mercredi 25 janvier 2017

Philippe Couillard - Jean Charest - Arthur Porter - corrupt Liberals - too long a list to be listed - Gilles Vaillancourt mea culpa

Philippe Couillard - Jean Charest - Arthur Porter - corrupt Liberals - too long a list to be listed - Gilles Vaillancourt mea culpa
Gilles Vaillancourt, the omnipotent former mayor of Laval, is imprisoned.
A liberal system of collusion and corruption exceptionally efficient which earned him imprisonment for six years but considering the indulgence of our Canadian prisons, it will likely be outside the prison on December 2017. This master of comedy, the former mayor of Laval, Gilles Vaillancourt was among the lads of the organization of white collar criminals who stole Quebecers taxpayers since decades.

The brain Gilles Vaillancourt and colleagues, fundraisers were a way to Robin Hood to use a little bit of pot for personal gain. Nobody knows the reasons for which that Mr. Vaillancourt has decided to plead guilty when he had the opportunity to have the cancellation of his trial? I think, with his friends, liberal corrupt, there was an agreement, he will plead guilty, people will be fooled for a certain period before the next provincial election, hoping that taxpayers have forgotten.  
Knowing that Quebec taxpayers memory, is about seven working days, the Prime Minister can certainly say it was the fault of the separatists in that period if the Liberals were flying the population.
We attend to every month to unsightly stagings of this government, whimsical, that continue to lie to us, in the face. But we must certainly reiterate that all governments, whatever their political parties are lying to the people.  
They work first to fill their own pockets, those of their wives, their children, their friends, their political parties, lobbyists, fundraisers, Gentile donors who meet the beautiful envelopes, attending private clubs like the 357C, for aristocrats, professionals, politicians, managers of our wages, our Small Revenues, which share them.
Ah, life is good, if not caught in the arms of the UPAC.
Tax reform the Government of Quebec
Minister of Finance of Québec, continues to scan his brain, namely how fooled taxpayers and increase taxes and believing that it is for the good of the community.
He has appointed a committee of twelve learned to representatives of various spheres of society for the study to find out if the idiots could still live a decent way, with a payroll deduction taxes and tax of 90% will be well enough to make them live. Individuals whose names were secretly hidden to the press but delivered to mafia justification committee of the district, ambulatory muscle masses Salafists, in some villages, Montreal ghettos.
Lino Zambito the Commission Charbonneau
Eighty percent of politicians are "honest," "good faith" and they are not aware of malpractice because deliberately kept in the dark by those around them, said Lino Zambito, star witness the Charbonneau commission.
This is what he advanced during his visit to the show Tout le monde en parle, aired Sunday night on Radio-Canada.
"Eighty percent of the politicians do not know what is happening, said the former building contractor turned restaurateur. I put a lot into question on (sic) the entourage of politicians and it is desired not to put them in the game. It really liberal political organizations that are problematic.
"Politicians manipulate the media and the media influence our decisions
in our societies, we are inundated and overwhelmed by a flood of information from a wide variety of media sources, which however generally serve powerful interests, as well as individuals who own them. In our country, most of the media is owned by financiers who control the rigged information we receive every day, every moment, every time the event happens or was created by a Government and group pressures or influences.

The main sources of information, television, radio, paper press, and websites for public or official use, include the mainstream media, alternative media, universities, think societies, religions, preachers, imams in mosques, colleges, institutions, etc.
In the mainstream media, manipulation and bias inherent in them are more obvious. Each media who have sex with some financier, have penchant to tip the balance towards the owner. These media are owned by large multinationals and are linked to a plethora of other leading global companies and interests of elites through their boards.

