mardi 26 janvier 2016

Bill Morneau, Finance Minister of Canada- an extra tax of 5% gasoline per liter to finance the refugee crisis

Bill Morneau, Finance Minister of Canada- an extra tax of 5% gasoline per liter to finance the refugee crisis

Bill Morneau, Canadian Finance Minister to announce an extra tax of 5% gasoline per liter to finance refugee crisis to the end of May 2016 at Central Neighbourhood House, Toronto and the Muslim Association of Canada. This increase of $ 0.06 per liter will be the participation of all Canadians and the Government Trudeau well being of newcomers.
The budgets of Canada and the provinces are not sufficient, then we agree to establish, with the provinces, for example, a tax of a certain level on each liter of gasoline, said the minister in an interview with the daily Toronto Star.
The GST will also have increased from 5% to 9% by 2017 in order to put these revenues to new migrants to ensure their Canadian integration, provide housing, schools, health conditions, a reasonable income until the end of their day, on our territory.
These new taxes represent the sum of 7 billion dollars we could inject into the reception of Syrians refugees to ensure them a pleasant retreat in Canada.
So we would have the means to more refugees, he said, considering that the solution of the problem should not fail due a limitation of resources used. Canada must set an example to the world that we are a welcoming country and religious minorities will always be welcome in the country.
The Syrians refugees will not have to pay the taxe on gaz
Government of Canada 2016-01-23

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