samedi 3 juin 2017

Justin Trudeau - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - Donald Trump - Theresa May - CBC - Radio-Canada - Racism of the Left of intellectuals, are we falling on the head

Racism of the Left intellectuals, we fall on the head
Our academic, intellectual, journalistic, populist politician, feminist, Islamic, Sikh, Hindu, Judaism, Orthodox, all those who wear HOODS ON HEAD,Religious, Self-proclaimed imam in charge of sects, religious tribes, individualism,a student Association, professors from UQAM, journalists from Radio-Canada and subsidized States Company by governments sold to the Emirs and Gulfs Salafis from Saudi Arabia, the Koran barbarians Wahhabi that directly subsidizes the Islamic State.

Politburo Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, racism Québécophobe
The politburo of Québec Solidaire Gabriel Nadeau Dubois extremist Leninist Stalinist its connectivities with the guidance and teachings he followed during his young career dysfunctional social disturbance by always hiding under the voice he was the bearer of the way of the people, the communicator and not responsible for the actions of people doing illegal actions. We can certainly say that he had the populist stature in the soul in Supreme Court of Canada has fooled.  
Knowing he would hide all the members of his political party with the consent of other members, the cherub, the newcomer will soon be in the National Assembly and raciser up and become the ultimate Islamophile to give all values ségrégationnel.

Intellectuals leftists extremists
All these many indulgent leftists, these Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, Jean-Luc Chartrand  Agnes De Féo sociologist Josiane Gagnon Muslim veiled are fallen feminist and extremist dying around the world, fell directly to theart underworld humanitarian waste Stalinists, Maoists, dictatorships, non-thinking, the Islamic Sharia and what is more worrying, distressing to the precipices of disappearances different thoughts of all human beings and not only the dictatorship of the left university, journalists, perverse ignorance, return to the baseness of mankind, religions.
The burritos racism in Portland Oregon USA
This brain cancer racist leftists intellectuals emerged in recent decades with appearances and distributions of Islamic religious beliefs Salafists washabite dictatorial, with the coming of the king's children, not educable, not raised by their parents , in which they had only asked and demanded and everything was given to them without any effort, these new students, the new children of the future, who have never worked for a few things.
These kings children, were allowed them, it appeared a few years ago on American university campuses, nothing better than intellectuals disconnected from reality to give birth to twisted ideas, made new victims every day. My darling, my little darling, deserves, and the teacher must give him whatever he asks. After a few years, the teachers themselves of this generation, become flanks, soft leftists, invertebrates, Stalinists, everything is their due, individualistic.
Here, there are a few months, two white Americans opened a restaurant in specialized rolling burritos in Portland, Oregon. "On a recent trip to Mexico, we fell in love with this dish, said one of the owners. We asked several Mexican show us how to make the best tortilla ...

"Their food, it seems, was divine. "Totally decadent", write a local food critic, but the two girls were not Mexicans blood, what shame as Gabriel Nadeau Dubois, we must refer to the right of the individual to the United Nation.
But there are a few days, the two girls had to close their restaurant. Protesters and journalists, accused them of stealing traditional Mexican recipes and make cultural appropriation.
"These white stoves exploited racialized persons for commercial purposes, to write a hysterical blocking. Even whites who go to Mexico to get rich.
"The American melting pot or Emmanuel Macron, France's Without Culture
Is not this the same basic American experience, mix cultures? Multiculturalism Justin Trudeau takes a shot while Justin is white, and Muslim?
Need I remind these scribblers morons that it is a German who invented the printing press, and that every time they write their nonsense in a leftmost cloth, they pillage shamelessly German culture?
The US had to buy namely the German inventions to win the war. And electronic gadgets that you use to throw your inanities, they were not invented by the Japanese?

Racist festivals around the world
Paris, France, in July 2017, their last silliness, welcoming the Muslim people of Emmanuel Macron multiculturalism to Justin Trudeau International empty shell, an African feminist festival will host activities open to black women only the feminist racism at its maximum, the segregationist, apartheid South Africa in 2017 Macron tolerated in France. Imagine for a minute open only to white men only, the whole earth would jump and Angela Merkel, the queen of Europe would lose its support Islamic throat!
Bret Weinstein, a biology professor at Evergreen State College in Washington, has been at the center of a scandal for its refusal to comply with an order to leave the campus because of the color of his skin.
Biology professor Bret Weinstein recently received death threats after he spoke out against the organization, the ethnic minority of the college, a "day of absence" banning students and faculty of color white to appear on campus.
Resolutely disagree with the idea of forcing students to leave campus because of the color of their skin, Weinstein wrote to the organizers to explain his reasons:
"You can consider this letter as a formal protest against the how things work this year, and you can be sure that I will be on campus during the "day of absence." I would encourage others to abandon the phenotypes and to reject this new formulation, whether it already "saved" or not. On a college campus, the right to speak - or to exist - each should never be based on the color of his skin, "wrote Bret Weinstein.