Standardized communication techniques are, according to him, a boulevard for demagoguery and mediocrity, emphasizing what divides the expense of what unites. Don, we can certainly point out that the information that reach us are always biased and that we must seek to find the truth in the interests of corrupt that we are launching falsehoods at any time.
Stéphane Lelion Côte-Vertu
Magistrates, who shall remain the names of Stéphane Lelion Côte-Vertu and Saliva Chartier will be the mentors who will fill the envelopes of your grievances for making suggestions to our religious committees sensitive Quran , Sharia, the shtreimel, in Turban, the Pastafarisme,and everything you can imagine.
Their salaries will be unknown to the public not to give any comment but reliable source of regional radio Abu Dhabi,Eastern Abitibi, President dip into the funds of the National Assembly on average five million per year for his services with a five-year contract. But we want to inform that this information is not verifiable to the Premier Whereas it is again traveling in the Mediterranean with many of his liberal friends in strategic discussion.
We knew from a reliable source, the auto gasoline on tax will be increased by one hundred percent within the next three years. Our government favoring births of new child, give an allowance for the first child of ten thousand dollars and each of the other children of thirty thousand dollars. When children are at the age of majority, they will have to return the money received at the rate of ten percent per year or to become an imam in a mosque.  
The only problem occurred when a person very aware,stressed, like most religions, women can not beings imams, this is a role reserved for the male. What should we do with the girls and their money? It was therefore paramount question to ask! A bearded stood up and had the wonderful idea of saying, give all money to male and nothing the females, and males decide whether females will receive the money.
Another bearded written, but it's not fair, why not just put the taxes to be paid to females and males, we keep the capital under the laws of Allah!
Messages to the endemic corruption of the Liberals
The Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau hoped that the president of the United States Donald Trump does not touch his true friends Muslim brothers of Canada
The Honourable Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard, the Honourable Arthur Porter thief died in Panama and has stolen $ 20 million your friend who put money into this tax haven, can you go collect the money for the good of the community, this will be a move "austerity from you and humility"
the Honourable former Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chrétien, the Gomery commission on the sponsorship scandal, will you give to Canadians and Quebecers the money you stole to destroy Canadian democracy?
The Honourable former Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, who made this law for you and your children for not paying taxes and taxes in Canada in 1998, Bill C-28 so your shipping companies are registered in Panama in this tax haven that your beneficiaries can get rich at the expense of Canadian taxpayers.
Hon former Quebec Premier Jean Charest, that we loved so much, can you recover the monies paid according to your conscience too after your departure in political life, although it might be the resolution of the National Assembly but certainly immoral that Quebecers continue to pay the rent of your private law firms, your travel, your lobbies, etc.
I will stop here because I want to make you throw up on our politicians because they are not worse or better than your own politicians in your country is not it, when the Club Med opens with the buffet of money and power before them, they use liberally.

mardi 24 janvier 2017

François Naughty Hollande - Justin Mohammed Trudeau - ITS Majesty Salah Abdeslam - Angela Traitor Merkel- Manuel lousy Valls - Politicians - Intellectuals leftists - Feminist contaminated -

François Naughty Hollande - Justin Mohammed Trudeau - ITS Majesty Salah Abdeslam - Angela Traitor Merkel- Manuel lousy Valls - Politicians - Intellectuals leftists - Feminist contaminated - Sociologist - Populist - Media - Collabos - warts Salafist imams   
What are the reasons what have -we left penetrate the Islamic devil, without any moral in our homes, in our lives, our children, our families, our cities, our schools, town halls, our courts of justices, our laws, our governments to use all our goods without saying anything and they take advantage of all our blessings, our earnings, our civilization to kill us on our own soil.

