum to vote in elections?
Montreal man without history was identified by the FBI as "terrorist" who engaged yesterday in a terrorist attack against a police officer in Michigan.
Amor Ftouhi. Author of the attack, while shouting "Allahu Akbar! "(Allah is great), Ftouhi Amor, 49, stabbed in the neck with a serrated blade 20 centimeters Lt. Jeff Neville facing Flint airport.
A search by the RCMP took place in an apartment building in Belair Street, in the area nicknamed the Little Maghreb, where the family apartment Amor Ftouhi.
That's when it emerged that it would be passed to the act, dropping luggage.
He would then stabbed Lt. Jeff Neville. After quickly taken to the hospital and operated, the police officer is now out of danger, meant the authorities.

According to NBC, the 49 year old man has previously attempted to obtain a firearm without success. It is then that he had bought the knife used him to make his attack.
Mr. Amor Ftouhi, another Muslim Islamic terrorist by Philippe Couillard Quebec premier, was the question that was put to him by journalists. Does the Quebec government cultivates the systemic racism of ideas with Islamic Salafi Muslim communities to teach them the maximum racism, extremism and radicalism proliferating defamatory messages.
Always double meaning to the general public to give the impression that all strains of Quebecers are racist, Islamophobic, racist words discovered by Muslims themselves and Justin Trudeau, to better keep that part of the population in the wicks nets provincial liberal political parties and federal Canadians and Quebecers, populism at its maximum, the manipulation of people by our political elites, our whores housekeepers at all levels of society including our purchased media.
Neighbors veiled and blinded by a religion or preachers on the payroll barbarians Salafists who lied to them for decades and they brought with them in their luggage these false principles immigrant on our soil contrary to our democracy and secularism that your ideology does not accept
neighbors of Montrealers who allegedly stabbed a policeman in a Michigan airport were immersed in the most total dismay yesterday to learn that a man from their neighborhood would be the author of the attack.
Mohsin SCIRI,who lives two years in the same building Amor Fashion Bélair Street, was shocked when he heard that the 49 year old man was suspected of such a crime.
Mr. Mohcin SCIRI told he met regularly Mr. Amor Ftouhi before it disappears, there are about six months. The two men greeted on occasion but do not specifically know, he was not a friend, but only one face of knowledge.

"This is someone who is simple, quiet. It's a family man. It looks nice, someone sympathetic. I'm surprised, this is really strange, mentioned Mohcin SCIRI adding that he had never noticed behavior "bizarre" or  sign radicalization in Amor Ftouhi.
Quiet neighborhood but as always the problem is the Salafi Islam Wahhabi Religion,Sharia idea behind
Mrs. Seloua Ghalem, a Muslim woman who works close to Bélair Street was in turn exasperated a new act of terrorism is associated with religion she practices. But we have some tell that these terrorists are mainly Islamist religions and represent your religious movement as underlined by your representatives in your mosques and your iman and terrorist schools, Adil Charkaoui, Imam Hamza Chaoui, Imam Sufyan Omar Amir Khadir of Québec solidaire, Salem Elmenyawi, Muslim brothers, terrorist organizations, Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, Justin Trudeau and other impure.
Dear Muslims denounce violence that commits these terrorist these extraordinary but it does not change it's your community who paid the price because you let your communications,your imams,preachers your free way to destroy your say.  

When you say that Donald Trump identifies you as terrorists, he is absolutely right to do, because you do not stand up and say to Adil Charkaoui and Hamza Chaoui,va- off and you in your country with all thy family, we will screech you in a fly.You speak Arabic, you can through  paths underground show him the door and they dispersed.  
As long as you sleep with them we can not believe you. And in the Qur'an, the Prophet allows you to lie to the Quran, his disciples came his way and destroy the Christians and the Jews, that is to say we Westerners, Quebecers, Canadians, born on this American soil.
You see, to tell us that we are racist and you are victimized is wrong. These are people here who are victimized by your community does nothing to fight against evil Islamists,evil Muslims who create you problems.
Mr. Ghalem who works in the Little Maghreb denounced the act of violence is good but not enough.

"It's been 25 years that I'm in Quebec, my children are Quebecers and despite that, we still receives suspicious looks when you walk in the street, because of the people who commit terrible crimes in the name of our religion. It's sad and the word is weak, "she lamented. If Madame you read what I just wrote above with an open mind, and you and your community you begin to integrate and stop requests for accommodations unreasonable and saddler with us against these miscreants Salafists, Islamists that prevent you from being real human beings who want to practice their religion.
This is not Quebecers or Canadians who are the traitors,but it is they who grow them. The looks are worn by you and yes, do you think that the Muslim or Islamic, or Judaism's do not carry the looks on us Westerners who have the rights we dressed the way we want and have the freedom of thought by ourselves.
Do you think for a minute when I take certain bus line or the majority of customers are Islamists or Muslims, I do not know how to tell the girls or the women with their veils over the head with ripped jeans and their phone or iPad and play with games. And young Muslims or Islamists men with pants down buttocks and taunting between girls boys before coming to school and have fun together as young normal people.

