mercredi 7 juin 2017

Nabil Mhiri, From Amiens, France, The shit, the halal pig Islamic Extremist Charianic - pedophile - rapist - liar - Salafist - terrorist - on welfare - not working - lazy - nazist - Approved Emmanuel Macron

Nabil Mhiri, Amiens, France, Shit, Islamic halal pig Extremist Charianique - pederast - rapist - liar - Salafi - terrorism - on welfare - not working - lazy - nazi
Nabil Mhiri assaulted women, machinists, pig with applause COURSE OF JUSTICE AND FRENCH STUPIDITY.

Nabil Mhiri this honest pedophile and pederast can also be freely circulating in the streets in France with accommodation Emmanuel Macron the Salafi Wahhabi criminals Emirs of service Golfs Qatar and Saudi Arabia, countries Koranic barbarians , Satan,the Middle East
Man who experiences love and sexual attraction to young boys, teenagers or children or wife girls of six, seven or eight years as the prophet suggests in his book. This man must be an pederast, active  air, pederast habits; world pederasts attacking men, women, machinists, eating pigs, Christians, Jews.
This furrier annal in white dress stained with lies, that homosexuals do not recognize themselves as to prompt the eye, the tendency to caressing touches, at some acute and singing in feminine voice and frequent often religious places.
Nabil Mhiri, 40 years old but unfortunately mentally old back in 2000 BC, with no brain, innate manipulator, not working and living on the arms of the French and Europeans are making their own laws barbarians of religion bother satanic and all honest citizens who pay their taxes, their taxes, who work and sacrifice for dirty dogs, scoundrels as furrier anal, his Majesty the Quranic Nabil Mhiri.
His sex organ
Nabil Mhiri this big, bearded halal torch, dressed as a camel driver of the seventh century (7th)ridiculous pajama pants as some of his fellow Muslims bear for 14 centuries, which earned him the sweet nickname "Mr. Pajamas OR Hole ass, "and who always eats the ground like animals beggars, males in this Mohammedan imbalance affirmed never ceases to sow hatred and terror in this area since it haunts many month.
Nabil Mhiri humanitarian waste
We must consider that these gentlemen are serious sexual disorders, and have great difficulty with their erections, if they have them. Maybe the sheep, males made them lift their chef. Sacrifice of the party could be useful to them and the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ira sacrifice for you and go with you to the mosque because he visited the Mosque and it is like you. An idiot, just like your Salafist president, receiving his hares, like a beggar billionaires of Saudi Arabia, Justin Trudeau perched on the second leg his wife on the second leg with the other male slaves domestic females.
February 18, 2017, nazi, Nabil Mhiri that judges welcomed with all the honors as they would to receive the Queen of Europe Angela Merkel, putting the carpet, and solid gold seats for that perfect French that destroyed all customs, identities, ancestors. As noted French President, like him, Emmanuel Macron, it is without culture, but it is multicultural as Justin Hussein Mohamed Trudeau , his father the first traitor Canadian

This corrupt Nabil Mhiri he when  had to meet eight offenses since 2016, Nabil Mhiri was sentenced to eight months in jail for harassment of several young women, and for threatening a teacher with a knife in the training center where he attended a bakery training. Teachers and students described aggressive behavior such as shoulder shots given exclusively to non-Muslim women, threats of "slaps" but also death.
Do not insult the word pig
The pig Nabil Mhiri,showed up at the bar and he is justified in the bar "on the first day it went wrong, they wanted me to make bread bacon, but I do not touch pork. " Here I would like to emphasize that I do not want to shock the word "pig" as a pig does not kill, do not rape young women, how do no dishonor killings are not terrorists, and pigs have good taste. But these pigs dressed in white with beards filled with bugs are they wash and small toys between their legs
An argument that he had to estimate unstoppable to justify the death threats and physical assault of women identified as disbelieving.
In March, he spent a whole day to follow a trainee training who denounced the violence before the call from a friendly 'Why did you bear false witness? Bitch! All Albanians are whores like you fit in your country! ". Then he tore off his mobile phone. This infidel according to the Bible, this man was to be shipped to North Korea