The decline of the West and the end of the HUMANITY, thank you to the Qur'an

This rot in their Koranic country does not respect us Christians, His Holiness Pope Francis who even happens not to distinguish good from other religions. Islam is it a religion or the devil wrote the Koran to put the figure of Jesus. Pope Francis, sometimes  but are not collaborator,realizing I hope,  should reflect on this issue because it is the same gestures that our corrupt politicians are now, they kneel before Islam, we all have on golden dishes for us to sacrifice for the sake of Allah and oil money from the Middle East who buys everything in their path.
Our democratic country violated my dear Manuel Valls who pro always stitutes to his favorite mosques
France - Canada - Quebec - Germany - Great Britain - Austria - Belgium - Australia - Italy - Vatican, etc., all Western countries have lowered arms and left the invader, rots the likes of Salah Abdelsalam,and eleven other acolytes Muslim terrorists, including France, that is to say, you idiots, of French taxpayers fed Halallement at your expense, dressed his honors, chérisses their demonic religions.
And stay in your true, keep in good health until the end of their days, and your parents and parents starving, losing their jobs, are on social assistance but they have the laws of their sides, protected by the rule of law and all the services of the French State can give them. So the French government treats terrorists as king and their own dog population. The France feeds as a King.

We fools, we feed our future killers Françoise David of Québec Solidaire President
Adil Charkaoui, imam, terrorist in Montreal,which was planning to blow up an Air France plane, a model citizen protected by Justin Trudeau first Muslim Minister of Canada . That our countries are beautiful and welcoming to our terrorists knowing they will never have the death penalty. Our statements of rights should not apply to Muslim terrorists, they must be executed on the fields of executions by cutting off their main toy, asin foreseen the Koran so they can meet their virgins and diverge.
In Quebec we are as stupid as the French, Muslims priorities on us all.
The government of Philippe Couillard gives unreasonable accommodations to Salafists against the wishes of the Quebec and Christian population. We must add for people who can read, and so few today that Dr. Philippe Couillard, the Premier of Quebec spent his drive for five long years with the king of Saudi Arabia, the country democratic, stoning Christians, women, promulgating the worst barbaric Sharia worldwide.

UN organization lies, thieves
also Knowing that this totalitarian country, with oil, that is to say money, lies, dressed in white rapists below covered with blood are the leaders in UN rights of Men, but we must certainly say that it is no indication the rights of women and that the UN is the place the richest and most corrupt worldwide. We see the filthy politicians, demagogues, who play the democracies on a global hypocrisy with which our elites enjoyed together the joys and happiness of grandeur that the world can bring while ignoring the misery peoples.
Currently, in courts, The best place to recruit young Quebecers ready to go do jihad in Syria is the Islamic Center Assahaba preacher Adil Charkaoui believes terrorism suspect Ismail Habib,of Gatineau, Quebec, whose trial is underway this week in Montreal. At least that is what he told in February to an undercover RCMP officer acting as the boss of a criminal group of illegal smugglers.

Are there has honest Muslim leaders and willing to sacrifice their lives to fight against the Wahhabi Salafists in France infiltrate and discredit the media, leftist intellectuals and feminists? Make a holy war against these false Muslims, false Koran, these bogus refugees, these terrorists that you keep in your luxurious prisons with all the comforts halal. Can we trust you, dear Muslim, who have never lifted a finger for decades to revolt against these usurpers be saying that you want to hunt in France, Canada, and elsewhere.
You know that our public institutions, parastatals and often our media lie quietly together for the welfare of the corruption. elliptical Money makes all say to anyone that journalists unless it's honest and courage, the network for which he works the bear. Our governments only live by the word populism, and the number of channels they will collect in the next election, and they do not care of the rest.

How crooked politicians that we have to recognize your sincerity after so long years that your company, your good imams never react. publicly Over the time period will be longer, you will have arguments to change the tactics of the Merkel beggar for destroying his country and the whole of Europe with his Syrian refugees that cause carnage of Western civilization .
Can we trust you with your non veiled women and integration to our customs, for it is you integrate and not to the society that welcomes you as Mohammed VI King of Morocco
You, French Muslims find the situation is intolerable for you, but it is also for the original French and other Europeans origins and Christians. Europe, I think is not a Muslim and does not become as barbaric Islamic countries of the Middle East, barbaric country. Europe contains democratic countries, as you like  or not,it the rights of both sexes are equal and the chances are equal beings in all their lives. This is not a book of religious peccadillo should dictate the laws of citizens, religion is in your brain, in your home, but when you leave your house you become a European citizen, Canadian, Belgian, French, not religious, but a human being who obeys the laws and if he does not like the laws he returns to his country of origin or that it has secularly to the polls.

