dimanche 31 janvier 2016

Justin Trudeau will allow - Rape and marriage of girls from 12 years in Canada - We need back Stephen Harper before the destruction of all Canada

Justin Trudeau will allow  - Rape and marriage of girls from 12 years in Canada
Sharia.I have a good story to tell that is passed under the radar
Involving Saudi Arabia, our "friendly country" that whips opponents and treats women as second-class citizens, behead Jews and Christians murdered people not thinking like them. But according gentlemen Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard, all this is part of their ancestral custom of barbaric and we must approve and put everything in our disposal the means to help incorporate Islamic law, the Koran and Sharia in the Canadian Constitution before the end of the Liberal mandate in Ottawa.

We have the media, a feminist population which they use more of their brain. We can do anything with these sheep are dragging their feet and are connect day and night, without having to think only one second in their life. We politicians love people like that, ignorant of all, we can spend all they say and do nothing. This is a well thought people!
The wrath of vicious Islamic sheikhs, bearded and grimy
In February 2015, the Foreign Minister of Sweden, Margot Wallström, has accused Saudi Arabia to use methods "medieval" by condemning the blogger Raif Badawi to receive 1000 lashes for criticizing the way the Saudi regime treated women.
(Meanwhile, Justin Trudeau, our future prime minister, sang Kumbaya with his wife and children .. He so party, that it will be the "Newfie" Canadian in Hollywood. In the words of La Presse, the Government Trudeau is the best in the world and has put Canada in its place on the planet. The other countries, now do not know Canada and we remain holders water as any good Quebecers. But I must apologize, Justin Trudeau is not Quebecers, Ontarians is in the pay of Ontarians families "Desmarais" as Philippe Couillard, Denis Coderre, Kathleen Wynne, and hundreds others.  

But we must also say like father like son, as trafficking is traitor. Poor Canada, forfeiture of Jean Chrétien golf boulles is again in Ottawa. When the next political scandal involving hundreds of millions that your deputies or other empocherons under the table. How you received with distant religious communities either the Canadian for your civilization? I hope it was worth the trouble, Mr Selfie.
Ms. Wallström was merely saying out loud what most Western diplomats believe whisper ...
Immediately, the Saudis and their Islamist partners pogne nerves.
Saudi Arabia announced that it would grant more visas to Swedish merchants traveling. It asked its ambassador in Sweden to pack up and return to the country in protest.
The UAE withdrew its ambassador in Stockholm. And forbade Ms. Wallström a speech before the Arab League.
In addition, the six countries of the Gulf Cooperation Council condemned the remarks of the Swedish minister, saying she had not to interfere . their "internal affairs"
We have Western enforce Islamic diversity but they can stone the Western and Canadians - This is part of their barbaric cultures hairy mustaches - Signed: Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada
following a tasty excerpt from the . Press the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) issued in the aftermath of this affair
"The OIC argues that the international community - with its multiple cultures, the diversity of its social models and the richness of its moral references - should not just a single central vision that wants to shape the world according to its own beliefs, its references, its historical background, its roots and its social and political philosophy.  other
"Inwords, it must respect cultural diversity and how to make each company.

You have a Charter of Human Rights that protects women, children and homosexuals? Perfect. But this law does not apply to Muslims, Islamic, race "Islamic Arian" Hitler. Mr. Justin Trudeau you made ​​discrimination against all Christian citizens of Canada is not it.
We are married girls at age 12, it condemns gays to the death penalty and prohibits women from traveling without the written consent of their husbands.
To each their traditions. All cultures are equal and no country can teach a lesson to others. Imagine if we had done so in 1940. "Yes, they put the Jews in camps, but that's the way they do, we do not have to judge ..."
The silences of female and feminist federations
Interviewed by the newspaper Le Monde, the Minister Margot Wallström said she absolutely not regretted his words.
"A feminist is a foreign policy perspective that we must bear in itself. What is the legal situation of women in countries where we are active? Do they have the same rights as men, are involved in the decisions of their country? It is through these filters that Sweden is to guide its actions.

"Thatis a true feminist! It's not a whore like our members who sell us all the time and who go to mosques, or attach with Muslims in several municipal levels.
During that time, Western feminists condone assaults wild, which took place in Cologne ... Feminists like Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario, Françoise David, communist president, Amir Khadir, shoe throwing champion Stephane Dion, the international Q-Tip, Philippe Couillard, personal friend of Imams, Justin Trudeau, Islamic sold who prostrate themselves before barbarians, destructive of all  mankind,the devil is among us, in our institutions and our leaders, who are bribed by these religious minoritiesTrudeau..

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