jeudi 14 janvier 2016

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard, and other politicians and intellectuals - The death of Occident

Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard, and other politicians and intellectuals left, The 2015 year blindness towards the Islamic state, the Islamic invasion of the West

Death of the West
There are many ways to account for 'one year. But it would be difficult to pretend that the year 2015, on the international stage, has first been marked by Islamic terrorism. Attacks against Charlie Hebdo in January to those against the Bataclan in November, we saw Europe become aware of a war that until now hesitated to name.
We also know that this is, at least in part of a civil war. Europe discovers fragmented. A very fringe but significant minority of Muslims established in recent decades in Europe wants nothing to the Western world. These radicals do not fail all the violence, but they understand. Some endorse.

Satanic Islam
The Islamic State would be able to little if it had in some European countries, a fifth column who cultivates a deep hostility towards the West. In European suburbs, Islamism grew terribly. Officially, the Bataclan terrorists were essentially of "French" or "Belgian". In fact, they were only legally.
In this war, the Jews of Europe are targeted again. Everywhere, Jewish institutions are protected militarily. And contrary to what the media wants to legend, it is not populist parties that threaten them, but activists of radical Islam. She will stop the curse of the Jews in Europe one day? Many flee to Israel, but he also is in the crosshairs of Islamists.
This is a war against civilization. The Islamic State also became known in 2015 for his destruction of major parts of the architectural heritage. We saw in Palmyra. It was a jewel of humanity. Dynamited The Islamic State in large parts. Reflecting something other than the grandeur of Islam must be shaved from the Earth's surface. Fanaticism is a mad nihilism.
New alliances are becoming necessary. Demonized again yesterday, we saw Vladimir Putin again become an ally in the fight against Islamism. It was nice condemn his values ​​and his government more than muscular, it must be admitted that his Russia has nothing to do with that of Joseph Stalin and must play its role in the world. Especially, according to his famous formula, Putin is determined to "bump terrorists into the crapper."

Shameless Pacifism Westerners
It is perhaps this hardness is lacking in Westerners who practice pacifism invertebrate and self-hatred up delirium. We imagine for example that education will suffice to defeat terrorism one day or once misery eradicated worldwide, it will look like a flowery field. The reality today reasserts itself.
In short, it does not fight Islamic terrorism with prayers. Or maybe it is. At least, a little anyway. Because this war reveals new kind of contrast effect spiritual suffocation of the West, which believes no longer much, if not to the rights of man, he worships to adoration.
Our companies want well defend their way of life, but they do not really know what they believe. The Islamist aggression may push them to reflect on their underlying values, civilization treasure which they are guardians and they should want to pass on to future generations.

Persecution against Christians
At least 100,000 Christians were killed worldwide in 2015 "for reasons related to their belief", an increase of 63% compared to 2014, according to the annual index of the evangelical Protestant organization based in the Netherlands. In Pakistan more than 500,000 Christians have fled to avoid being massacred.
The Islamist radicalization is far from the only factor in anti-Christian disturbances. As in Pyongyang, the old "Jerusalem of Asia" would remain where 300,000 Christians live their religion in secret according to the NGO, a "state persecution" prosperous Eritrea, believers being "locked in metal containers" to renounce their faith persecution..
Countries listed in category extreme  Iraq, Eritrea, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, Saudi Arabia and Iran
in terms Christians, who cares, they always give one cheek to hit and Quebec we threw Christianity through the door and let the barbarians in our streets, our institutions, our schools, town halls, our governments where they may continue the ramifications of the systematic invasion of their tentacles throughout the world.  

Persecutions against Jews
You advance that Islam is not a religion of peace? I defy you to bring me the reliable and authentic sources to prove it, "a reader wrote to me.
In Islam, it is forbidden to harm even a fly. Everything you hear and see about Islam is NOT ISLAM, it is a picture that the media convey to spread Islamophobia. Islam wants the destruction of Jews and Christians throughout the entire planet. What will Islam over other religions like Hinduism? The simply deleted.
No political leader, president of the country, prime minister, chancellor, does not fight for the future of Christians and their persecution. Christians will never go up there killed a child to make an international advertising. When the refugees were on their boats of Christians and Muslims, the Christians were killed and thrown overboard. Islam is nothing but love? The devil must ask, is it that my voice on this planet works gently to destruction. Yes, the political and intellectual elites of left, feminist, media, work for me, the god of hell-.

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