It's hard to believe, as the song goes
You say you are Muslim and French first, but I would be sure that you do not say I am a Muslim for the heads of the French. A Muslim thinks that according to the Koran and can not think as a human!
These intellectuals for whom religion is a private matter in a secular country, has decided to speak as Muslims, as they say, as the French they must "respond to the inquiry of the French society that we said, "But where are you? What are you doing? ".
The risk of fracture between French is ever more important," No can no longer remain silent with the horrors he lived for several months, says Nadir Saifi, lawyer, one of the signatories of this forum.

Islam charmer of snakes radicals
Most of these intellectuals whom I would like to address today have left their country to come and live in France and to the charmers ambassadors of Islam, so lobbyists, since the word is fashionable, religion. They sell Islam, religion of peace, love and tolerance, especially to our elected and it works well.
Sell this speech to the French people proves a daunting task. The extremely grave acts committed by people claiming to belong to Islam and killing in the name of Allah Akbar, reverberates daily planet. It is true that they spend most of their time on Muslim lands, killing first the Muslims, but this is not particularly reassuring, especially as many Christians or Jews in the lot of victims .
Everyone is able to feel that the arrival of Islam in France, and more widely in Europe, brings this violence also in our country. The styling terrorism committed in the name of a radical Islam that does not change the case and does not fool anyone. We will not now escape threats, even with intelligence forces dedicated solely to thowart certain behaviors.
Our intellectuals will therefore be difficult to continue with the words, make love, not war, General which we will believe less and less. Some have felt that although recent years have, on tiptoe, expressed opinions, put his finger on what is wrong with Islam but were afraid to go to the bottom of things.

Islam is an incurable disease
Islamic ignorance is locked for centuries in its certainties, locked in deadly conviction of his own false truth. It is incapable of self-criticism. It considers so paranoid that any questioning of its dogmas is sacrilege. Quran, Prophet, Ramadan, halal etc ... any attempt to questioning about these totems of Islam faces an end of inadmissibility. No wonder that in this general climate of civilization, frozen and schizophrenic, some sick minds transformed and radicalized this collective closure murderous fanaticism?
How have our politicians have fallen so low?
We would like, rather than talk about deviant beings who do not have good reading verses, yourselves, do show a modicum of intellectual honesty ... We know the violence inherent in your religion some verses command to believers fighting, death, hatred of others. We can read, we know judge, assess the nuisance bears the Koran that led some believers to commit acts unsustainable. They invent nothing, alas! They obey what Allah command in the Koran, and it is this drama of your religion. It is by this that should begin your work ... We must tackle it quickly it is urgent You have to go scratch where it hurts.

Their fecal waste are gold for our politicians
Much of the Koran is already intolerable in an Islamic purity of society, but in a society which combines Jews, Christians, atheists and unbelievers your verses calling for the murder are unacceptable, dangerous, deadly in our country of human rights. The status and situation of women is the opposite of our democratic values. What are you waiting for to admit really? The Qur'an is the diabolical message Satan on earth.
His marriage to Aisha 9 years old. The one with Safiya bint Huyai appears to him one of the most atrocious acts committed by the creator of Islam. This Jewish woman found herself in bed when he had to kill her husband, her father and brother.
All religions, Orthodox say that these patients practice merrily and crime in the eyes of our laws are laughing at us all for fools God. Are we going to let these birds destroy our civilization to those crazy gods of the afterlife or do we want to live the living now, and the afterlife if it exists we will see how it is done but I ' have a certainty that nobody has returned from the beyond to tell us what is happening, none of these books, no religion can not say what happens after death, full stop.