The message has caused an uproar among students. The next day, at least 10 people broke into the Bret Weinstein classroom chanting insults against him and demanding his resignation.
The situation was compounded by the declaration of Bret Weinstein, who called the demonstrators "crowd panicked."
While college students are collecting signatures for the resignation of Bret Weinstein, the police have already recommended him not to come on campus because of serious death threats against him.
Racist anti-white you know
The scene takes place in Paris, but it could also happen in Montreal. It concerns the feminist festival Nyansapo.
Detail: he is an African feminist festival where, essentially, access will be restricted to black women. In the jargon of the extreme left, it's called a single-sex festival.
Translate concretely: white women are not welcome, white men even less.
We exclude on the basis of their skin color. Outside what apartheid in South Africa and the United States, black slavery!

Anne Hidalgo,the mayor of Paris, denounced the event in half, politically correct forces.
This is not the first time that such an event is being held in France. In August 2016, a "decolonial summer camp" prohibited "white" had also caused the scandal. Such events will multiply. They even found defenders ... in the name of anti-racism!
What would be said of a festival reserved for "whites"? We get shocked too, with good reason. But who are the "white"? What do the Russians, Scots, Finnish, Swedish, French and Quebecers might be traditionally defined as "white"?
These people are carriers of different cultures. By what perverted mind can we abolish their identities in order to see their homes as "white"? We can even demonize them on this basis. Discriminate against "whites", that is social justice!
Racial categorization humanity enclosing each in its roots and reduces the human being to the sample status representative of a group being defined by the color of their skin.

Wonder Women in New York prohibits men
Okay, that's it, not surprisingly. On the occasion of the release of Wonder Women film (which opens at Quebec June 2, 2017), American movie Austin and New York are organizing June 6, 2017 five sessions "forbidden to men."
Why? Well, because Wonder Woman Is a feminist icon, of course! You did not know that in 2017, there are activists who think the best way to celebrate feminism is to exclude men? And after that, they denounce the horrible sexism course of "boys club". It's so much easier to see sexism in the neighbor's yard.
The real racism, there it is! Far Left! Justin Trudeau,politically correct, only their side, one way, according to their own decision and no discussion is allowed according to the unions of anarchist professors in Québec universities and student associations morons kings kids, nerds, patriotic and anti democratic (THE RETRADED).
It was thought to have defeated after his heinous crimes. It is back by the extreme left, and the media of complacency for him.
It has even been the pellet to present it as a liberation instrument. It's the world upside down.

All our politicians, getting money from the petrodollard, Saudi Arabia, the Emir from the Golf, the Devil of Islam, the left extremist intellectuals, feminist without any brain working against freedom of women for babarbarious religion now are the murderers, tne Nazist, the dicatator, the genocide of our OCCIDENTAL Democratic value of our  CIVILISATION to bring the apocalips of Islam, Charia, and Allah the salafist, wassabit, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, Angela Merkel, Theresa May, and millions others, in all fields in our societies
All forms of racism are wrong. The anti-black racism. The anti-Asian racism. Anti Christian Muslim racism. The Islamic anti Jewish racism. Gender segregation in mosques, synagogues, and religious buildings. Other racism. And even anti-white racism.
Since the early 2000s, the world fell on his head, we have become all extremely insane, mentally ill. Our governments are selling us the worst of religions, the barbarians, the Salafists, extremists who control them all our National Assemblies.
More and more intellectuals, the media looking for ways not matter to control us as did dictatorships. Currently social media, young people connect 24 of 24 on all networks by phone not even happen to think for themselves. Life has become an electronic life and not human, no person communicates and left and right extremists have free paths, the same religions that make the policies as politicians.

Philippe Couillard, the Premier of Quebec, practice it systemic racism and hate Francophobia Quebec, it is Salafist inveterate, it is Islamophilia, Coranophilia,Chariaphilia and corruptible to perfection as liberal.

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