dimanche 8 janvier 2017

Justin Trudeau, an envelope without contained, attention to Trudeau Deceptions

Justin Trudeau, an envelope without contained, attention to Trudeau Deceptions
In December, Vogue has published in its pages a portrait and photos of Justin Trudeau and his wife, Sophie Grégoire. "Surprisingly young, wavy hair, the new prime minister looks great in her blue suit and brown shoes stylized" writes journalist John Powers.

When we fixed in the eye, Justin Trudeau succeeded elsewhere, such as former president of the United States, Bill Clinton, "we felt like we were the only person in the world." The renowned fashion magazine was also interested in Sophie Grégoire, sacred first most attractive lady in the world by the New York Post.
Since November, Justin Trudeau in the list of the sexiest men on the planet Vogue (male beauty "unconventional"), along with other personalities like actor Benedict Cumberbatch.
The Paris Match devoted its cover to Justin Trudeau just days after his election. "When Justin is on the road, as the young Tony Blair in 1995, or Barack Obama in 2008, it triggers the enthusiasm of youth, women and minorities," writes journalist Olivier Royant.

It also argues that Trudeau "inherited the social conscience of his father, blue eyes and spontaneity of his mother."
The reporter also compared the Kennedy family Trudeau. "Like John-John Kennedy sacred" America's crown prince, "Justin Trudeau has lived all his life in the public eye." Having been in the spotlight throughout his life, the Liberal leader would be Besides "built a shield that protects the world."
Since the last federal election, Justin Trudeau found himself a few times in the pages of the magazine the New Yorker. In one of these reports, "Another Trudeau Makes Canada Cool," "Another Trudeau makes Canada again," the journalist Virginia Cannon back on the rudder years of Pierre Elliott Trudeau and a dark episode in Canadian politics: the crisis 'October. Someone crazy.
The journalist also said that Richard Nixon was the first (that we know) to predict that Justin would succeed his father at a state dinner in 1972. The former president of the United States had indeed raised his glass to the "future prime minister of Canada."
Like his father, Justin Trudeau would also be trying to restore Canada's reputation as a "cool" country.
Who Mexican President Pena Nieto, or Justin Trudeau is most attractive? This is the question that arose Philippe Daily Inquirer, when opened, in November, the annual summit of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

The daily considers even the Prime Minister Trudeau as "the sexiest man in the free world."
The girls of Manila, the Philippine capital, had not, apparently, for the Liberal leader and his Mexican counterpart Enrique Peña Nieto. Canadian Prime Minister has also been welcomed in true rock star when he arrived at the summit.
"Trudeau, a father of three children telegenic, brings a touch of glamor, youth and charisma in Ottawa." Here's how the New York Post sees the Canadian Prime Minister.

The tabloid is also convinced that Justin is the only leader to have been bungee instructor and snowboarding and being tattooed biceps. The New York Post also traced a video of Justin Trudeau (with mustache) tumbling (intentionally) the stairs to the Mavericks.
The Liberal leader could also work miracles. "Now that he is elected, this handsome 6 foot 2 could achieve something that no one thought possible: make the interesting country."
"Boxer, handsome and pro-cannabis: the" Trudeau-mania " sweeping across Canada, "headlined the New Observer, October 20, 2016, just hours after the decisive victory of Justin Trudeau.
The Obs stresses, however, that before taking power, "the son to dad" was especially known for his gaffes. "Trudeau Junior is a frequent blunders, like when processing the Minister of Environment" piece of shit "in full House of Commons in 2011, or that angered animal activists posing on a map Christmas with his family dressed in fur coats.

"Taking good care of out of the 2008 videos in which Trudeau" language exchange up to five times per sentence, "the journalist Timothy Vilars Canadian Prime Minister described as" perfectly "bilingual" to surrealism. "
"Is Julien Trudeau is the sexiest politician in the world?" This is the question that The Mirror asked its readers. The British tabloid also argues that Trudeau belongs to the most attractive political dynasty since Kennedy.

"And let's face it, it takes care of him. Wearing the shirt is optional for him, he exhibits a cut physique and a very manly tattoo. And that's not all: he has already faced a Conservative senator during a boxing match. A game he obviously won well, "writes journalist Mikey Smith. You read correctly.
The story also ends with a video of Justin Trudeau who engages in "striptease" at a charity event.
The day of his swearing-in, Forbes ranked Justin Trudeau in69th place among the most influential people in the world.

In the portrait he made of the new Prime Minister of Canada, including the renowned magazine lists some of the jobs he held before entering the House of Commons in 2008: snowboard instructor in a bouncer nightclub, rafting guide and monitor in a camp.
Forbes also recalls the highlights of his election platform: tax cuts for the middle class, fight against climate change, decriminalization of marijuana, etc.
Moreover, the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, which sits at the top of this list. It is followed by German Chancellor Angela Merkel and US President Barack Obama. Pope Francis arrives at the 4th.
A few weeks after the Liberals came to power, the New York Times has praised Justin Trudeau in an editorial entitled "An Antidote to Cynicism in Canada", "An antidote to cynicism in Canada." The prestigious newspaper believes that his election is also striking that Barack Obama or John F. Kennedy.

