samedi 7 janvier 2017

Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel want to destroy Syria to pocket more money from Saudi Arabia

Barack Obama, François Hollande, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard want to destroy Syria to pocket more money from Saudi Arabia
The Syrian army has resumed Aleppo neighborhoods including East who were in hands of terrorists of Al Qaeda and its jihadist allies to the chagrin of Western oligarchy which Canada Justin Trudeau and the monarchical countries of the Persian Gulf, including Qatar and Saudi Arabia who see their diabolical plans destroy the Syrian secular republic in smoke.

Aleppo, Syria
Aleppo is now reunited and released from the Islamist hydra that they will find still as a pretext western moralizing, Hillary Clinton,these troublemakers without fear and without reproach who light arson on behalf of the right interference in every corner of the planet where fools of Allah which Adil Charkaoui, terrorist Salafist Islamists living in Montreal,lend themselves to their Machiavellian plan of the creative chaos, to continue the war they have launched against Syria?
By allying with Sunni Wahhabi Salafi Islam, Saudi Arabia, the West fell into the trap that jihadist favored but that will explode in his face, sooner or later. For proof of this gear that is set up, it just has to see the deadly Islamist attacks that multiply its territory. Deaf and blind,it makes the ostrich policy, thoughts of the Premier of Ontario, Kathleen Wynne and the mayor of Cologne, Germany, Henriette Recker in rusant and using propaganda worthy of the doctrinaire..
In addition to the jihadist threat is omnipresent now on European soil, the political and media oligarchy Manuel Valls,Prime Minister of France, is accountable for his satanic alliance with the Wahhabi sect and Muslim brothers, Justin Trudeau friend is unquestionable and he visits mosques there every week in order to make the propagandists of uses Salafi discourse.

Who are the leaders of Islamic terrorism that is in the process of grief to mankind. It is time that the ICC self grasp of Islamic terrorism folder to determine responsibility for each other and especially Saudis, Qataris, the Muslim Brotherhood and their Western protectors.
Western governments must launch a firm wall saying no refugee will now be accepted in the West and no one will be accepted. All refugees will be returned immediately to their countries of origin, and our borders are closed. We can not receive you, with your requests, your religions, your barbarous style, your anti-Christian customs, anti-democratic, against our values, that is unfortunate for you all, but the end of your holiday are Wests completed. Final point.
Remained with charming dictators, your imamats, your turbans, your dictatorships, but we do not want you with us, unless you want to change for real, and without any conditions, overnight, no food Halal, not to accommodate, eat pork, work like all people.  
You must be true citizen of the host country and your children too, otherwise not come to us to stay. Our democracies do not suit you, our women are free and you do not, you go to elsewhere, we will not want.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, humanitarian barbarians
After destroying Syria by its Islamist foals and destroyed Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya, the West, that is to say, the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, and other countries aplat bellies are trying to encourage Saudi Arabia,the land of Islam  excellence perished  Yemen, one of the country poor of the world including the capital, Sanaa is regularly bombed by the Saudi aviation using bombs from US arsenals, the United Kingdom and France.
Four countries US, UK, France, and Canada where politicians hypocrites crying when the terrorists come to kill us and provide us with weapons to countries of barbarians, who provide arms to terrorists as Saudi Arabia and several other dictatorships.  Our presidents and prime ministers, our hypocrites, without our values, our petrodollars that put money in their pockets, our elected representatives, it is our murderers of our civilizations and our Western democracies.

François Hollande, the French marie layer you Salafist-law par excellence, I'm sorry, I Forgot,Manuel Valls next on the list
Children, women and old people were killed in total indifference of the West accomplice of a genocide that dare not speak its name. But where pharmacies which claim human rights but to protect nihilistic jihadist worldwide that hit like locusts on Syria past are they?
The masks of David Cameron, Tony Blair, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, liar Colin Powell, the case of incubators in Kuwait, Saddam Hussein, orchestrated by the Bush administration, began to fall and the Western peoples will soon discover that the oligarchy led them by boat.

