dimanche 25 juin 2017

Quebec - Montreal - National Day - I forgot the True Quebec is Disappeared, Multicultural, Without culture, detestable, immoral religions, Thanks to Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard to pursue our genocide

Quebec - Montreal - National Day - I forgot the True Quebec is Missing, Multicultural, No culture, religions abhorrent, immoral,
Thanks to Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard to continue our genocide
On this day of national holiday, it Admittedly, for many Quebecers, the "nation" is a word in disuse. The nationalist not run the streets, especially in Montreal, where French will soon be a minority.

The "I remember" or " I Have forgotten" also looks like wishful thinking which belongs to a bygone past certainly, the baby boomers, our old who had a certain ideal in a country.
This is not gaiety of heart that I write this, but a duty to remember those who have dreamed and built embodied Quebec yesterday with men and women and children happy and proud being in Quebec.
Over the years, Quebec was split into two entities. This was confirmed clearly accelerated with the arrival of new waves of immigrants, refugees, and religions destructive that infect our democratic and secular societies.
According to Justin Trudeau and his new history of Canada, the French who created New France were immigrants
Two countries meet. Montreal Anglophone, Islamist, Salafi Muslim and the rest of Quebec, French, Rural, I have no knowledge that Montreal engulf the rest of Quebec as an immigrant tide that strains of Quebecersdisappear.You will have the First Nations in Quebec, constitutional welfare, second,immigrants, refugees, and election the last funds, waters carriers, and the last, francophones, as we like to name.
Montreal, mostly multicultural, and English, led by a mayor, Denis Coderre, the Liberal Party of Canada leader who dream of a sanctuary and autonomous territory and the rest of the territory, that of the "native" distributed in cities and villages of Quebec.
Citizens of Montreal, freed in their eyes tyranny of French-Canadian nationalism, now define first or exclusively as Montrealers. It is their right and their choice. They are the embodiment of the purest multicultural Trudeau philosophy, the hole Canada In the corner of the streets up and down.
Multiculturalismes traitors Pierre Elliott Trudeau and Justin Trudeau
In Canada, multiculturalism is enshrined in the Constitution of 1982, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the night of the long knives, these traitors and imposed by force in Quebec, which has never signed .
Pierre Elliott Trudeau wanted walnut and destroy completely the Quebec people in a diversity which deprived him of his founding nation status.
Pierre Trudeau, father of son, Justin Trudeau, our shell in Ottawa, the National selfie, the Salafistin the Islamistspay of Ontario, was radically hostile to the people of Quebec, to his own people, he believed crossing by ethnic temptation retrograde. It was wrong, but it was his deep conviction, and he wanted to politically disarm and deprive Quebec of its claim to be a nation.
Decadence Canada with Trudeau
In Canada's history, we were a nation founded on two under the 1867 Constitution and there were only two official religions Catholics and Protestants.
With the state multiculturalism traitor Pierre Elliott Trudeau et his future son son, with ties to Fidel Castro, was transformed us into identity shade among others in Canada as a whole, that is to say to less than nothing, raptors, not even at the level of immigrants, francophone Quebecers will be waste of Canada politically, monetarily, legally, religiously, in every way.  
The francophone Quebec authorities must all go to Toronto and the first solution is to destroy the airline industry by building Mirabel and travelers will swell Toronto airport, afterwards we will set the borders of the river Ottawa the rich west and east of the Ottawa river, the poor of Canada and Quebec.
We must remember these forgotten origins of Canadian multiculturalism to those who never cease to idealize a country that has worked to obliterate its French share.
Multiculturalism Trudeau immigrants should not fit
The definition of multiculturalism, valid beyond the Canadian context: it is an ideology based on the reversal of the integration duty.Traditionally, it was the role of the immigrant to take the crease of the host society and learn to say with it. Now it is the host society which must be transformed to accommodate diversity, accommodation unreasonable of  Philippe Couillard." National culture loses its status: it is no more than communalism among others. It will, however, have the moral grandeur of dissolve to atone for his past sins against diversity.
All  like families Trudeau, families such as Desmarais, the wealthy hovering on clouds, is to have no identity destruction of Quebec and promote the ideas Salafi Islamists across the country to pick up the money and profit on our heads not caring of our ancestral cultures, profit and power, only they care to these cruel social figures attended the rich.
