mercredi 21 juin 2017

Justin Trudeau Raif Badawi to be released and Iqra Kalid, Liberal MP to replace him in jail in Saudi Arabia Mo-103 Islamophobia

Justin Trudeau Raif Badawi must be released and Iqra Khalid will replace the prison in Saudi Arabia MB-103 Islamophobia
Raif Badawi has already received 50 lashes in January 2015!

He was sentenced in 1000 to receive whips liked this Islamic country Koranic barbarians we sold military arms for 18 billion dollars!
According to the Saudi government, a friend of the Honorable Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard, he should receive 950 lashes and other spending nearly a decade in prison simply because he has freely expressed its blogs defending freedom of expression.
Just after Friday prayers as they pray for better kill humans, these Islamic barbarians Justin Trudeau visits only Muslim religious sites, mosques in Canada.
09 Jan 2015, Raif Badawi was led by the Saudi authorities in a bus in the middle of the square in front of the al-Jafali mosque in Jeddah. A large crowd had gathered to watch the flogging. The Koran, the book Satan Salafist Islamist barbarians request to destroy humanity and Western governments bend to petrodollars.
Raif stood in the middle of the crowd, handcuffed and shackled by the ankles, face uncovered. A security guard approached him and began to administer lashes on the back and on the legs.
The horrors of the Koran, Sharia and Islamic barbarians salfistes
Raif received 50 lashes. One witness described the scene and said it took only five minutes to the agent to administer 50 strokes as the pace was fast and constant.
On January 21, 2015, he was to receive in Jeddah, another 50 lashes. Two days earlier, the doctors said that Raif was too ill to stand again flogging.
The week before, the authorities had also postponed the 50 lashes after a prison doctor has said that Raif was unfit to be whipped and the whipping should be postponed for a week for medical reasons.

Quran Salafi, barbaric, Saudi Arabia and Canada and Quebec
Raif Badawi is not a criminal. Raif Badawi is a prisoner of conscience who has defended freedom of speech on its website. His treatment by the authorities in Saudi Arabia is a vicious act of cruelty, the Koran, sharia, the nazi, the Ségrétionistes, barbarities, Terrorists. Demand the release of Raif Badawi now our shell inOttawa!
To mark the fifth anniversary of the arrest of Raif Badawi, blogger and prisoner of Saudi opinion, Samah Hadid, Director in charge of the campaigns in the Middle East regional office of Amnesty International, said:
No to Islamic veils
"Raif Badawi has already served half of his prison sentence, but it should never have been imprisoned. The Saudi Arabian authorities must release him immediately and unconditionally, and all prisoners of conscience detained solely for exercising their right to freedom of expression.
"Blogging is not a crime. The severe punishment of Raif Badawi reveals the total disregard of the Saudi authorities for freedom of expression and shows how far they are willing to go to suppress any form of dissent.
"The United Nations do not want to help Raïf Badawi
Raif Badawi has received more than a million messages of support from Amnesty International activists since 2014. In 2015, the campaign has also focused on the plight of his lawyer, Waleed Abu al Khair, who is serving a sentence of 15 years in prison solely because of his work in defense of human rights.
It has been five years since the blogger and advocate for human rights Raïf Badawi is detained in Saudi Arabia ...

And what does Justin Trudeau? He takes pictures of himself.Justin Trudeau disguises, Justin Trudeau this costume, Justin Trudeau does yoga, Justin Trudeau pray and profess in mosques, Justin Trudeau mélitte for the Muslim Brotherhood Salafis, Justin Trudeau, the imam, the Grand Mufti  is the absolute narcissism his divine majesty Michaëlle Jean.
A prime minister without Culture
Justin Trudeau wearing turbans, Yabiladi, yarmulke page,niqab, Native American feathers, transgender toilet, veiled, Koranic condom, folk outfits, LGBT signs,religious symbols in exceptions Christians signs.
To show the gallery how it is open, generous, benevolent, Justin Trudeau is certainly the Prime Minister without any real culture including the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, multiculturalism and David Cameron of Britain in which people are skipped by the wonderful Salafi Islamist terrorists who remain on the British soil.
Our Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau, offers Canadian citizenship to all new Islamic terrorists or Muslim with pensions retired
All as presidents, prime ministers, senior officials, mayors, they multiply rhetoric, hollow phrases, formulaic as the messages found in fortune cookies and greeting cards. These puppets of politicians knowing they will never hit themselves or their own families by these barbarians, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Islamic countries, they do not care to know what people will spend the soul left .
These people are dead as general said during the war losses necessary to combat.
In 2013, on Twitter, Justin Kumbaya slays Stephen Harper for its inaction in Raïf Badawi folder. "It's time to act", he wrote.
Four years later, what have you done, Mr. Trudeau, except you take selfie? And Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard did nothing to get out of jail Raïf Badawi and bring Quebec. As we often repeat these two elite crooked, floggings are part of their customs and we must respect them.
A prime minister, an empty integral
Oh, it's true: you sold armored government that condemned Raïf Badawi to 10 years in prison and 1,000 lashes.
Continue to pronounce rhetoric on Canadian values, Mr. Prime Minister. Whether you are a true liar and a perfect crosser. You should go on tour with Michaëlle Jean, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
While Canadians are watching, amazed, the gleaming teeth of their PM, they do not see the weapons we sell to one of the most significant sponsors of Islamic terrorism, Saudi Arabia.
Justin Trudeau populist manipulateur
Forward, we cry over the poor victims of "tragic incidents" in London, Manchester, Boston, Nice, Paris. Donald Trump, back, breaststroke is big business with the biggest propagator of Wahhabism, the most retrograde conception and radical Islam. But, blah, Islam, Satan, the Koran, it has nothing to beat a cat, the dollars are there.
Justin Trudeau is so beautiful, Justin, that even the mirrors are broken before him. He is so charming! He speaks so well! All want to sleep with this handsome guy but attention to religious diseases they carry with him, multiculturalists nazistes.
"The Government of Canada continues to be resolute in our desire and our conviction to continue to assist the Islamic State, in its struggle against the West and especially against the United States Donald Trump already has Justin Trudeau said.
Led by a bar of soap
"But what we will not do is to keep trying to talk, to give free publicity to the Islamic State because they are known to use propaganda to spread. "Our country will make every effort to accommodate all Islamic terrorists refugees and provide them with all the means to accomplish their intended. Since the arrival of the devil, Donald Trump, we opened our borders, this human shit, we cherish and we want to give them eternal refuge for the sake of Allah at the Islamic State of Canada.
Justin Trudeau Record Raïf Badawi and prefers the Montreal North drug dealer Dany Villanueva
Yesterday I told you that despite its beautiful flights on Canadian values, solidarity and compassion, the Prime Minister has done nothing to release the blogger Raïf Badawi. Instead, he sold weapons to his jailers.
You who love her in empty talk, you who shout with joy when he wiggles on the dance floor, dressed as a maharajah in Bollywood star or desert prince, Canadian shell Salafist Islamists in Ottawa.

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