mardi 12 janvier 2016

Henrietta Reker- Mayor of Cologne, rape is acceptable by Islamic migrant

Henrietta Reker- Mayor of Cologne, rape is acceptable by Islamic migrant
January 16, 2016
Henriette Reker mairesse de Cologne Allemagne - aime assister à un viol.jpg
The Mayor of Cologne has suggested that local woman observe a “Code of Conduct” so that they can avoid a repeat of New Year’s Eve when dozens were molested, mugged and, in at least one case, allegedly raped by an organized gang of around 1000 migrants from the Religion of Peace, Harmony and Social Cohesion (TM).
Mayor Henrietta Reker – who has cautioned against blaming migrants for the attacks – has said on television:
“The women and young girls have to be more protected in the future so these things don’t happen again. This means, they should go out and have fun, but they need to be better prepared…”
Today at Breitbart we offer a sneak preview of the kind of “code of conduct” this impeccably progressive mayor might have in mind.
Dress modestly at all times like veil women, Muslim is great
It is an Islamophobic myth that covering your hair – or better still, your entire face – is in any way demeaning to women. On the contrary, it can send out a strong, empowering signal that you refuse to be defined by traditional, oppressive male notions of beauty – as these recommended outfits clearly demonstrate…Rape is not always rape
Henriette Reker mairesse de Cologne 4 copie.jpg
Remember, in the West rape is only rape under certain conditions: if the attacker is white; if he identifies as male (as opposed to “trans”, in which case rape is permissible or at least excusable);
if you were stinking drunk at the time and he is a Welsh footballer; if you attended a party at a US university frat house; if you woke up with a hangover and have been told by your college Women’s Officer that you now regret what you did last night; if you are an attention-seeking, mattress-carrying, man-hater; if you are Lena Dunham.
If, however, the alleged perpetrator is of Muslim extraction – and most especially if you are a twelve or thirteen year old girl in the North of England – then the authorities are likely to look more leniently on the alleged crime, which isn’t a crime at all really. More a vibrant expression of cultural differences.
The tradition of hospitality allow rape of our women
The Muslim world is justly celebrated for its hospitality to strangers. This is why, when visiting – say – an Arab sheikh you must always be careful not to admire his favourite camel, for he will feel honour-bound to give it to you. What better way for us Germans to welcome our million new guests from the Middle East than to extend the same tradition of hospitality to them?
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Suppose, for example, you are a buxom Mädchen  on the way to Cologne railway station and you encounter a group of coffee-skinned gentlemen apparently discussing in Arabic what they’d very much like to do to your firm white breasts or your pert kuffar buttocks just remember before you rebuff them: “These are my guests!” Then smile. Think: “Sheikh. Camel.” And act with appropriate generosity of spirit.
We are in Germany and everything is the fault of the native people, migrants are not to be blamed for our wrong behavior.
According to historian Antony Beevor, well over a million German women were raped by the advancing Soviet army during the latter stages of World War II, at least 100,000 in Berlin alone. In the new, forward-looking, progressive Germany we now rightly recognise this as our country’s finest hour: the payback we fully deserved for everything Hitler did. As it was in 1945, so it must be now: German women who find themselves molested or raped by the world’s oppressed should not consider themselves to be victims. Rather they should say to themselves: “I am doing my bit for global justice.”
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All German men and women should learn Arabic; denounce Christian, convert to Islam; renounce ‘bier’ and ‘bratwurst’; and approve Sharia and Koran, be Muslim.
Few things can be more troubling or alien to a Muslim embarking on a new life in a new country than the grotesque sight of a white skinned blonde women exposing her flesh like some filthy blue eyed Teutonic houri as she munches on a sausage of a far greater length and girth than anything ever witnessed in downtown Raqqa, washes it down with forbidden alcohol, and laughs in the presence of men who are not her relatives as they exchange jests in their bizarre guttural language which knows no equivalent to traditional phrases like “a woman for duty, a boy for pleasure, a watermelon for ecstasy.”
Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany has fallen on the head 900,000 Syrians refugees and how many terrorists.jpg
Remember, not so long ago you were your proud guests’ galley slaves and whores – and that is still, thanks to the way they were taught history at school, how they see you. To be German, it is wrong, we are to be always guilty with the Islamic people. From now on Germany is no longer German, it will be the Islamic Republic of Germany, and therefore obey to the Koran and the Sharia for all women. Therefore, all German people have to embrace the Religion of Peace, the Koran or to be headed, to become a slave, like a dogs.  Further more, the «honor killing done by their spouse, any male, will be acceptable.  All punishment will be shown on National Television, and broadcast on radio, internet, Facebook, newspapers.  
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Mrs. Henrietta Reker is a great leader to follow, she speak the truth and all our community will help her by offering money to her party likewise to Angela Merkel. Allah, is now your God and you will all obey to men, and all raped women will be whip in public or stoned.
You’ve got to admit they’ve got the same Jews right, at least for all Syrians immigrants
Germany has never been stronger than at those periods in our history when we have recognised that the real problem are the Jews. Our new visitors understand this too. What’s not to like?
Finally, if all else fails, the Muslim people are superior to German population.
Islam is a religion with a strong tradition of truth, beauty and reason. Its many architectural triumphs include the Alhambra, the Alhambra and the Alhambra; it is often credited with keeping alive the learning of the Ancients during the Dark Ages; and it sort of – well, probably not, actually if we’re honest, but still – gave us the concept of zero.
Adil Charkaoui and Abousfian Abdeirazik plotted to blow up Air France plane (SCRS) summer 2000 (2).jpg
Therefore it seems quite inconceivable that young male immigrants steeped in such a sophisticated culture would not be open to the intellectual nuances of arguments by great feminist thinkers of our time.
We highly recommend, therefore, that young women wishing in future to wander safely round Cologne – shortly to be renamed Al Khalon – should always keep on their person a selection of Guardian articles by Jessica Valenti exposing the evils of patriarchal society, the collective works of Lindy West on “fat-shaming”, something by Amanda Marcotte on “victim blaming” and a copy of the Rolling Stone.
These can then be handed out to any would-be attackers to show them what a very dim view we in the West take of rape or attempted rape – even when, as in the case of Rolling Stone’s coverage of the UVA story, those rapes never actually happened.
Even thow, Angela Merkel sold all Germany to Islam, close her eyes, do nothing for the German population, she is like other political leader around the world play populism to have more vote and fill the pockets of our politicians.  No one can believe that Angela Merkel will help and stop the corruption.  She is mentally disturb feminist which past her fiminity before her intelligence.  Being feminist is all right, but being intelligent leader is much more important.  A leader can’t be a feminist, she is a leader, she is not a mother, which help her childrens, she should be strong and German leader not a chicken.  
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These people learn a barbarian religion and they will never accept the German culture and integrate.  The German people will have to change, they will have to accommodate all Islamic people like the Jewish people.  After a while, gaining power, the immigrants will control the parliament and stoned all the German Jews and the non-Islamic people in Europe.  
The invasion is growing, nonstop and like in Canada Misters Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard help to destroy the country by Muslims by saying the ar islamophobia, racist.  But everyone knows, when your country leader, goes to the Mosque and pray and the prime minister of Quebec pass five years in Saudi Arabia and event his own daughter born in Canada, say to all, that she is, a proudly Muslim woman and disown her culture, ancestor and religion.   
Being a country leader need to be strong like Margaret Thatcher and not to bend over everyone and accept to be rape by anyone, religion, Imams, money, votes, etc.
Now German people, be proud that all yours leader and the intellectuals sold you to the devils, and you will be the last class of European citizens.  You have already lost your country with 900 000 migrants and within five years, because they reproduce like rats, they will be two millions and within twenty years they will be fifty millions new Muslims. Muslims will conquer the world with their children and the money they corrupt your leaders  
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