Nationalism of the true Quebecers René Lévesque until Robert Bourassa
Quebec nationalism brings together people who share for some time, on the same given area, a set of values and a common lifestyle.
This means a culture with a generally similar perception of their historical background and are able to translate their aspirations politically, which is a nation now. Quebec is so united called Quebecers. A player in the Quebec nationalist movement of thought is René Lévesque.
Quebecers of all origins were proud to be Quebecers. The main achievement of René Lévesque in Quebec Liberal Party is the nationalization of hydroelectricity. With a Prime Minister who was standing and not a worm that flattens to Ottawa,Canadian English Government respected and listened. We can say that he was afraid.
Today, when the Honorable Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, dare stand up and begged a small pacifier first Islamist Salafist the Honorable Prime Minister of Canada when it comes out of the mosque after performing his ablutions and prayers, speeches, bluntly told him to fuck off to his province as one goes barefoot. And the Honorable Premier of Quebec, as Salafi, near his box,attach the fourths kids in his carriage and returned to the National Assembly.
Lorsqu'arrivée in the Blue Room of the National Assembly, our Prime Minister, with his usual verb, and his beautiful white beard, and very well dressed, announces to journalists and media present, he had an excellent meeting with the Ottawa shell and he suffered a temporary refusal on his part, which in no way true. Quebec has lost in all its political forces and credibilities.
Previously we had prime ministers to Jean Charest fervent fighter for Quebec and since we are stuck with a rag to balance Islamic minorities.
Immigration, unregulated, non-integrated, non-secular, non-democratic, non-Christians, denying all Western values, unrecoverable
After completing my studies, I decided to come and live in town, to Montreal in 1971. Montreal, during this time I would say to the beginning of 1985, was the most beautiful city in the world, clean, interesting to visit, pleasant walked, people were happy I would say. Certainly there were interactions between the English and the French, but usually the English won, and all were closing the mouth.
In many neighborhoods, there were Italians, Greeks, Haitians, Chinese, Vietnamese and many other nations, and the majority were Christians or religion who made no crude and does not want to indoctrinate the majority of the population in their own religion.  So all is respected, and cohabitation, I could say was good and neighborly relations between men and women at work and everything was without any difficulty. Certainly he always like fools in all sides, but there always will be.
I can tell you that I have worked with people of all religions and nationalities and I never had any interaction with them and that they were normal people who worked for their children, their wives and make a living as all of us, very nice people.
Justin Trudeau insult maximum Islamist Quebec
But after the arrival of the Islamists, Muslims, Sikhs, all these religions with hoods on their heads, knives supposedly religious, these undemocratic religions are incompatible with our Western morals. Customs, values sunk with their brainwashing. Our governments have left the inputs across our borders by letting them know that he could do everything on our territory at will as if it were in their own country and he did not follow our own laws.
Ask real people who were in Montreal in 1971 and today in 2017 what he thinks of Montreal. Here I speak of Montreal, which is the same for Paris, Brussels, London, New York and other major cities. Montreal is not the Montreal I know, it is multicultural.
Good Quebecers that I am, in my language,  is this Montreal, shit, of multiculturalism,of uncontrolled immigration, invasive, without culture. The city has become dirty, messy, meaningless, lost its attractions.  
This city like all major cities have lost their charms. What I want to tell you, if I want to see Casablanca, and Riyadh, I would see these countries and cities with their magnificent architecture, their people, their values.And I would not see in Cairo, the city of Montreal, Cairo I want to see the Pyramids, and the Egyptians.
The Islamist France slafiste Emmanuel Macron, the multicuturalisme to Justin Trudeau
We lost our identity, our values, our cultures as highlighted Emmanuel Macron president of France during his journey to become president of France, he said that the French had had no culture and you see on Youtube Paris is full of veiled veiled people so that you do not see even the Eiffel Tower.
For intelligent people only
Intelligent people can understand what I mean, and it's not systemic racism to Philippe Couillard here. The first criterion for selecting an immigrant in 2017, religious and ancestral sources, not its language, its financial resources, or prison.  
Religions, religious ideas are more devastating to our cultures and countries that do not matter what other things in our time communications and Islamic crusades and financial resources of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen and other countries crazy Allah.