It's fine to live according to the book of the prophet, but he died since 1500 years and also he has committed monstrosities that some hidden in the Quran. One thing is certain, it is that life only once, and spend his life as a martyr at 40C without being able to go swimming and the almost naked husbands can do it, it's criminal to accept it.  
But I do not want to discuss your values, but if I do not discuss your values, you certainly do not have to discuss my values and force myself and try all sorts of tricks to indoctrinate us in your religion. You know the respect is two-way, is not it. A medal always two side, Prime Minister Philippe Couillard, the Salafist Arabia.
Of all the world religions, Islam professes more cruelty to Christians and Jews in the first sura
"Islam has never said to do things like that, she added. There is no religion that incites cruelty. The men who hurt like that, they sully the name of God with their nonsense.
"ImedNet fati, an owner of several shops in the district called Little Maghreb, shared the same opinion. "I am completely against these people. How can we think of to hurt like this? This is not what religion, Islam has taught us. In our religion, we do not kill someone like that. We're all human beings.

"Mydear ladies and gentlemen during the two world wars on the Jews and the Nazis.
Regarding the document, for today the Nazis Salafi Islamists who roam our streets, your mosques, our Western democratic ground
when the Nazis wanted to exterminate the Jews in Europe, who do you use think-they to find out places where standing, remained Jews, their possessions, their buildings, their schools, how to locate, identify, before sending them to work and disposal women camps, children, the elderly, injured, etc.
The Nazis, all as now negotiating with senior Jewish leaders, rabbis, the richest in society. Like today, Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau negotiating with the Muslim Brotherhood, the Salafists terrorist organizations, Islamist groups lobbies for maximum voting your community. In addition they participate, populist way to fool you with all your imams are paid by Saudi Arabia and Qatar and other Gulf countries and some large companies, oil and our own Western governments to fill the pockets our elites.
So the villains, these rats rabbis sent lists of families of Jews to the Gestapo and the Nazis to send in the millions of Jews to labor camps, but the families of these rabbis were excluded from this massacre. When some person who worked in the offices of the Nazis and who knew the names of some families could now warn ofcamee Nazis and make them disappear in nature. The Nazis arrived in their home and everything was empty and several thousand French of France during this period helped Jews to escape and were by firing squad of Nazis.

All this to tell you that I know where I live 90% of people are immigrants and the majority of Muslims and people who are extraordinary. They work and want to remain in peace and practice their religion, and no one looks down or veiled or not there, and we have men and women enjoy chatting and laughing. They are human beings, period.  
And everywhere, grocery stores, and elsewhere, Muslims, I have to pocheter, owners and employees, is to retire, I'll meet almost every day to buy and talk. I can even tell you that when I stop going there two days in a row,and they see me, they ask me what's going on with me. I go into the store, he offers me a coffee, a donut or something else.
We laugh, I talk about their country, as visited some of their country and they say very often "wake up Quebecers do let not Islamists walk on your back." For these are the reasons that have come to Canada and we are afraid to return as we were in our former country under the dictatorship of the Koran and Sharia, imams, Allah and the loss of Western freedom for our children .
Do not trust Justin Trudeau and Philippe and their Liberal governments
State indictment Michigan

4: 17-md-30312-SDS         Doc # 1       Filed 06/21/17       Pg1 of 4     Pg1 ID
AUSA: Jules DePorre     Phone: 810-766-5177
Special Agent Thomas Sondgeroth   Phone: 810-239-5775
AO 91 (Rev. 08/09) Criminal Complaint

United States of America,
Mr. Amor Ftouhi

for the
Eastern District of Michigan
Case 4: 17-mj-30312
Judge Davis, Stephanie Dawkins
Filed: 06-21-2017

Defendant (s).
I, the plaignant in this case, state que la Following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief:
About the time is gold (s) of June 21 2017__________, in the county of Genesee ________
in the Eastern       District of Michigan, the defendant (s) violated:
Section Code        Offense Description
Title 18 USC § 37 (a) (1) Violence at international airport
This criminal complaint is based thesis is facts:
On June 21, 2017, in the Eastern District of Michigan, Mr. Amor Ftouhi, unlawfully and intentionally used a weapon, a knife SPECIFICALLY, to perform an act of violence contre Reviews another individual at Bishop International Airport, an airport serving international civil aviation, That endangered and Was Likely to endanger safety at That airport, and That Caused and Was Likely to causes death or serious bodily injury, Including substantial businesses risk of death or serious bodily injury, Including substantial businesses risk of death and extreme physical pain, all in violation of 18 U.5.C. § 37 (a) (1).
Iii      Continued on the attached sheet.
Thomas Sondgeroth. FBI SA
Printed name and title
Sworn to before me and signed in my presence.
Date: June 21.2017
City and state:       Flint, Michigan