Even the bearded, rapists, well dressed, with white robes, those liars, with all kinds of hoods over their heads, give no dignity in their actions because their teachings indicate that demonic treachery that several religious profess for thousands of years for power and money.
Let us wake up, God, protégez religious, medieval religions, criminals who kill your own children, our society, our values and protect our journalists.

lundi 23 janvier 2017

Donald Trump whining journalists - media - feminists - leftist intellectuals - the grannies - the cushy

Donald Trump whining journalists - media - feminists - leftist intellectuals - the grannies - the cushy
It's stronger than anything; they fail to do it and really have trouble digesting the Donald Trump of election to the presidency of the United States of America!
Journalists, leftist intellectuals, coarse blind Western feminists who condone Muslim women, women whose husbands Orthodox religious extremists of various barbarian religions that denigrate women every second of their lives. It is the members, these thugs, these demagogues, self proclamation as imams who violate children as young as age six or marry them in the name of Allah, the Qur'anic devil, they don't ' dare say a word.

Journalists, media, intellectuals, feminists, politicians, what do you want so much to defend death taught by the Qur'an and Muslims through their religion? I demand an answer!
Self proclaimed the good camp, the eater baluster, holy untouchables,refrigerated whores, not hesitating to make up the success of the ceremony of his inauguration defeat that would have made the whole world laugh, magnifying hostile demonstrations  a few hundred of intolerant to their image, to mask the immense satisfaction of many more representatives of the American people, despite all their manipulations that proved useless!
Donald Trump wake honest and patriotic consciences of Western peoples
Defenders in France the most ridiculous ersatz president was given that we have, François Hollande a wimp serving Salafist terrorists from Saudi Arabia and petrodollars.  
These monsters, these hypocrites, make fun of a man does not have the beauty of criteria used in their world; yet it seemed to me that it was forbidden to make fun of a person's physical, on pain of having big trouble with the law. But I can not understand, or so this rule, like many others, is due at ordinary citizen member of the evil camp, the Patriots?
The French, the collaborators
I can not imagine that the French people, the most intelligent people in the world came down so low in their patriotism, the love of their ancestors to let know to sell Islamic rots, Muslim, Koran, terrorists as Manuel Valls, François Fillion, and so on.
When the Wahhabi dictatorship subdues the democracies
in this market dupes, European leaders and North American rivals ploys to who will prostitute the best to win the favors of despots. The Golden Palm certainly come back to the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, who has granted, in secret, to the Elysee,on March 4, the Legion of Honour, a Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, interior minister, known for his thirst for fresh blood beheadings, 150 executions for the single year 2015.
Western politicians, are corrupted
once the new disemboweled, Prime Minister Manuel Valls has broken his silence ten days later, invoking reasons of state - in defiance of the most basic principles of the Republic and justify such an aberration by the "strategic relationship" French-Saudi (oil and arms sales).
The French foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, he hid behind Wahhabism attempt to exculpate himself. "There are times, he said, diplomatic traditions that can surprise, take it as such." And to be in the good graces of the Saudi prince, the French Republic bows before his whims to allow it, by this shameless decoration, to gain international respectability brand.
This honor François Hollande made the bloody crown prince is a disgrace to the whole of France and for democracy. For proof, follow the character; Mohammed Ben Naef not only aspires to be king of the Salafist dictatorship, which is de facto already the case, he wants to be the great Caliph of the Middle East, and for that, we must make war on all countries could make him shade, Syria, and Iran in particular. Beautiful lucrative contracts in order for Western armaments industries.
We have to say the words as they are, terrorists are Muslims, the barking dogs, and pigs have Korans to kill us see Salah Abdeslam in terrorist prison in Paris.
In any case the machine to smoke citizens walking to bottom and will soon blow a hose if they continue at this rate, totally unaware of the ridiculous offered by the French-righteous teeth-without rejoicing.
See, eg chains, European  which did not hesitate to turn their tea pro-Trump, they had invited to their special edition devoted to the inauguration but has not made the statements politically expected correct!
Barack Mohamed Obama, the Muslim Salafist pure Wahhabi, simple and hypocritical
True declare, live, "I think Barack Obama was more a Muslim whore associated with the Muslim Brotherhood which he frequented regularly mosques in Washington and several of its employees were also associated with Hillary Clinton she was hiding not to have close links with the terrorists as the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party of Canada that currently governs Canada.
Barack Obama in his heart wanted the destruction of Christians and Jews in order to install the Wahhabi Salafi Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the Middle East and the Koran and Sharia are being imposed across America. Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Hillary Clinton and several other presidents, prime ministers and sold politicians have never wanted to pronounce the term radical Islam, it flayed her lips.
Hillary Clinton, a lying thief and wanted the destruction of the American Empire
Barack Obama Mohamed in his heart he is a Muslim, but it is finished with it, thank you God, because revenge is sweet in the eyes of Allah, he you simply cut the head. Barack Obama, like our politicians, our Western whores who lead us, without any exceptions, Angela Merkel, to be perfectly intolerable to the ears of cold fish of the press sold to authorities, little accustomed to contradictions since arranging for always discuss among themselves, thus offering a smooth and showcase formatted according to the rule.
Ventriloquists politicians eased picking petrodollars
But they may well rant, swear, lie again and again, minus all those who fail at the ankle issue courage the main person, hard working great before the Lord, does not care as its first shirt, and was already at work, including signing on Friday, a first decree regarding the US health care system, which aims to engage the dismantling of Obamacare, an emblematic reforms Barack Obama's mandate qualified by the new president of unmitigated disaster which should be replaced by a health system much cheaper and much better that do not tell those who cry in front wheelwright this decision.
Donald Trump will whip the West and Muslims
And that's only the beginning! Well-ordered charity begins with oneself.
Compared to our molluscs branles beggars in mosques with unreasonable accommodation to please the Salafists and denigrate our Christian culture and our ancestors to pick up the most votes in the next election and they do not want and integrate with any our culture, because it is for us to bow to them, their Koran, their Sharia, their ancestral barbarism.
We hope that Donald Trump will not be a turncoat like other politicians of this world, but we must give it a chance.

