dimanche 15 janvier 2017

Stéphane Dion, the traitor,migrant France, the Judas, the Anti-Quebec

Stéphane Dion, the traitor,migrant France, the Judas, Anti-Quebecer
It is customary, when a politician retires, to make an assessment about its positive action, like a tribute to the service public. Typically, this is achieved. More rarely, it is not only difficult but almost impossible.

We are in such a situation with the departure of Stéphane Dion said Tuesday he was leaving politics after more than twenty years in the Liberal Party. Usually when an MP or minister of the caliber of Stéphane Dion, after about twenty years of service to the government, the media are quick to praise him or sacrifice in public for days or weeks . But not for Stéphane Dion, it was the grave, at least in Quebec, this traitor,anti-Quebecers who wanted to destroy the entire Quebec and its evolution in the democratic future he wanted.
With his pinched nose, the French, migrating to Quebec, because I can not consider it as Quebecers, this thug, who believed in selling as many other francophone Quebecer to anglophone federalists they were to admit within glorifiques Canadian institutions who reject everything that comes from Quebec. Do you remember how eagerly he opened the Canadian Constitution to put that Quebec recognized the Labrador and Newfoundland border. In less than a day everything was registered and signed.

But when it comes to helping Quebec to assert, that Pétain, opens its wings wide open for all to begin its destruction on us all. But he put his intelligence to a shameful because service. I speak of political imprisonment of the Quebec nation. It is worse than a Nazi in the pay of Muslims and minorities in the county of St. Lawrence. Minorities, migrants in our county are so pampered, there are calendars for each religious festivals, celebrations of the countries of those minorities listed in the catalogs and in the St. Lawrence newspaper.
You certainly know that guinea corn not are only on their ears, sometimes they are ministers.
Wondering what I mean? So let me play the historian and refresh your memory. At the time of the 1995 referendum, Dion became publicly known as an intellectual of the No camp. He advocated a hard line against the separatists. This pleased to Jean Chrétien, who will call to Ottawa in 1996 to lead the counterattack against the separatists.
It demonize them by presenting them as enemies of democracy. His goal: to make the independence almost legally impossible. Legally lock up the people of Quebec within the Canadian federation.
This will be the objective of the Clarity Act, the famous Bill C-20, passed in 2000, certainly one of the most odious laws in Canadian history.

It was intended to submit the Quebec people to the tutelage of the House if the upcoming referendum.
The Honourable Stéphane Dion, his death may say, it will flag the Muslim Islamic Muslim Brotherhood and Canada at half mast in St Lawrence. Canadians and Quebecers will pay for his funeral and some MPs, media grannies during well of him during his time on earth before joining the 72 virgins. This intellectual, the migrant, the allure of democracy thief, the man who followed in the footsteps of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the first Canadian destroyer and identity of all Canadians.
Know well what happens to him now is very unfortunate for him. But the saying goes, when you spit in the air, sputum falls on you. Justin Trudeau, the National selfie lie with Muslim minorities, and not with the French migrants, St Lawrence. You are no longer part of his harem. Poor you. Who thought you could fool all good English Ottawa as did Jean Chrétien and several other Quebec ministers, but now, the green mouse comes wound in Ottawa and the rest of Canada and the entire planet.

Also your language, French, for the rest of Canada, is only for the water carriers, lower as Philippe Couillard. The Honourable Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, residing in the basement of the Ottawa Assalam Mosque & Islamic Centre Friday seeking shed toto add more than Islamic minorities are in his closet to Parliament hill in Ottawa. Canada since the arrival of the Liberal party in government, the country has lost its identity, its values, its traditions, its ancestors, we are the derision of the world democratic and educated under American supervision.
Ah, Mr. Stéphane Dion, you were not cut out for politics, you were meant to be an intellectual, a teacher who can speak and who can not do anything with his ten fingers. This is how I see you. You've opted to enter the brotherhood liberal, corrupt in all provinces, you inject your venom migrants on all of us, you are guilty, and I hope you have the honesty of one day returning to France and you fight next to Marine Le Pen crusades to fight the Islamists, terrorists and faires assert French values that still need you stay in you.

You can contact the Embassy of France and Mr. Justin Trudeau, they will send you your pension check retire to Paris, the city where many refugees will be able to assemble with you to create a new political party assembly, destruction of France fully considering your knowledge in this field.
Because why not bring some of your good friends that you Muslim Brotherhood with the Liberal government in Mississauga, Ontario, Zunera Ishaq, will be of some help as it is a friend of al Qaeda and Alexander Trudeau. You know that Paris was until recently the City of Light, but since François Hollande, Manuel Vals, François Fillion, she became the City of Darkness.

When one sleeps with the dead, we die, Stéphane Dion. When working with a political party that hates Quebecers traîvery French, we become drafts, French, migrants.  
I'm sure have not lost your French nationality, go! You have always been the disgrace with several other friends, buddies, sold the balance of the Anglo-Saxon Canadian Elite.

Stéphane Dion nobody will remember you

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