mardi 19 janvier 2016

Dearborn, Michigan is the first city in Michigan to Fully Implement Sharia Law - USA and Canada are now Muslims countries

Dearborn, Michigan is the first city in Michigan to Fully Implement Sharia Law
January 2016
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National Report
In a surprise weekend vote, the city of Dearborn, Michigan, voted 4-3 to became the first US city to officially implement all aspects of Sharia Law. 
City Councils members
Susan A. Dabaja, Muslim ; Thomas P. Tafelski; Michael T.Sareini, Muslim ; Brian C. O’Donnel, David Bazzy, Robert A. Abraham and Mark Shooshanian, Muslim
The Sharia Law for all US citizen
The tough new law, slated to go into effect January 1st, addresses secular law including crime, politics and economics as well as personal matters such as sexual intercourse, fasting, prayer, diet and hygiene.
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The new law could see citizens stoned for adultery or having a limb amputated for theft. Lesser offenses, such as drinking alcohol or abortion, could result in flogging and/or caning. In addition, the law imposes harsh laws with regards to women and allows for child marriage.
Some in town seem to welcome the new legislation while others have denounced the move as “abhorrent”, a threat to freedom and incompatible with the Constitution.  When asked by National Report about the need for such a law, local resident Jeremy Ahmed stated:
“It is because of our need that Allah the Almighty, in all his generosity, has created laws for us, so that we can utilize them to obtain justice. We hope to see other cities taking this action in the face of the governments inaction of passing such legislation”.
Other local residents have taken to social media sites with comments ranging from “praise be to Allah” and “long live Islam” to “RIP Dearborn” and “Only in Obama’s America would an American city consider Sharia Law”.
The city of Dearborn is a well-known safe haven for Muslims and Muslim sympathizers with the help of the Muslims Brotherhood of Canada. With a population of around 98 thousand people, roughly 30% of its residence are Muslims making them the largest concentration of Muslims in the United States.
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The dangers of Sharia Law in America were first outlined in a 2010 study produced by the Center for Security Policy (CSP) titled “Sharia: The Threat to America“, a 352-page book based on authoritative sources of Islamic law.
While sharia includes strict rules for prayer and fasting, it is also an all-encompassing legal and political code that covers all aspects of life including those that have nothing to do with religion.
USA is now a Muslim country.
Sharia law in the United States of America ("America") has reached Spread of Islam throw USA and Canada Phase 3.
As the number of court cases that involve conflicts between civil law and Sharia law rise in America, majority of American states have introduced bills banning courts from accommodating Sharia law.
But those bills have been stalled by well-financed challenges in court by Muslim groups that also campaign against politicians who sponsor and/or support such bills. Oklahoma's law banning Sharia law from courts has been struck down, and only seven other conservative states (Louisiana, Arizona, North Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Kansas and Alabama) have been able to pass Sharia law-limiting legislation, and only after watering them to not even mention the word, "Sharia."
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While defending the status quo in legislatures, Sharia Law has been advancing in other American institutions, for all American citizens, including the following:
•  An increasing number of public American schools with Muslim students are holding Islamic prayers towards Mecca while public American universities continue to build Muslim-only washing facilities. In 2013, Skokie School District 68 in Illinois became the first US school district to celebrate Eid al-Adha, a Muslim high day, as a school holiday, in lieu of Veterans Day. In 2014, Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado became the first high school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, replacing "One nation under God," with "One nation under Allah."
•  In 1996, Bill Clinton became the first US president to hold an Eid al-Fitr dinner at the White House to celebrate the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month-long dawn-to-dusk fast. Eid al-Fitr includes six "Takbirs," the raising of hands and shouting, "Allahu Akbar!" to declare that Allah, the moon god, is the "Greatest."
•  In 2000, the Republican National Convention became the first US presidential convention to open with a Muslim prayer to Allah, the moon god..
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•  In 2007, Quran for the first time was used to swear into office a new US Congressman, Keith Ellison (above).
•  In 2009, Hudson County Superior Court Judge Joseph Charles Jr. ruled in S.D. v. M.J.R. that the Muslim ex-husband repeatedly had sexually assaulted his Muslim ex-wife, both before and after their divorce. Following testimony from the Muslim man's imam, however, the judge denied the ex-wife's request for a permanent restraining order against her ex-husband, citing the Muslim man's "belief" and "practices": "The court believes that [defendant] was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices."
•  In 2009, a Christian US soldier at Baghram Air Force Base in Afghanistan received Bibles in two local languages sent by his American church as planned. The US military confiscated those Bibles and instead of at least returning them to the church, burned them. By contrast, when Terry Jones, a pastor in Florida, announced his plan to burn a copy of the Quaran in 2010, General David Petraeus, the commander of the US military in Afghanistan, publicly objected to his plan, while US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounced his plan as "disgraceful."
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•  To attract and manage (Middle Eastern) Muslim wealth, an increasing number of American financial institutions are becoming Sharia-compliant. This requires donating a percentage of their annual profits to Islamic organizations designated by their Sharia-compliance advisors, many of whom are members of the Muslim Brotherhood and funnel money to even terrorist groups (donations must go to one or more of eight recipient categories, one of which is Jihad).
Muslim taxi drivers are challenging local authorities for the right to refuse to pick up blind passengers with seeing-eye dogs, while Muslim supermarket cashiers are challenging their employers for the right to refuse to sell products from pigs. Both are considered unclean in Islam.
Here are the current examples of the continuing Islamization of USA, as per Barack Obama.
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Here’s the list of the USA
Washington, D.C.
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
New York
Peoria, Illinois
San Francisco
Houston ranks 9th on a list of the biggest Muslim capitals in America.
According to The Daily Beast, Muslims make up 1.2 percent of the population in Houston, about double the national average.
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“I’m not surprised. I think it may be even higher,” said Ameer Abuhalimeh, executive director of the Islamic Da’wah Center in downtown Houston. “I’ve seen it increasing, growing dramatically. We’ve made huge progress.”
The city ranks 15th for the number of mosques and Islamic centers, about 80 across the metropolitan area, plus about 50 halal restaurants. It’s the most Muslim city in Texas (Dallas came in at No. 22) and boasts one of the biggest Muslim populations in the South.
Wake up America, it is almost too late, the name of your country is from now on THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AMERICA. May Allah protect Barack Obama and all the Muslims communities.
Wake up America it is almost too late for you likewise Canada, we all are Muslims now
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