What does the Islamic State and what are its intentions?
Part One
The Islamic State also known as the State Islamic Iraq and al-Sham(ISIS),following a special variety of Islam whose beliefs on the way to the Day of Judgment question its strategy, and can help the West know your enemy and predicting their behavior.
In fact, much of what the group does not seem absurd, except in the light of a carefully considered sincere commitment to return to civilization seventh century legal environment, and ultimately cause the Apocalypse.
The reality is that the Islamic State is Islamic and very Islamic. Yes, it attracted psychopaths and adventure lovers, drawn largely disaffected populations in the Middle East and Europe. But religion preached by his most ardent followers comes coherent interpretations and even scholars of Islam.
The Islamic state is an existing state
control of the territory is an essential requirement for the authority of the Islamic State in the eyes his supporters. This CARD,adapted from the work of the Institute for the Study of War, shows the territory under the caliphate control dated January 15, with areas that he attacked. Where it holds power, the state collects taxes, regulate prices, operates the courts and administers services ranging from health care and education to telecommunications.
The Islamic State expects the Army "Rome" whose defeat in Dabiq, Syria, will trigger the countdown of the Apocalypse. The army of Rome, is composed of Western countries, non-Muslims.
To deny the holiness of the Quran or Muhammad's prophecies is simple apostasy. But Zarqawi and the state it has created take the position that many other acts can remove a Muslim from Islam.
The Islamic State argues that Shiite common practices such as worship at the tombs of imams and public self-flagellation, have no basis in the Koran or in the example of the Prophet.) This means about 200 million Shiites are marked for death. Also the heads of state of all Muslim countries, who have raised the law makes man over Sharia by running for office or law enforcement do by God.
Centuries have passed since religious wars have ceased in Europe and since men have stopped dying in large numbers because of arcane theological disputes.
Thus, perhaps, disbelief and denial that Westerners welcomed news of theology and the practices of the Islamic State. Many refuse to believe that this group is as pious as he claims to be, or as nostalgic or apocalyptic his actions and his statements suggest.
The taxes paid by Christians and Jews
Tax Christians is clearly stated in Surah Al -Tawba, ninth chapter of the Qur'an, which requires Muslims to fight Christians and Jews "until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and having humiliated." The Prophet, that all Muslims consider exemplary, imposed these rules and owned slaves.
The jizya, the tax that is paid men were pubertal non-Muslims) age to perform military service. From the perspective of Muslim rulers, the jizya was a testimony hardware submission of non-Muslims to the dominant power and its laws. The people could see a continuation of the taxes paid under previous regimes that were not higher than under Roman rule, although the jizya has not been an alternative to other taxes paid by the entire population including Muslim, but rather a tax added to it. The stated justification was the "protection" dhimmis, not allowed to carry weapons by Muslims, which only retained that right.
The rights
The dhimmi majority in the newly conquered territories were granted the right to religious freedom restricted, enjoyed some autonomy management were entitled to demand the protection of the Muslim ruler against external attacks, were exempt from military service and the Muslim obligation to pay the annual Islamic tax ZAKAT appointed.
IfAl Qaeda wanted to revive slavery, he never said. And why would it be? Silence on slavery probably reflects the strategic thinking, with public sympathy in mind. When the Islamic State began to enslave people, even some of his supporters
refused,however, the caliphate has continued to embrace slavery and crucifixion without apology. "We will conquer your Rome break your crosses, and enslave your wives," Adnani, spokesman, promised in one of his periodic valentines in the West. "If we do not reach that point, our children and grandchildren are going to reach it, and they will sell your son as slaves in the slave market. "Hold on to say, Western countries, this is not a joke, the reality will hit you full of whips, but will be too late to go back, dear politicians, intellectuals.
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