Philippe Couillard - Jean Charest - Arthur Porter - corrupt Liberals - too long a list to be listed - Gilles Vaillancourt mea culpa
Gilles Vaillancourt, the omnipotent former mayor of Laval, is imprisoned.
A liberal system of collusion and corruption exceptionally efficient which earned him imprisonment for six years but considering the indulgence of our Canadian prisons, it will likely be outside the prison on December 2017. This master of comedy, the former mayor of Laval, Gilles Vaillancourt was among the lads of the organization of white collar criminals who stole Quebecers taxpayers since decades.
The brain Gilles Vaillancourt and colleagues, fundraisers were a way to Robin Hood to use a little bit of pot for personal gain. Nobody knows the reasons for which that Mr. Vaillancourt has decided to plead guilty when he had the opportunity to have the cancellation of his trial? I think, with his friends, liberal corrupt, there was an agreement, he will plead guilty, people will be fooled for a certain period before the next provincial election, hoping that taxpayers have forgotten.
Knowing that Quebec taxpayers memory, is about seven working days, the Prime Minister can certainly say it was the fault of the separatists in that period if the Liberals were flying the population.
We attend to every month to unsightly stagings of this government, whimsical, that continue to lie to us, in the face. But we must certainly reiterate that all governments, whatever their political parties are lying to the people.
They work first to fill their own pockets, those of their wives, their children, their friends, their political parties, lobbyists, fundraisers, Gentile donors who meet the beautiful envelopes, attending private clubs like the 357C, for aristocrats, professionals, politicians, managers of our wages, our Small Revenues, which share them.
Ah, life is good, if not caught in the arms of the UPAC.
Tax reform the Government of Quebec
Minister of Finance of Québec, continues to scan his brain, namely how fooled taxpayers and increase taxes and believing that it is for the good of the community.
He has appointed a committee of twelve learned to representatives of various spheres of society for the study to find out if the idiots could still live a decent way, with a payroll deduction taxes and tax of 90% will be well enough to make them live. Individuals whose names were secretly hidden to the press but delivered to mafia justification committee of the district, ambulatory muscle masses Salafists, in some villages, Montreal ghettos.
Lino Zambito the Commission Charbonneau
Eighty percent of politicians are "honest," "good faith" and they are not aware of malpractice because deliberately kept in the dark by those around them, said Lino Zambito, star witness the Charbonneau commission.
This is what he advanced during his visit to the show Tout le monde en parle, aired Sunday night on Radio-Canada.
"Eighty percent of the politicians do not know what is happening, said the former building contractor turned restaurateur. I put a lot into question on (sic) the entourage of politicians and it is desired not to put them in the game. It really liberal political organizations that are problematic.
"Politicians manipulate the media and the media influence our decisions
in our societies, we are inundated and overwhelmed by a flood of information from a wide variety of media sources, which however generally serve powerful interests, as well as individuals who own them. In our country, most of the media is owned by financiers who control the rigged information we receive every day, every moment, every time the event happens or was created by a Government and group pressures or influences.
The main sources of information, television, radio, paper press, and websites for public or official use, include the mainstream media, alternative media, universities, think societies, religions, preachers, imams in mosques, colleges, institutions, etc.
In the mainstream media, manipulation and bias inherent in them are more obvious. Each media who have sex with some financier, have penchant to tip the balance towards the owner. These media are owned by large multinationals and are linked to a plethora of other leading global companies and interests of elites through their boards.
Standardized communication techniques are, according to him, a boulevard for demagoguery and mediocrity, emphasizing what divides the expense of what unites. Don, we can certainly point out that the information that reach us are always biased and that we must seek to find the truth in the interests of corrupt that we are launching falsehoods at any time.
Stéphane Lelion Côte-Vertu
Magistrates, who shall remain the names of Stéphane Lelion Côte-Vertu and Saliva Chartier will be the mentors who will fill the envelopes of your grievances for making suggestions to our religious committees sensitive Quran , Sharia, the shtreimel, in Turban, the Pastafarisme,and everything you can imagine.
Their salaries will be unknown to the public not to give any comment but reliable source of regional radio Abu Dhabi,Eastern Abitibi, President dip into the funds of the National Assembly on average five million per year for his services with a five-year contract. But we want to inform that this information is not verifiable to the Premier Whereas it is again traveling in the Mediterranean with many of his liberal friends in strategic discussion.
We knew from a reliable source, the auto gasoline on tax will be increased by one hundred percent within the next three years. Our government favoring births of new child, give an allowance for the first child of ten thousand dollars and each of the other children of thirty thousand dollars. When children are at the age of majority, they will have to return the money received at the rate of ten percent per year or to become an imam in a mosque.
The only problem occurred when a person very aware,stressed, like most religions, women can not beings imams, this is a role reserved for the male. What should we do with the girls and their money? It was therefore paramount question to ask! A bearded stood up and had the wonderful idea of saying, give all money to male and nothing the females, and males decide whether females will receive the money.
Another bearded written, but it's not fair, why not just put the taxes to be paid to females and males, we keep the capital under the laws of Allah!
Messages to the endemic corruption of the Liberals
The Honourable Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau hoped that the president of the United States Donald Trump does not touch his true friends Muslim brothers of Canada
The Honourable Premier of Quebec Philippe Couillard, the Honourable Arthur Porter thief died in Panama and has stolen $ 20 million your friend who put money into this tax haven, can you go collect the money for the good of the community, this will be a move "austerity from you and humility"
the Honourable former Prime Minister of Canada, Jean Chrétien, the Gomery commission on the sponsorship scandal, will you give to Canadians and Quebecers the money you stole to destroy Canadian democracy?
The Honourable former Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, who made this law for you and your children for not paying taxes and taxes in Canada in 1998, Bill C-28 so your shipping companies are registered in Panama in this tax haven that your beneficiaries can get rich at the expense of Canadian taxpayers.
Hon former Quebec Premier Jean Charest, that we loved so much, can you recover the monies paid according to your conscience too after your departure in political life, although it might be the resolution of the National Assembly but certainly immoral that Quebecers continue to pay the rent of your private law firms, your travel, your lobbies, etc.
I will stop here because I want to make you throw up on our politicians because they are not worse or better than your own politicians in your country is not it, when the Club Med opens with the buffet of money and power before them, they use liberally.