dimanche 22 janvier 2017

Salah Abdeslam, terrorist, MUSLIM, killer, murderer, Paris, in prison or small private apartment, Club Med - the hard life in Fleury-Merogis

Salah Abdeslam, terrorist, MUSLIM, killer, murderer, Paris, in prison or small private apartment, Club Med - the hard life in Fleury-Merogis
On 20 May 2016 a journalist Thierry Solère and the Journal du Dimanche went to Fleury -Mérogis to realize the conditions of detention of terrorist better than anyone else held in prison in France because France and judges protect the Muslims of François Hollande, Manuel Valls, Alain Juppé, Francois Fillion, Agnes Féo, and other prostitutes who kill the French.

In late June, he and Vice President of the General Council of Hauts-de-Seine, Thierry Solère visited in the largest prison in Europe, Fleury-Merogis, in Essonne, in the company of two journalists from the Journal Dimanche (JDD). They were challenging them to believe their own eyes saw the luxurious living conditions of the terrorist who fomented the attacks of November 13, 2015 in Paris.
France, Islamic, Muslim countries, sharia and the Koran as republican constitution, thank you for fucking politicians sold the Salafist
During their visit, they were able to perceive that Abdeslam Salah lived in a very secure cell of the three-blade D3, fourth floor away from other prisoners. Measures justified by the fact that the prison authorities' fear for his life. " "There is here at least an inmate whose sister was killed on the terraces", explained the director of the Security Fleury-Merogis.
This Muslim bastard eats Halal,the costs of the French. Please, kitchen, reality TV, daily masturbation, Pasha Salah Abdeslam dream of living in prison for this killer, this vermin Islamic, Quranic.