Justin Trudeau dumb as a rug
Why these pharmacies do they remain silent as carp before the incessant bombing of Aleppo western districts where more than a million and a half inhabitants? They are silent for the simple reason that the Syrians then understood what is really happening in their country.
And these bombings do not they are the work of Islamists, these revolutionary nickname in the pay of Western oligarchy and some Sunni Muslim countries (Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar)?
Canada ready to receive 25,000 jihadists with their families on its territory immediately, receiving non-taxable and taxable annual income and can live in their totalitarian Islamic Culture Salafist withmosques, schools, Muslim universities.  

When will the citizens of numbers required, approximately 100,000 Muslim Wahhabi, to create a separate province, it will be created south of the southern province of Quebec including the Ontario border along the St. Lawrence River up 'in the Gaspé Peninsula to the US border the new Islamic jihadists country of my loves to be named Islamic Republic of Justinistan in honor of the father of all Justin Trudeau, liberal voice of Canadian circumcised people.
War scenario of Saudi Arabia sponsored by ... ..
But after six years of war imposed on the Syrian people, jihadist mercenaries, exhausted by heavy shelling of the Russian and Syrian armies have relented and accept defeat . They evacuated neighborhoods east of the city of Aleppo in the company of their families, about 25 000.
Yet the West and Islamist propaganda advanced the figure of 250 000 civilians who lived there. But where did they go past? Once again, the truth will reassert itself and the whole world will know that we must never trust the sanctimonious West, merchant human rights variable geometry.

The resumption of Aleppo is the first major victory of the Syrian regime against Islamist rebellion described by Western democratic but who wants to introduce sharia in the country of Ham.
Mohammed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are the losers
President Bashar al-Assad is the winner, because now he controls the five major cities of the country and can impose its vision of ending the conflict which his country was subjected for six years . This recovery is also a great victory for Russia and also for Iran, allies of the Syrian regime. It is, however, a bitter failure for the Sunni Islamist rebellion and in turn for the West and especially the Gulf oil monarchies, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the sponsors of the warrior Islamism.

Our game gallows
David Cameron, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, Barack Obama were all guillotined by their peoples. When hit, spells, our first Canadians and provincial ministers, when will their departure to the wonderful country of Saudi and scorpions?
A dear liars, our elected officials at all levels
Will all depend on what the voters will require candidates before the election.
The strength of the citizens is to go to meetings, speak, ask direct questions and demand answers unambiguous.Policies must gauge the determination of the people, if we go for 5 years five year for nothing.
You even reverse the primary. The voter should not expect that the candidates offer a program but rather it is the citizens who must say what they want and politicians should endeavor to execute the will of the People. As when requesting a quote: "This is the work to do, you what you offer and at what price?

"The people must remove politicians the idea that it is they who offer" options "and make them understand well the contrary, it is the People who raises his demands and gives his vote to the one who guarantee the right plan.
Government of Canada, a government traveling to Alice in Wonderland. A wonderful country, its Prime Minister, and its subordinate fly over the vast territory with thousands of toys from the Atlantic to the Pacific ignoring the daily realities of tragedies that happen around the world and will soon hit us country.
It is very easy to close your eyes and think that nothing will happen here, my Muslim terrorists, Salafists, dormant, wake up soon with the arrival of Donald Trump, and the United States will see that Canada has nothing to stop them, and the US will be very, very angry. And we all pay the price. The new US president, will not pass the chance to invade us if he can because we do not have any government at the head of the country with strong enough together to think.

The US energy demand, oil, electricity and especially "WATER" and here in Canada, we have for all the United States, and we saw what they did in every country on the planet to take ownership of their resources, and we are next on the list. Perhaps better would we negotiate our surrender immediately before our elected selling us cheap as they do now with salafists Muslims of Saudi Arabia.
Can we still trust our politicailleurs for their civility, because what happens in Syria, could happen also for Canada to Justin?

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