Among all world religions Islam ismost destructive
The too intensive and not immigration control first by THEIR RELIGIOUS VALUES, NOT RELIGIOUS AUTHORITARIAN DEMOCRATIC REFUSING SECULARITY CHANGES THE ORTHODOX THE EXTREMISTS EXAMPLE OF ISLAM AND OTHER RELIGIONS LIKE , THOSE ARE tHE MINDS oF THESE RELIGIONS medieval WE DO NOT know FIFTY YEARS AGO should be the first consideration before it can be considered as an immigrant in the west.
Please note that Morocco's Islam is not the same closed Islam is an Islam open the practice and Moroccan King Philippe Couillard and Justin Trudeau should be inspired because it sends the Salafist Islamist as Adil Charkaoui, the terrorist, imprisoned him.
Daily anecdote Shown al
To finish on the subject, on a bus line XXX, here there are two Metros station. On this line of about 10 km bus, a first 5 km is covered in Francophone Sections, Greeks, Italians, so I would say, for this document, Christian section to the first subway. Men, women, children, speak French and sometimes English and dressed in shorts, it's summer, what!
Here is Quebec, Montreal Francophone which I was born.
The bus stops at the first Metro station and several people from the bus and Muslims and veiled with their children as stolen to west direction to the other metro station.  
Here I am in another country.
From then, the exchange languages, English disappears, French remains and adds Arabic as the main language on the bus line. The majority of tenants on this bus are immigrants or property of immigrant families in recent decades here in Montreal, and almost more Italian, Greek, but adds many Chinese.
Again, another country is added to the previous one.
On arrival at the second subway, most buses tenants are Islamists or Muslims, with English and speak mostly English and sometimes French until the end of the bus line.  
All this is done in a 30-minute bus journey of 10 kilometers, the morning close to me, I've seen people be 12 or 15 different countries speaking foreign languages and on several occasions I have them talked to know what language that they spoke.
Our roots, our elites to powers to the federal and provincial, our ministers, our MPs, the opposition, these puppets, these Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, with two faces, which merge within each of the MPs and ministers , populist.
Including Prime Minister Salafist who sleeps with the Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist group, and Quebec Premier arriving after long stays of five long years of washing Quranic Islamic brains charianiques with the country wahhabites barbarians Daesh in provinces us were sold to the new manna, newcomers who hold the balance of power to sway us his systemic racism is the first to proliferate its insanity through the Quebec people he hates to death
So who are we now? And what is this June 24, according to the liturgical calendar the feast of St. John the Baptist, still boss of French Canadians, these sheep, welcoming,who let walk all over and give their remains, their laws to newcomers, until that the source of holy water dries up?
Justin Trudeau to Riyadh
We are so silly in Riyadh after prayers on Saturday in Mecca, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada salfiste witnessed the beheading of Jésée Bovet, a Christian he was asked to renounce his religion Catholic to become Muslim as Rachid Bovet and he refused. The executioner under the name of Adil scalpel cut off his head at once.
From the astonishment of all, and Justin Trudeau, the body of Jésée Bovet was rising and taking his head in his hands and submit to the Prime Minister as a gift to the Premier of Quebec, the Honorable Philippe Couillard.
Mr. Justin Trudeau is jalou gift to Philippe Couillard asked to head Jésée Bovet reason to give this gift Philippe instead of giving it to him, the chief commander of the Islamic crusade in America. He answered simply, Francophones are friendly and like to be fucked by migrants.
Today, the fleurdelisés flags mingle with the flags of members of cultural communities. This suggests that the rally symbols are diverse and refer to atomized affiliations.
Speech of our elites of warts of all kinds
Our politicians will make pompous speeches. But something will sound false. Because unless you have your head in the sand, it must be noted that we let ourselves die quietly.
The problem is that Quebecers will no longer represent as a people, but as a collection of individuals, a collection of clothes. Global phenomenon? Yes, but much more pronounced here than elsewhere.
When an individual feels empty or discomfort that will neither admit nor confront, he convinces himself that it did not matter, or he can choose to get drunk and to organize a big party not to think about it. This applies to people.
But I can tell you that I do not consider myself in my province of Quebec or in my country, Canada, or on the earth planet. I think I became like Justin Trudeau, a nullity, without culture, an empty shell. Never!

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