"The excitement aroused such a moment may be brief, but is essential to arouse the interest of new generations for public service and is an antidote to the political cynicism that has unfortunately become the norm in our democracies."
In the text, the US daily also stresses that the Liberal leader has formed a Joint Council and diversified minister. By just pressing the diversity and inclusive social policies embody the Trudeau government, according to the Times, the"renewed sense of national identity" for many Canadians.
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi leader of the Islamic State
We thank the Prime Minister of Canada, in its total commitment, his contention, his support, unwavering, his country towards our jihad to the global conquest of America to the ground glory of Allah.

The Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the majority of Liberal MPs voted against a Conservative motion stating that the violence perpetrated by the armed group Islamic State against Christians constitute genocide. The motion presented by the Acting Head of Rona Ambrose Conservative Party accuses the Islamic State group of crimes against humanity in the place of Christians, Yezidis and Shias and other religious and ethnic minorities in Syria and Iraq .
Paris Match
Justin Trudeau, a family victory, described as "stroke history state" the rise to power of the Liberal leader. His wife, Sophie Grégoire is also the image of Jackie Kennedy. She sings with a voice like Michelle Obama. She talks like Oprah Winfrey, Maite kitchen as she is a Canadian ambassador. Many parallels are drawn between the two political families that are the Trudeau of Canada and the Kennedy family in the US.

Ten citations of Paris Match on Justin Trudeau, superficial
"The event is significant. Justin Trudeau's successor, it is as if John-John had taken up the torch of JFK program.
""Her name is its  "Response:.Nothing
"When Justin is on the road, as the young Tony Blair in 1995, or Barack Obama in 2008, it triggers the enthusiasm of youth, women and minorities.
""These images of "Kennedy Canadian" bring the country forty years ago, when some Pierre Elliott Trudeau fought the campaign with the lovely Margaret Sinclair and her baby, Justin.
""Just like John-John Kennedy sacred "America's crown prince," Justin Trudeau has lived all his life under the gaze of public.
""his tattoo on the shoulder or his change in hairstyle are endless debates object.
""Constantly under the gaze of others and under the media spotlight, like John Kennedy Jr., Justin Trudeau has built a shield that protects the world.
""Justin inherited the social conscience of his father, blue eyes and spontaneity of his mother.
""too beautiful, too rich, too well-born, with its physical player television series and his patrician pedigree, Justin Trudeau quickly becomes the opponent to shoot for the Conservative Party wonders.
""for now, eyes fixed on Canada and on Justin Trudeau, the economic world  "and s it had opened a new path? ""
Toronto Sun
Justin Trudeau is the Canadian John F. Kennedy, the Liberal savior of the nation.
BBC, London, England
Justin Trudeau, he was in a tight T-shirt and red boxing gloves on the BBC, the new prime minister-designate of Canada. There it was again - shirtless and flexing this time - on the homepage of the British newspaper The Independent.

Justin Trudeau was even more ubiquitous on social media, where users of Twitter and Facebook, exchanging links to photos of him emphasizing his leadership skills. "The votes are in and Canada came out of the election with a new super hot head" was how the Australian news website news.com.au put.
The world admires an envelope without any content. No, I'm sorry, on the person, it is fiendishly clever, he hides his game, he does debonair while installing his religious worship Salafi Islam of Saudi Arabia in all spheres of Canadian society with aid premiers. He is a sly fox, the son of the son of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, both will have succeeded in destroying an entire country.

Trudeaumania this shambles arrived in Ottawa
This white beak, new arrival at Parliament Hill, this shambles, is installed in this place of great chaos, containing many objects huddled together, deputies, ministers, lobbyists, imams , preachers, sanctities of different religions, speculators, mobsters, the cream of high society in this place by disorder and by metonymy a mass of these objects.
The monumental fouilli this legislative assembly where the representatives of the people trying to communicate the values of their political party and their friends who fill the socks and election funds by hiding the real reasons for their relationship to citizens. Surely we can locate this part of our democracy as a legitimate Capernaum was a great city of commerce, a tote, hence momentary trends blindly run our elected without having a glimpse into the future. Only this account, the next re-election, and if I lose, at least I could again become a lobbyist with my friends ministers.

Decadence of a coast to coast
During the course of the administration of the government of Justin Trudeau in Ottawa from 2016 to 2020, according to forecasts of its own government the Canadian government deficit will increase from $ 300 billion to a total 1 375 billion to be borne by all taxpayers. Expenses are completely uncontrolled, it's Club Med buffet, all uses, people are harvesting nothing, this is total joy, the media inform people, our state television meets the government of blackmail to be quiet, all is well in the backyard.
Our institutions, our ancestral cultures disappear to install the new medieval religions Salafis of the Middle East, our values, inequality between men and women are accepted by our Prime Minister because they are the customs of migrants must take precedence over customs early settlers in New France and which will become the conquest of English Canada long before the arrival of the Muslims, the Koran and Sharia, Mr. Justin Trudeau, mind you.

Blessed are the simple minds, Adil will be yours!

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