Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Melanie Sarazin - The worst enemy of women is feminist leftist
Your associations, federations
Melanie Sarazin, president of the Federation des femmes du Québec - Jennifer Flanagan President & CEO Canadian Women ......... Foundations National Council of Women of the United States - Gwenda Nicholas, President National Council of Women Great Britain - ............ Democratic Women's Federation of Germany (German: Demokratischer Frauenbund Deutschlands / DFD) - Marisol Touraine - Minister ders Social Affairs, Health and Women's Rights to
The Syrians migrantsFrance,use women as spoils of war
It is a logic of conquest and Neanderthal primitive religion that operates here, whether conscious or not. By seizing women, we want to submit the European companies.
The German authorities have turned a blind eye to not be named Islamophobic by Islamic invaders. We are not in front of ordinary crime, but several Muslim groups wanting to make and remake the laws in Germany as in all other countries when they are putting their feet with the aid of our sold and crooked politicians.
Prehistoric Conquest the woman by the animal, the man in his cave
Some Muslim terrorists and foreign bands which intend to make the law in the host country and seize as many women as spoils of war. Ladies you became sexually edible booty for the pleasure of humans. You future children will do the same.
Like all animals of this world and Muslims are another non-animal species, the power of the new masters will be exerted on them first.
In short, if you are assaulted, Ladies, as stated in the Qur'an it is your fault because you're a woman, the ancestor of the devil.
These new immigrants know that the rights of states will not do anything against them because justice protects clothing malicious to the detriment of the right people, Mrs Merkel and gentlemen Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard of this world. We are before an archaic regression values to a barbaric world where only prevailing power relations. As we often say the Premier of Quebec, Philippe Couillard we must necessarily accept the Islamic barbarism because it is part of the one universal culture, Islam.
Feminists like Françoise David, Amir Khadir, are your worst enemy dear ladies
The multiculturalism of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the worst Canadian traitor, is a dogma that preserves the generalization of the lie that will destroy the whole country.
Such events are expected to multiply in the coming years, in Canada and in Quebec . With them, are witnessing the wewildly in gradualEuropean societies.
Among these, there is this myth that we can accommodate hundreds of thousands and even millions of migrant deeply foreign culture without causing bright voltages. We can not mix the Catholic religion an open mind and a barbaric like religion Islamist said.
Betrayal of the Mayor of Cologne, Henriette Reker
Henriette Reker In short, if one attacks them is your German woman fault. How much money has been saying this falsehood? We may ask?
Sooner or later, the German wear the veil and to behave as good Islamically virtuous girls, Sharia rule will be there and you'll be part of Islamic honor killing?
The left is afraid to tell the true Words
When a terrorist attack is perpetrated by men shouting Allah Akhbar, the left does not use the words "terrorists", "jihad," When
"Islamist."hordes of Arab and North African men assaulting women in Cologne The left does not use words such as "migrants", "asylum seekers" or "refugees" "jihad" religious.
When POLICE CONFIRM that "almost all" of the attackers Cologne were of foreign origin, the left closes his eyes, his nose and refuse to call this crime by its name: men from misogynistic culture, Islamic women who assault as if it was their right and privilege.
Left, politicians intellectuals refuse to recognize also that of the Maghreb and Middle East countries consider rape as a harmless seigneur of law.
How can we imagine that a man brought up in this culture of rape, the trivialization of sexual assault behaves differently when it crosses the German border?
Why is it acceptable to denounce the sexist culture of the United States or France but that should be muzzled when it denounced the sexist culture of Islamic countries of the Maghreb and the Middle East or Southeast Asia? They have oil.
Muslim men are misogynistic and their wives are slaves
If the West is on the large number of migrant admission, it must insist that they respect our values.When Angela Merkel announced its decision to take in 800,000 refugees this summer have all predicted that this would lead to big problems for Western women. Similarly for Canada and Philippe Couillard to take 50,000 Syrians immigrants with their barbaric Islamic religion. Our politicians only think about re-election, they are populists.
