mardi 20 juin 2017

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Emmanuel Macron - Angela Merkel - Theresa May - Donald Trump - A cat meow, a dog bark, an Islamist is a future terrorist sleeping in the soul

Mosque = Islam = Koran = Sharia = Terrorist = Religion Extremism - Intolerant - Ignorant = Not compatible with our democracies
Proverb from Tunisia: To all our parliamentary elites of this world Give me an honest politician, I will give you a whore virgin

Take the example of Mélanie Joly, Minister in Ottawa,  wearing the Islamic veil, which washes the feet of Justin Trudeau and toilet. A person imbued itself that focuses primarily on the container, the look and marketing ( "branding"), medium from which it originated, to get elected mayor of Montreal.
The turncoat
That a person like her, who only say big meaningless generalities, as Jean-Marc Fournier, and great intellectual emptiness, also make a good score in the polls and discouraged me despair the level of knowledge and critical judgment of my fellow citizens. We can certainly declare it is like his boss, an empty shell.
Prostitutes are increasingly multiculturalists
Wild multiculturalism's to Justin Trudeau to David Cameron, Emmanuel Macron, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, the liar, to Angela Merkel lead Quranic Islamic Wahhabi Salafi religious fanaticism Charias segregationist apartheids nazistes Leninists.

Faced with these atrocities, whoever still refuses to admit that the violent branches of Islamic fundamentalism are at war against the West deserves only pity and contempt.
The only religion like all other supposedly bring man closer to his Creator, she deflected the point that some believers feel right and good to ride on humans, to decapitate them or spray them in the public square this is Islam, the religion of the devil?
For now, I am against the fools of Allah are protected by the laws of our governments.
Who will force us one day to suspend laws for Muslims and to store our most precious values, primarily the defense of human rights, the time to destroy this degenerated Islam condones evil in the name of good. We should take the example and Donald Trump, suspend immigration of every Muslim to four or five generations.

Quran written by Satan's hands
Well-meaning imams ensure that jihadists do not practice true Islam, they are not Muslims, while they merely apply literally some passages of the Quran that require killing Christians and Jews and freely profess that imams in mosques, schools, media, and elsewhere in freedom.
Instead murderers to clear and absolve religion, these leaders should unconditionally solidarity with the victims and attacked companies. Many do, but still not enough.
Ordinary Muslims, moderate or extremist approve all terrorist
At Justin Trudeau,Prime Minister of Canada and Philippe Couillard Premier of Quebec, Emmanuel Macron, President of France, Angela Merkel, German Chancellor
Quran Surah II Heifer, verse 187/191:KILL tHE wherever you overtake them! Expel them from where they expelled you! Persecution [believers] (fitna) is worse than killing. [However], not fight point near the Sacred Mosque until they fight you there! If they fight you, KILL THEM! This is the 'reward' the infidels.

No imam, or Muslim body n'have condemned the attacks in Manchester, London and Kabul. The one paid tribute to stabbed two Americans for standing in defense of two Muslim youth harassed by a white supremacist in Portland, Oregon, last week, preferring to remain safe in their cocoon and resentment 'self-justification.
London Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard London bombings overnight applauded the terrorists of their exploits
Have you read the statements of the Canadian and Quebec politicians in the aftermath of an Islamist attack in London?
"A reprehensible attack", "Acts of despicable violence", "A very sad situation," "The fanatics have deep drive into the crowd," "Gestures incomprehensible and revolting" ... "Just fucking bull shitt CBC News from Toronto Shit happens Said Justin Trudeau. "

Philippe Couillard, above all, no amalgam is the fault of Quebec separatists! If Jean-François Lisée would not have made the Charter of values we would be not  here in the world told us again Jean-Marc Fournier, Minister of National stupidities of Quebec.
The fact that most of the attacks that have shed blood over the past decades have been committed by madmen of Allah, Muslims,who follow the Quran and wives who are veiled with children who are also veiled in mosques genres are separated, are pure coincidence around the world. We fabulons all, according to journalist CBC Mr. Chartrand. We should not draw any conclusions because the community holds the balance of power, votes in the upcoming elections.

"Our thoughts are with the victims of the bombing of London and their families," wrote Justin Trudeau yesterday and he laughed like crazy.
"When a maniac slaughters Muslims in a mosque in Quebec, we don ' hesitate a second to define the attack: it is racially attack, caused by the extreme right, bins radios, exclusion, Islamophobia, values charter, nationalism, xenophobia, populism, demagogy, the tabloids ...
But when it is an Islamist who slaughter innocents in the name of religion, it is an attack, a mentally ill, unemployed, he is a Muslim, period. No word, no cause, no reason, he shits of Qur'anic shit.

London arrests, but the Government will do nothing
Armed Islamic State group claimed responsibility London Bridge yesterday, his third in less than three months on British soil. And we expect the fourth eagerly.
The organization Jihad said in a statement released by his propaganda agency that "fighters unit" carried out the attack, first by mowing down pedestrians on London Bridge, then stabbing random passers Borough Market.
The British security services were embarrassed yesterday by revelations of media following which at least one of the suspects of the bombing of London Bridge was known to the authorities.

Theresa May condemned the violence.
"We can not and must not pretend that things can continue as they are now. If the recent attacks are not linked by common networks, they are by the demonic ideology of Islamist extremism ideology that is a perversion of Islam and truth, "insisted Ms. Theresa May.
While their mayor, Sadiq Khan, a Muslim, attend mosques and extremist terrorists, the Muslim Brotherhood, spoke of "barbaric acts" Londoners will pay tribute to the victims during a vigil scheduled for today evening. But never forget, the political ties of the Mayor of London to Al Qaeda. It is true that a Muslim, Sadiq Khan will always be Muslim first before being an Anglophone or Columbia.

In short, Islam is the downfall of the human
Islam is stupid by nature, alienating and harmful to humans.
Islam has never brought humanity in 1400 years.
Its sole purpose is to conquer and dominate the world and to remove all traces of previous civilizations.
Islam is empty. Meaningless, ideals, human project, spirituality, through, art, culture, science.
The abyssal vacuum of Muslim thought leads him to not be able to exist by the hatred of the other and by violence.
Philippe Couillard systemic racist who wants to destroy all of Quebec for the glory of Allah and Justin Trudeau

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