Printed name year title

Affidavit in Support of a Criminal Complaint
I, Thomas M. Sondgeroth, being white first duly sworn, Hereby filed and state as follows:
I am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Currently assigned to the FBI's Detroit Division, Flint Resident Agency. I have-been employed with the FBI since May 2006. Before joining the FBI, I Was employed as a police officer in the State of Illinois for nine years. As an FBI agent and police officer, I have participated in investigations Involving various violent crimes and other federal offenses.
I make this Affidavit in Support of a Criminal Complaint. The facts in this affidavit come from my personal observations, my training and experience, and Information Obtained from other agents, law enforcement officers and Witnesses. This affidavit is Intended to show Merely That There is Sufficient probable cause for the complaint and does not set forth all of my knowledge about this matter.
Based on the facts set forth in this affidavit, there is probable cause to Believe That a violation of 18 USC § 37 (a) (l) has-been committed by Mr. Amor Ftouhi.
Probable Cause
On Wednesday, June 21, 2017 I Went to the Bishop International Airport in Flint, Michigan, in the Eastern District of Michigan, in the United States of America, after-hearing has postponement of a stabbing Involving an airport security officer.
While at the airport, I spoke with Reviews another law enforcement officer Who Observed the attack. The officer Informed Me That on the morning of June 21, 2017, an individual Who Was later APPROBATION as Mr. Amor Ftouhi used a broad knife to stab a police officer at the airport. SPECIFICALLY, the officer Told Me That Ftouhi Walked up to a fully-uniformed police officer at a Publicly available area of the airport, yelled "Allahu Akbar," pulled out a knife and stabbed the officer in the neck. After stabbing the officer police Ftouhi continued to yell "Allah" Several times. He further Top exclaimed something similar to, "you-have killed people in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan, and we are all going to die." The law enforcement officer to subdue Ftouhi Was reliable, Who Asked the officer why He Did not kill _him_. The officer aussi Took all of Ftouhi possessions, qui included identification documents for Mr. Amor Ftouhi.
I have spoken with également Reviews another FBI Agent Who reviewed video surveillance of the airport premises, Including the rental of the stabbing. The Informed Me That officer at Approximately 8:52 am, Ftouhi ENTERED the first level of
Bishop International Airport carrying a red duffle bag and a dark satchel. At Approximately 9:10, Ftouhi Went up an escalator to the second level of the airport. At the top of the escalator, Ftouhi turned left to go to a restaurant.
Approximately At 9:37:56, Ftouhi left the restaurant Both carrying bags. Ftouhi ENTERED a second-floor restroom at 9:38:15 and left at 9:38:43 Approximately without Either bag. At 9:38:48, the officer and attacked This Ftouhi Was subdued by other law enforcement Shortly after.
Based on my experience and training, I am aware That When an individual stabs Reviews another in the neck with a knife, That act is Likely to causes death or serious bodily injury as defined by 18 USC § 1365 (h) (3) (Such As has substantial businesses risk of death extreme physical bread gold). Indeed, in this case, the victim of the stabbing Was time immediately transported to a local hospital Where he underwent surgery.
Based on my communications with the law enforcement officer subdued Who Ftouhi, I am aware que la knife used to commit the stabbing Was a broad knife. I have spoken to également Reviews another FBI Agent Who Examined the knife and Informed Me That It Had a green handle and serrated blade and a black Was marked Amazon Jungle Survival Knife. Based on my experience and training, I am aware That Such a knife, PARTICULARLY When used to stab Reviews another, is a dangerous weapon.
Because the stabbing occurred at Bishop International Airport, and has Involved law enforcement officer employed by the airport, I am aware further Top que la Was Likely act to endanger safety At That airport. I am further Top aware que la airport was closed for hours Several Following the attack.
Based on my training and experience, and based on my conversations with employees of Bishop International Airport, I am aware That Bishop International Airport Civil Aviation international reserves.
Based on the foregoing, I have probable cause to believe That on June 21, 2017, in the Eastern District of Michigan, Mr. Amor Ftouhi, unlawfully and intentionally used a weapon, a knife SPECIFICALLY, to perform an act of violence contre Reviews another individual at Bishop International Airport, an airport international civilian serving aviation That endangered and Was Likely to endanger safety at That airport, and That Caused and Was Likely to causes death or serious bodily injury, Including substantial businesses risk of death and extreme physical pain, all in violation of 18 USC § 37 (a) (1)
Respectfully Submitted,
AUSA: Jules DePorre
Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Subscribed and sworn to before me on June 21, 2017.
Judge Davis, Stephanie Dawkins

United States Magistrate Judge

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