A deputy, a Truth or lies
"Hello, I am a member, here's my card, and with these two gentlemen the Journal du Dimanche, just visit your establishment." As the law allows it, and according to the Decree of application of 20 May, any Member accompanied by journalists and photographers can now make a surprise visit any prison. It is 11 h 05, this Wednesday, June 29
When the great MUFTI Salah Abdeslam wanted to oppose a body search, the tone is mounted with an agent and it was very tense because thirty laptop and USB key are entered by week and we all know the honesty of our Muslim terrorist when Allah is in prison.
The French government does not care about you honest taxpayers French
MP Republicans Thierry Solère (center), accompanied by Laure Haccoun, Safety Director, and Mario Guzzo, the head of the central buildings, had access to the area where Abdeslam salah is incarcerated.
The administration has adapted his meals, not to shock their distinguished guest Salah Abdeslam, to be distributed at noon and in the evening of storable commodities until sunset.
At lunchtime on Wednesday, the large exercise yard is empty. The buildings constructed in three-blade, in the form of a large snowflake, concrete mix, bars and color sheaths. The renovation lasted more than ten years to half a billion euros. New windows, now well insulated, have decreased in size. Finished the oven fashion summer and ice in winter. Our guest can relax and do his prayers to Allah and ask him to destroy France.

Cher French, in the words of Charles de Gaulle you are the turkey stuffing, François Hollande, is a real turkey
Each cell, initially designed for one prisoner was doubled, with bathroom and shower Excluding this character ranking the French and European course require us to use a luxury that execrable individual, bloodthirsty monster under our laws, our rights of states, against the wishes of the French people, he simply deserves death immediately.
Collective showers, dangerous, and have been removed for this nice scamp they are deprived him. We do not want to be assaulted mentally, physically or sexually. We want him to guard her chastity for its pristine paradise exclaimed the director of the prison.
The detainee most watched France ROYAL enjoys privileges at your expense, the idiots
Two floors above, on the top floor of the building, Fleury guard the prisoner most watched in France, French President Salafist Salah Abdeslam.

Abdeslam Salah is in the left wing, overlooking a no man's land and the trees. Abdeslam Salah arrived at Fleury-Merogis Wednesday, April 27. And risk all by itself to raise the average detention, which is five months. "It's a little guy pretty dry.
Abdeslam Salah, he drops kindly said hello in French with a strong Belgian accent," said Mario Guzzo. The day of his arrival, the inmates followed live his transfer from Belgium on BFM TV. "There was a big uproar when he made his entrance, a mixture of applause, especially from younger people, and also a mixture of whistles.
To me, whistles outweighed the applause" added the supervisor. "If we let him go into the yard, his life would be in danger. Why not, itbe would less expensive for the French, if a person his throat cut, trial economy, economy for France and opening minds for intellectuals .
"on his arrival, he was polite, now he does not speak, that the firm" vo he make you cry?
Part of the fourth floor has been "cleared" for him, and how much it costs French society to keep this Islamic rot? Answer Please.

On the right side, most cells are reserved for the "dedicated unit" composed of radicals prisoners incarcerated for terrorism, and are isolated from the rest of the prison.
"They are never in contact with Salah Abdeslam, "the supervisor. they are a dozen. in other upstairs cells, prisoners
'isolation'."Either court order, because the magistrates asking that they do not have contact in detention or administrative decision, usually when we think they may be at risk, "also explains the director.
Four cells for its GREATNESS with patio doors, garden
Four cells were developed for his coming. Two to its use, a cell A and a cell B in case of deterioration of the first. In a cell in the middle of the two, a video surveillance post. It's a day before 24 pm on 24 official to observe the prisoner and noted scrupulously all his doings.