Before Judges Nabil Mhiri, this liar, this nazi, that whiny, manipulative, this crappy character is excellent sacrifice for our leftist intellectuals, feminists who love our beings beaten by men we emphasized Sandra Fourastier.  According to her, good spanking for a new veiled Muslim, would be violated the maximum it could give the Islamic Republic of France.
The hatred of Islamic discourse are accepted in France, Justice Fabienne Siredey Garnier Judge Paris17th encourages these Islamic honorary praises Salafists are allowed by extremists rectums that come in its way. She professes discrimination of French and full elimination of France to the standards of Alain Juppé, François Hollande.
A witness testified hearing him make racist and an apologist for the murder of French origin: "Unbelievers", "assholes white, there's too much white in France," "there's no enough attacks "," a good man is a Daesh soldier. " But the judge will consider the facts related by a Christian. According to the Qur'an, it must have the votes of 25 Christians to assert one voice of the Muslim infidel.
Justin Trudeau at the mosque
Islamic racism justified by the prosecution
anti white racism and anti French, yet by far the most recognized, is widely accepted in defiance of the law on incitement to hatred, valid only when it seeks diversity. We think this judge, in the case of odious gang rape of the young Laura, set aside the racist, anti-white ( "white're, you eat pork, we will rape you") yet inherent in rape, so as not to stigmatize the poor little rapists might have been suspected of racism and not to jeopardize the chances of a "living together" spooky.
Mhiri been many handrails, complaints are usually abandoned in favor of the latter at the request of successive leaders to hide the catastrophic statistics. The good people must not especially that France leaves him free fields to destroy the country.

In January, a young girl was wearing complaint manifestly persecution, speaking of "nightmare". She painted a picture of this staunch Muslim as "a Maghreb that fat pig, bearded bastard" awaits "every day at the station. He follows me through high school. He found me in the evening. He takes my picture. Yesterday, he stuck his face in the window of the train. I am scared ". This dirty pig, the dirty hands, this terrorist rapist immigrant.
Sharia equivalent to shit, humanitarian waste, whores, pedophiles, rapists, terrorist, thief, manipulator, populist and Nabil Mhiri
Respect for shari'a is important, even for non-Muslims, as has been seen with rape Cologne collective donation Mayor Henrietta Recker approved the Muslim Refugees,with the Germans who should stay home for New Year's Eve, as we have seen in Sevran with these women should not sit down in a café, as saw in Rotherham where hundreds of children were raped in full knowledge of the English authorities feared to pass for racism, as we always find in England.
The multicultural country, Britain, like Canada and soon France Emmanuel Macron, with the rape of a girl of 13 again with the approval of the authorities even provided him an IUD closing eyes to keep out again of any accusation of racism, as was seen last at Chapelle-Pajol with these women whose presence on a narrow sidewalk that is more  justify the person to be fiddling, threaten, insult, humiliate, rape.

Mr. asshole, Mr. Piranha bloodied explains: "I just wanted to know, talk to them, I got probably the wrong way. If I am often at the station in the morning is that I spend out of the mosque. "
In short, a small dredge awkward, and I exit my small penis, because I thought I had touched a peanut, sir, Mr. con!
Ramadan month kill Christians and Jews authorized by our governments
Another Ramadan is upon us, and the Islamic State has called on Muslims to show their piety during this month conducting jihad attacks in the United States, Europe and Russia. In a new video, Muslims are encouraged to "hope and hide for them," that is to say, non-Muslims, "in the houses, corners, roads" and kill them. This recalls the admonition of the Koran to "kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them, besiege them and expect them to every place of ambush" (9: 5) and is yet another reminder that Ramadan is the quintessence In the month of jihad.
A Jihad group explained in 2012: "The month of Ramadan is a month of war and death for Allah This is a month to fight against the enemies of Allah and the messenger of God, the Jews and their. . US leaders

"Referring to a jihad attack that occurred at that time, the message continued:" one of our groups helped by Allah managed to bomb a bus Full of Jewish tourists, land raiders saint, after careful monitoring. the holy war is not limited to a particular arena and fight the Jews and the Americans until they leave the land of Islam. "
However, President Donald Trump released a statement saying that "the spirit of Ramadan strengthens the awareness of our common obligation to reject violence, to pursue peace and give to people in need who suffer from poverty or conflicts "and claiming that the recent jihad the terrorist massacre in Britain, France and Egypt were" acts of depravity that are directly contrary to the spirit of Ramadan. "
Islam the religion of the mentally ill, Surah 8: 9
New Mosque in Toulouse Salafists and terrorists in French territories and paid by the French people, Awake!

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