Of course, not all Muslim men do not behave this way. Not all Muslim societies do not allow such a misogynist behavior. A Muslim sub-Saharan Africa or Indonesian women do not insult the ways of the Islamic countries of the Middle East peninsula. They are barbarians pure.
But the confluence of certain cultural habits with particular interpretations of Islam, and specific agreements on Western women, can produce toxic mix that I experienced as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Turkey, and many others. "We have to thank our Prime Ministers of Canada and Quebec brought us home and we ask again anti-Canadian accommodations.
male Muslim friends later confirmed that many of their peers consider all Western women "whores" but associate this more strongly with blonde women. Why? We are rarer, more distinct from "their" women and still objectified in our own societies. They associate us with the peroxide artists they see involved in sexual acrobatics in pornographic films and assume this is an accurate representation of who we are.
What is almost as disturbing as the sexual assault mass in Germany and that the German authorities hide these facts to the people who elected them. Are our politicians all bills and sold to the highest bidder? Yes!
To start with police in Cologne "tried not Tell ethnicity striker" Henriette Reker, Cologne mayor, suggested women keep their distance. Maybe she thinks they should cover their hair too, or she wants to have the enjoyment to be violated are to turn this feminist.
Naturally, the West is not always a bastion of gender equality and respect. But in my experience the worst examples of misogyny not just Muslim societies, and a disproportionate number of Muslim men misogynist views. So while we must respect the plight of refugees, but they must first respect the rights of citizens who were born in Europe and America.
The German people have to accept the newcomer and forget their own German identity, values, inheritances, according Angela Merkel. It must stop clinging to the idea that "cultural imperialism" is a purely Western white thing, or criticize aspects of another culture is to criticize this. This is false Angela Merkel treachery Germany.
We forgot Charlie Hebdo, will we forget the rapes committed by Muslims?
Attempted assault, sexual assault, rape. Hundreds of migrant and refugee men who attack women on the street, to violate, rob, beat up. If these are not attacks, I do not know what it is.
The victims number in the thousands, of women assaulted by hordes of men who probably love to criticize western women, but do not hesitate to abuse. Western women do not have to back down because some people still live in the Stone Age.
The multicuralisme is a dangerous weapon
we need to talk of Cologne, and we must finally speak of cultural differences.
Yes, we must talk about it, even if it's taboo. No, it is not a news item. No, it is not a coincidence. It is a backward religion and barbarisms.
"No amalgam" yet some will say, but the reality is that over the culture of origin is far from the host culture, the more difficult it will be adapt to integrate. Violent western men too! "Our politicians will say, trivializing the events of Cologne, as if it were possible to compare an apple and a pineapple under the pretext that they are both fruit.
The integration is not done . not snapping fingers, especially when one welcomes people from cultures diametrically opposed to ours in many countries are taught the language to newcomers, but the language is not enough: we can understand a language, speak it, but do not the mastercultural codes that accompany it: a language is learned relatively easily, this is not the case of morals, events Cologne we prove here.
All that is happening in Europe, will arrive shortly Canada and our politicians will facilitate their thing with women's associations and federations whose tentacles are Islamic circulate their blood for decades. It is not François David, who will help you in this direction, she found the vein of gold, refugees for the next election campaign. It is not Philippe Couillard who completed the Med Clud for Refugees, who are captives of Liberal votes. The CAQ and the PQ will never have the immigrants favors.
All these people are here for their very personal profits. Whether your son or daughters to be raped, stoned, killed, they do not care passionately. What the invétérasse is money and the love of power, to be seen and recognized on the screen so graciously as does our dear Prime Minister international selfie our fairy Sleeping Beauty, ignoring all the realities faced by Canadians. They are millionaires, they can do anything they want, but with an income of $ 30,000 or $ 40,000 a year, you can not change anything except to accept this multicultural migration will make the destruction of the West .
We want Canada to remain like this picture, human and not the barbarian religions-.
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