mercredi 13 janvier 2016

Philippe Couillard - Federation of Women of Quebec - Feminists, left and rape Cologne - Are feminists crazy or archi crazy

Federation of Women of Quebec - Feminists, left and rape Cologne - Are feminists crazy or archi crazy
We got a good example on the Twitter feed Alexa Conradi former president of the Federation of . Quebec women now living in Germany
is what she wrote a few minutes ago: "The instrumentalization of feminism from the right. It reminds me of the debate in Quebec "And she made ​​a connection with an article in the NewStatesman ... denouncing the right denouncing the rapes in Germany!
Yeah, there's just the left that the right to be feminist. That people have the right to focus on the plight of rape victims? The only reason the right denounces Cologne (according to this article approved by Ms. Conradi) is of course the right is a racist and sees this as an opportunity to demonstrate all his hatred of "foreigners".
I was talking this morning with a lady of 55 years and I asked him for the reason that they Federations of Women, free and feminists do not denounce veiled women, raped, beaten, murders and she said this: "certain woman and agency like beings violated, past beaten as children, they need a male to lead them, they need to fatherly security.

I can not understand these feminists, who for three decades to fight against paternalism and Christianity and asks Islam replace everything back to the same situation 30 years ago, slavery for Canadian and Quebec women. Is beautiful and was in! Do not forget, be good in bed or I bâterai you.
But, dear feminists are all of you subject Donaldas. If so, you and your daughters deserved what happen to you and if you are raped say it's your fault and your Federation of Women do not go up to the barricade for unreported.
Women federations are one hundred percent false roads when protecting Muslims and the Muslim racism. As Françoise David, says although she has veiled his friends and it is a good person.  
I certainly believe but the question is not his veiled girlfriend, the question what these people are, this anti-female religion, massacres, barbarians who invaded the country with permissions of the Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who goes to the requested mosque and taught and Philippe Couillard, even made ​​laws to protect them against us, bad Christians Quebecers.  
They, they have the right and duty to destroy Canada and Quebec, and we Canadians we lost all rights to protest as the religious invasion, political power and money.  
The Federations women start to worry about the rape, but timidly because we must demonstrate that Islam is a disease because it is not politically correct. When animal barks according to the Federation of Women this animal is a pigeon.
« It’s a miracle! Finally, the right wing cares about rape culture! Finally, all over the world, from Fox News to 4chan, a great conversion has taken place and men who previously spent their time shaming, stalking and harassing women are suddenly concerned about our rights! And all it took was a good excuse to bash migrants and Muslims and tell feminists they don’t know what’s good for them. As usual, white supremacist patriarchy only concerns itself with women’s safety and women’s dignity when rape and sexual assault can be pinned on cultural ‘outsiders’. "

Woman raped in Cologne
And he enough of an excuse to hit migrants and Muslims and feminists say, they do not know what is good for them. As usual white supremacist patriarchy only cares about women's safety and dignity of women when rape and sexual assault can be pinned on "foreign" cultural.

There are a whole slew of feminists left that are viscerally unable to imagine that anyone but they may be interested in the plight of women. Anyone who advocates the right of feminist values ​​is suspect and must be condemned.
Frankly, what happened in Cologne (and now we learn that it happened also in Finland, England, France, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Norway, Holland, Switzerland) is disgusting and denounce the aggressors is a duty, regardless of skin color and religion.
The Federation of Quebec women, do not want to discuss the rape of women by Muslims because their body is already corrupted by Muslim radicals in the pay of Imams of Quebec and Canada. All areas of society are impregnated Islamic venom.  
The Charkaoui, Chaoui, Couillard, Trudeau, David Coderre, Radio-Canada, La Presse, media let themselves carried away by the so-called Islamophobia. But see, then, the problem is not Islamophobia, because Muslims do in fact want to integrate, accommodate requests, they are racists pure as the Nazis.  

The problem in this country is the Christianophobia our leaders wanting to kill our manners and customs. Migrants Syrians are the new modes, pay much media, our politicians are crying crocodile tears, they give their superior terms to all Canadians, and every day, forcing us to see our stuff yourself Democracy against us. Pay my fools, politicians grease from head to foot with these unfortunate migrants or not in poverty but economically superior class migrants in their country of origin.  
If you think for one moment that these migrants are poor you must believe in Santa Claus. To come to Canada or Quebec, they had to bribe several people working for the UN, to be on the list of immigrant elites that the country give permission to come here. And political parties but the citizens of Canada and Quebec, our governments do not care about us all.

Refusing to recognize that violence of migrants is a problem and that this problem is related to their culture of contempt for women is a form of condescension and paternalism ....
This is how low-class cultural relativism. Federations women will flow with them all the women, and caves males can once again pull you by the hairtoday.
the presidents of the Federation of Women of Quebec from 1966 to
2009 - 2015 ALEXA CONRADI
"It's a miracle! Finally, the right wing cares about rape culture! Finally, all over the world, from Fox News to 4chan, a great conversion HAS taken place and men Previously Who Spent Their Time shaming, stalking and harassing women are Suddenly Concerned about our rights! And all it Took Was a good excuses to bash immigrants and Muslims and tell feminists They Do not Know what's good for 'em. As usual, white supremacist patriarchy Concerns Itself only with women's safety and Women's Dignity rape and sexual assault When can be cultural pinned on 'outsiders'.

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