mercredi 18 janvier 2017

Donald Trump breaststroke cages politicians, civil organizations, intellectuals, troublemakers

Donald Trump breaststroke cages politicians, civil organizations, intellectuals, troublemakers
What Courage Meryl Streep delivers a speech against Donald Trump. Wow. What nerve. What audacity. What originality of this excellent actress, actors who talk through their hats. Homerun provided by this client who attends the ceremony, these intellectual, living in clouds of Hollywood, high sniffing marijuana Justin Trudeau

How is it that CNN last week, during a report five minutes about Donald Trump, denounced the actions of this one as President of the United States. CNN clowning, Donald Trump January 8, 2017, Donald Trump was not even president of the USA. Increasingly, a number of media, senators, actors, intellectuals, investors, American politicians, or international, religious, and civil organizations of color, feminists, pushy, populists, are at war open against the man who wants to brew cages, schemers systems for decades.
Donald Trump faces some corrupt Senate
These groups hate and are crumpled to know that a man decided to stop for hundreds of years to change the methods of senators, ministers to enact laws to avoid paying taxes or taxes for millionaires as there is Paul Martin, former Prime Minister of Canada, who created for himself Bill C-28 in 1998 for not having to pay taxes in Canada for its shipping companies and registered in Panama make tax evasion. I forgot I had not told you, he is a liberal, corrupt party of Canada.

Donald Trump criticizes Merkel Salafist
Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor has made this country, the European mess with the coming of more than a million refugees, Syrian  rapists encourages it against democracies. Angela Merkel has become the European cancer.
You want to be part of the gang? Trump critical, we'll give you your membership card. Canadians and Quebecers media so cry against Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, Conservative leader, describing him as the "Devil" of Canada, they got his head to be replaced by an Islamist Wahhabi Salafist nullity Koranic son of selfie in memory of Pierre Elliott Trudeau, the man who will destroy Quebec and his son, the cherub that will destroy the entire Canada to please the English Canada blinded by its destructive determination Quebec.
Donald Trump does it accept the nonsense of selfie?
Nobody knows, but one thing is certain is that Donald Trump is an American, a Protestant, he loves the United States, it is selfish, egotistical, lying, leader of men since her childhood, man business with several times bankruptcies of knowledge in the business world but none in diplomacy, but we certainly must emphasize that diplomats are working with money and soldering.
Take here in Quebec, the Charbonneau Commission, and the governments of Jean Charest and Philippe Couillard, Liberal governments, corrupt governments. Also in Ottawa, with the former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, corrupt party, the Gomery Commission was also guilty for sponsorships.

A new Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau, accepts princely gifts, favors Islamic, to stay in private islands in the Bahamas where the billionaire Alga Khan receives dozens million grant our money, Muslim, who moved with Sharia in Canada.
New revelations are fueling the controversy surrounding the Christmas holidays of Justin Trudeau, spent in the private Bahamian island of a religious leader and philanthropist.
The Prime Minister's office confirmed Wednesday that a Liberal member and the president of the party and their respective spouses, recently stayed with the Trudeau family in the private domain of the Aga Khan, the spiritual leader of some 15 million Ismailis.
Donald Trump he will have time to clean government?
Is Donald Trump is the right person to clean or American system and democratic international systems mafia or non-democratic, religious who run in all countries. Is Donald Trump will survive at least four years in office. Is that even Republicans will want to have his head as soon as possible, to go back to continue the usual embezzlement our politicians took charge for decades.

The anger of Americans and people around the world
this is a hurricane, tsunami, which carries everything. The sufficiency of the politicians and the arrogance of the media. A groundswell whose brutality is breathtaking. A staggering tidal waves which the shock wave does not spare our shores. Throughout the West, people are angry. We chose not to see it. Since the victory of Donald Trump, we can no longer pretend.
We want to get rid of our liars who sell us the Salafists, the petrodollars, populist who are raking the money
God knows that we plugged ears and eyes veiled! Americans, we were told, would not certainly  entrust their fate to that clown, the comedian. The first economic and military power on the planet did abandon themselves notto populist impulses, necessarily populist, a handful of supposed deemed racist and uneducated voters ...
Voters who voted Trump does not obey any determinism " identity ", they simply wanted to say their anger to live more poorly a country defeated.
Donald Trump, mental renewal
Anger "white" in the literal sense and the black racist? Undoubtedly, the white middle class has become as poor as the black class. Voters who voted Trump does not obey any determinism "identity", they simply meant to live their anger - more evil - a country that is falling apart.

In the US as in Europe, it is the same groundswell, we lost their moral and physical identities
Because it is not the seraglio, because he is a prisoner of any taboo, Donald Trump has put his words on feelings that others do not want to name. He speaks words that people can understand.
Defeat also politically correct, that font of words, behavior and thought, whose edicts - battles for "neutral" toilets persistent refusal to Barack Obama to appoint radical Islamism - had ended up taking delusional proportions in the USA. To excess, Donald Trump has made freedom of expression one of his warhorses. In his victory, this idea that we have to call a spade a spade bit is not counted.
Finally defeat multiculturalism, the integration controversy duty, since it is that which hosts who must adapt to diversity. Trump played on velvet: admonitions "moral", professed by a political class incapable of solving the problems of the people, no longer recipe. On background galloping unemployment and the Islam, conquering  multiculturalism injunction, in America as in Europe, parallel vertiginous, is seen as a provocation.

Because it is not the seraglio, because he is a prisoner of any taboo, Donald Trump has put his words on feelings that others do not want to name. Donald Trump is a natural provocative, political, moral and cultural, a massively rejected institutional system. He rode anger. He now has to calm passions, to channel that anger so that the energy he unleashed contribute, as it has undertaken, the recovery of the American nation.
Donald Trump revolutionize the world
Rarely the world's destiny will at this point depended on one man. Donald Trump he will swap his clown suit against the statesmanlike habit? The tone of his campaign, violent and grotesque, little cause for optimism. But his first speech, dignified and reconciler is most auspicious. The worst is not sure.
What are the fears of the leaders against Donald Trump?

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