samedi 17 juin 2017

Justin Trudeau - Flags in seven days because bernes chief killings of Islamic State Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi

Justin Trudeau - Flags in seven days because bernes chief killings of Islamic State Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi
The government of Justin Trudeau in Ottawa, Canada, Empire of the new Islamic state in the West and America, says sorry to hear the Russians, these Leninist Communists in the balance of Vladimir Poutine this dictator who invaded Ukraine dared to kill our closest friend and collaborator Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Allah is with him in paradise: Islamic Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
We Canadians consider Vladimir Putin as an unbeliever, an infidel, a scoundrel, this scoundrel, dastardly, criminal for having sacrificed this vigilante in the pay of the Koran, Mohammed, faith, Allah and pelvic justice consecrate my wife.
Our government and our Muslim Salafists and ministers, in all communities and in our mosques, we ask our imams from a war to exterminate the West and Russia and Vladimir Poutine, and its hate crimes against brave Muslims who fight for their greetings and their religious freedoms around the globe including Canada offers them hospitality at any time.
All governments in Canada have their flags bernes for a period of seven days as of today, June 17, 2017, and states networks broadcast only funeral tributes to the unfortunate who were murdered by Vladimir Putin and his dogs. We mourn all, my wife, my slave and I, these brave men lost in battle against Russian and American devil Donald Trump.
Justin Trudeau on Fox News, we all Canadian Cry
Terrorism - The Russian army announced this Friday, June 16, have probably killed late May, the leader of the Islamic State group, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, during its bombing aviation to a meeting of senior leaders of the jihadist organization near Raqa in Syria.
Bombers and attack aircraft Russian soil have targeted a meeting "was the leader of the Islamic State Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," who was eliminated in the bombing, said the Russian Defense Ministry in a statement, adding that the Americans had been warned of the operation.
For its part, the international coalition can not confirm whether Baghdadi is dead or not, said Friday Ryan Dillon, spokesman for the coalition anti jihadistes. Questioned by AFP about the Russian statement, he replied: "We can not confirm this information at this stage."
Many "senior officers" killed
According to the statement, the command of the Russian military contingent in Syria "received information late May held in the southern suburbs of Raqa a meeting of leaders of the terrorist organization Islamic state." "The verification of the information has established that the purpose of the meeting was the organization of output convoys fighters Raqa via the 'Southern Corridor'," said the Russian army.
After a reconnaissance flight of a UAV, aircraft Su-34 and Su-35 conducted strikes on May 28 between 0:35 ET 0:45 Moscow time. In total, the Russian army claims to have killed several "top leaders" of the Islamic State, "thirty warlords and 300 fighters".
Emmanuel Macron, president of the Islamic France on France 2 and TV5 International
French President Emmanuel Macron said he was extremely outraged bellicose attitudes vis-a-vis the Russians Islamic State fighters to protect their own people against the Occidental invader. Emmanuel Macron, this noodle without multicultural Islamic culture during his trip to the Islands French Polynesia  and he thought that Polynesia was in the Atlantic Ocean, near Saint-Pierre and Miquelon, had directional problems.
Emmanuel Macron how will we recover from his departure?
What do you want from a politician, a banker, who always steal the little people, it has no need to know the directions, it will fly all the people anyway, banker, lawyer, politician, parasite of society, all the same, profiteers.  
Emmanuel Macron and his pretty wife to go to La Trappe, speeches in mosques, with imams to encourage them to continue the destruction of all security layers in France and he will report this to the queen of Europe Angela Merkel, who later want to blow Britain.
But what she does not realize is that Britain and the US, are Protestants, Anglicans, and for several hundred years they control entire planets and they will not let walk on by the whiny little french and German with refugees.
Their love of money and power,these two nations to destroy them even if necessary to destroy the entire West for both countries retain the power.  
See what Donald Trump did in Saudi Arabia with Muslims and terrorists. The reaction of Qatar, and changes in several of these countries, despite their billion petrodollars, and when the United States or Britain speak, everyone listens feverishly.
Angela Merkel, he was a great fighter, and wearing a long crusade
And these facts are historical facts, the English, or American, have always been the property of others or robbed them. Even if Europe is to give step over to Britain for its release in Europe, Britain come out very winning and the whole Europe will be the loser.   
Philippe Couillard, Quebec premier, interview on state-owned Radio-Canada
We, Premier of Quebec and Salafist having spent five short brainwashing years in Saudi Arabia and having learned the Koran, Sharia and Arabic and ways of doing circumcisions and stonings traditional ways. I learned a lot of this ancient culture. When we heard this terrible news to the National Assembly of Quebec, we immediately contacted our religious Commissioners Adil Charkaoui and Hamza Chaoui to know what they thought of the murders of Vladimir Poutine and the head of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Ask the people of Quebec a protest in the street against the assassination the leader of the Islamic State with imams of mosques participants

Both suggested us to do fake news and tell the Quebec population it is systemic racist , Islamophobic and that it is the fault of the separatists if Vladimir Putin attacked Syria.

Knowing that Quebecers are so tolerant, welcoming and love to piss on the back by their Prime Minister who hates so much, they take media immediately. First but made wind Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Québec Solidaire the CBC, darling, when new, and you'll see all you applaud.

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