mardi 5 janvier 2016

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard and other prime ministers in Canada and foreign leaders What does the Islamic State and what are its intentions? Part Two

What does the Islamic State and what are its intentions?
Part TWO
The Muslim Apocalypse
All Muslims agree that God is the only one who knows the future. But they also agree that it offered us a look at it in the Quran and the narrations of the Prophet.

The Islamic State differs from almost every other current jihadist movement to believe that it is written in the script of God as a central character. It is in this casting that the Islamic state is most boldly distinctive of its predecessors, and clearest in the religious nature of his mission.
In outline, al Qaeda acts as an underground political movement, with worldly goals for anytime, expelling non-Muslims from the Arabian Peninsula, the abolition of the State of Israel, the end of support for dictatorships in Muslim land. The Islamic State has its share of worldly concerns (including in areas under its control, garbage collection and maintenance of water running), but the end of time is a locomotive of its propaganda.

Ben Laden rarely mentioned the Apocalypse, and when it did, it seemed that it would be presumed long dead when the glorious moment as divine appearance has finally arrived.
"Bin Laden and Zawahiri are from Sunni families' elite that looks down on this kind of speculation and think it is something that the masses are involved in, "said Will McCants of the Brookings Institution, who wrote a book on apocalyptic thinking of the Islamic State.
During the last years of the US occupation of Iraq, immediate founders of the Islamic State, however, saw signs of the end times everywhere. They foresaw, in a year, the arrival of a figure Mahdi Messianic intended to lead Muslims to victory before the end of the world. McCants says a prominent Islamist Iraq approached bin Laden in 2008 to warn him that the group was led by millenarianisms that were "talking all the time about the Mahdi and make strategic decisions" based on when they thought that the Mahdi would happen . "Al Qaeda has had to write to [these leaders] say" delete the

"For some true believers who aspire to the kind good against evil epic battles apocalyptic visions of bloodshed meet a deep psychological need. Among the supporters of the Islamic State, Musa Cerantonio, Australian, expressed the deepest interest in the Apocalypse and how the remaining days of the state and the Islamic world might look like.
Parts of this prediction are home for him and do not yet have the status of doctrine. But other parts are based on traditional Sunni sources and which appear on the propaganda of the Islamic state. These include the belief that there will be  twelve only caliphs legitimate and Bagdhadi is the eighth; the armies of Rome will be ground to meet the armies of Islam in northern Syria; and that final confrontation of Islam with anti-messiah will take place in Jerusalem after a renewed Islamic conquest period.
The armies of Rome are the armies of Western countries, such as during the Crusader period in Israel.
The Islamic State has attached great importance to the Syrian city of Dabiq near Aleppo. He named his propaganda magazine after the city, and celebrated when madness (at great expense) he conquered the plains without strategic importance Dabiq. He is there, the Prophet would have said, that the armies of Rome will set up their camp. The armies of Islam can meet and be Dabiq Waterloo Rome or his Anti-Islam.
He said that the State has the obligation to terrorize his enemies, a sacred order to scare the crap out of them beheadings and crucifixions with and enslavement of women and children, as this speeds up the victory and avoids protracted conflict.

The Canadian Apocalypse
Bearded of the Islamic State could not care less that we support Israel or not, or that aligns with the Americans or not. They want to raise an army capable of conducting the final fight, period. Their dream is not a Middle East free from outside influence; it is the realization of the old prophecy, the Apocalypse and the victory of Allah. These people are psychopaths protected by our Western political elites. We do not negotiate with crazy. You do not argue with them. We take all necessary means to neutralize them. We must destroy them once and for all.
Can we trust gentlemen Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard or other Canadian political elites to protect our customs, our morals or will they sell us to the intellectual, religious, to retrieve votes allophones across the country.

We now realize that our politicians do not listen to the people but only populism of the arrival of Syrian immigrants. During this time our dear governments can, in a Machiavellian way we tried to estoquer, line their pockets while preparing demagogy, the usual replies, we are welcoming, and we want to help the destitute in the world. Our politicians at all levels, from municipal to federal school, forget everyday misery of our own citizens in favor of advertising in the media. In conclusion, there is no traitor that our politicians, thinking only of personal gain with a daily vision and past terrorist realities across the globe committed by Muslims
should be called by their own words  word.: animal barking is a dog, not a hen, is not it. The terrorists on this planet, excluding some psychopaths are Islamic. And that's all. The Muslim community is attacked these barbaric Islamic and remove. But in reality, the Muslim majority does nothing in this direction. We must therefore, ask ourselves this question: are they with terrorists or are they to us Christians Westernall?

You can replace Justin Trudeau names or Philippe Couillard your own ministers, president, and others - they  like, they only think about what their next major election, the people have nothing to do with our feelings, our demands, our justifications.
Islam Carte.jpg
Reference to read about terrorist Isis What Really Wants in  Atlantic magazine The, experts on the subject written in 2015.

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