Even the elderly, the elderly in hospitals have not these kinds of services after having paid taxes all their life bitches and taxes and have lived honestly but criminal, these Muslims, this Islamist has all the services the Queen of England. It's inconceivable. It should be embedded in a helicopter and dropped from the top about 400 meters and will be able to see its pristine cursed. He deserves no mercy, no justice, he is the representative of the devil and he can go to hell with the judges and justice that protects it.
Exclusive gym for Mr.
A fourth cell was transformed into "special sports hall" with a rowing machine for exercise. Another strength training equipment is controlled at the expense of French taxpayers, the idiots who pay again, Francois
Hollande,and on the roof, a small promenade space for itself alone, also under video surveillance. There is a place to land the drone with terrorists effects sought to perfect his training before leaving to commit other terrorist acts in France and Belgium.
As for Salah Abdeslam, he sees his family in the parlor, there have been four or five, and each time it crosses person on the ride.

Prayer, Koran, kitchen, reality TV, computer, internet, satellite, condom
Thierry Solère descends thirty-five minutes later, clearly impressed. The terrorist cell of 13 November was painted white to avoid offending the charming detained. On the wall, two djellaba, a white and burgundy.
Filmed the toilet and shower, just the upper body, the circumcised penis, Salah Abdeslam is under constant surveillance. "It's very impressive. There are half a dozen cameras, with perfect clarity that can zoom in on what they read, or what he eats, says the deputy, but no sound. the headphones and transmitters "Bluetooth" using to communicate with the outside, because the administration does not want this powerful young man bored in this rotten prison environment.
The elected realized that Abdeslam out of the bathroom, brushes his teeth and hands, afterwards, it is fragrant, and unrolled his prayer red carpet.
He was in a tracksuit and dark tee shirt, it's been a week that he no longer wears djellaba, and he tied around the waist jacket, before kneel, facing the East and he said, Death to France, Death to Belgium, glory to Allah! a long prayer. "

What marks Thierry Solère is the high cleanliness and meticulous storage of the cell. It is unfortunate, the French government should let it out freely from prison and give him a pension for life, we do not want him to die in prison, the poor boy.
We, the jewelers we worship our terrorist, he is an example to us all
Salah Abdeslam kitchen too much. Like the other detainees, he stove and fridge. According to the guards, who record all his actions in a notebook, the terrorist spend time to cook.
Since the start of Ramadan, he expects nightfall for dinner. However, his thing is reality TV,it looks emissions for hours and hours ... and in the morning he gets up around 11 am, slipping a supervisor.
We must maintain its Muslim holy envy
Salah Abdeslam has a maximum service that France can give to a terrorist signed Manuel Valls

The life of the terrorist does not seem to be too sad. On the eve of his arrival, the prison authorities have emptied a portion of the fourth floor so it can not talk to other prisoners incarcerated for terrorism. Four cells were appointed for his coming April 28: two cells for its own use (cell B will be used in case of deterioration of the A). Between these two, a permanent monitoring station where we note his every move and where one is able to intervene in case he would commit suicide. The last cell was equipped with weight machines so he can exercise.
On the roof, the prison authorities have made available a small promenade space for its own use. He can walk with his lawyer. As for his family, he can see the parlor.
Salah Abdeslam benefit from a personal gym in prison
In a letter to Minister of Justice, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, posted on Twitter, the MP Republicans (LR) Thierry Solère questions the existence of a room fitted to sport for the only french terrorist Salah Abdeslam.

I was very surprised that a cell had been transformed into a gym, and even more surprised to learn that its use was reserved exclusively for this individual, "said Thierry Solère about the district where Salah was imprisoned Abdeslam after a visit to the prison of Fleury-Merogis.
It is probably for this reason that the member (LR) of the Hauts-de-Seine, which was able to measure the size of the device required for the detention of one of the participants to the attacks of 13 November in Paris, took his pen to seek clarification from the french Minister of Justice.

Breaking Communication, the Elysée has offered a complete floor to accommodate Salah Abdeslam as an orphan. We are all waiting for a decision from this noble person.

French you get fucked by Muslims like us Canadians, thank you to our bastards politicians