lundi 11 janvier 2016

Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard our politicians are they blind or of thugs

Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard our politicians are they blind or of thugs
Angela Merkel Bundeskanzlerin Deutschland hat auf dem Kopf 900.000 Syrer Flüchtlinge unterschritten hat und wie viele Terroristen.jpg
Merkel ignores the concerns of Germans on violent Syrian migrant women in Cologne, Germany, she closes her eyes as the majority of Heads of States of the world.
Are blind-they consciously in order to retain power by having new votes or is the money of the Islamic invasion of interest. Our political elites as in Canada, is using this windfall of refugees to drive up their ratings at the expense of the Canadian population. These new migrants integrate and never will rain or shine, while being borne by public institutions and taxpayers who pay the bills, newcomers.
Bachar el-Assad New Al-Qaeda heures d'utilisation des toilettes.jpg
The Islamic Caliphate is among us, in our institutions, and the -ci, with lawyers, democratic laws knowingly use against us. Our rule of law therefore not be applied to any Muslim, Islamic this planet. This is a prehistoric religion and barbaric get into the veins of all our children. They have no respect for human life, they are bloodthirsty. This religion has not evolved with the years like many other religions.
We could not and can change their attitudes are so backward, their education of the majority of their population is illiterate, often unemployed, with no future, that it remains to them is to become jihadi and continue to kill. These people have no future with their corrupt leaders more than ours. They do not know where to go. What to do, women can learn, it can not educate their children. All this is complemented by the Imams in the mosques that teach to destroy the West and democracy.
Some of the problems have been created by our democracies wanting to democratize people who can only work with a dictatorial regime. To have and understand the democratic and capitalism, it is mandatory to make its own efforts and not let politicians, kings to reign in an absolute way on the people. These people for many years milers had got to thinking, to make decisions for themselves, their communities.  
Barack Obama - David Cameron - François Hollande - Justin Trudeau - Michelle Obama discuted le terrorisme musulman est pas islamique - Ils paient pour nos élections seulement, selon Justin Trudeau.jpg
So the demands democracies, the actions of each individual control of their lives to be able to be a complete individual. Wanting to feel, and hoping that things get better, Imams, theas some leaders of these countries and our country, intellectuals, create discord, disruptions across systems, for their personal gain.  
They have books dating thousand years and can not recognize what is vis-a-vis a reality parable. We must also add that these books were written by some people, and rewritten by others What will go add their grains of salt, and the majority of the people of those times could not read and write. Some of these religious volumes, which I will not name have been so whipped by the years, they have become almost fairy tales, but religious fairy kill people, citizens, for gods made ​​by man, to control the man.  
Philippe Couillard offre ses sympathie au Roi Arabie Saoudite  Salmane Ben Abdelaziz Al Saoud - Une grue s'écrase  sur une mosquée 107 morts à Riyad - Alla est Grand 12-09-2015.jpg
But countries still traded with Saudi Arabia and Iran like many other Muslim countries with arrears and barbaric massacres every day. Energy, oil, are much more important than human, our political leaders line their pockets, jouies investors of the arrival of new revenue, millionaires are becoming millionaires, the little people is manipulated by corrupt intellectuals that we see every day in our  
Barack Obama - Michelle Obama - Hilary Clinton la crise de 2013.jpg
media. Europe,like Canada and the United States, we left those barbarians invade our country, and we are stuck with the religions of different trends which do not tolerate anything that sow eternal destruction. Borders no longer exist, our manners and customs are attacked by our politicians that we sell to the highest bidder. Their populism has no limits, no truth but it is the food of political parties.
Barack Obama et Vladimir Poutine en réunion.jpg

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