samedi 21 janvier 2017

Planetary wart Barack Obama Mohamed, our Salafi Islamist Muslim brotherhood, terrorist, traitor, lynched White House

Planetary wart Barack Obama Mohamed, our Salafi Islamist Muslim brotherhood, terrorist, traitor, lynched White House
Barack MOHAMED Obama might be a good president, but he was primarily a traitor in the service of Saudi Arabia and Qatar and other Salafi Wahhabi country, the barbarians of the Koran, the wildest of the planet. You can chase the Muslim a Muslim, because even when during reproduction, their semen and ova in their DNA in their brains were washing Allah rooted in every detail to the destruction of humanity !

Our Planetary Warts Our Elites Political
Alas! The past year has confirmed the trends of western societies. We are in an end of civilization and for the first time, one has the feeling that the man lost control of the technology he has invented, our Western values that our intellectual and blind extremist feminists continue to stone from day to day are bringing Koranic Salafi Islamists barbarians flowing in our veins weaken our democratic system of rights in order to install the demagogy of Allah with all the aids of our most crooked politicians, sold, collaborators worse than the Nazis, that Stalin of this world.
See a short list of your leaders, your corrupt, your bastards, Madam Chancellor Angela Merkel, Hillary Clinton and gentlemen Barack Obama, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, David Cameron, François Holland, Manuel Valls, Alain Juppe, Françoise David, Quebec solidarity, feminist and protected the Muslim Brotherhood, Mélanie Joly, Henriette Recker, Cologne Mayor Bertram Hilgen, Mayor of Kassel, Germany, Agnes Féo, ignorant, missing feminist film popularity and intelligence and Agnès Gruda of La Presse.
Our famous, Lise Bacon, former MP and dotage, Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario Liberal premier of Ontario who prostitute the first Muslim came, and Zunera Ishaq, Pakistani terrorist Mississauga, Ontario, and where Mr. Justin Trudeau will spread the word to the mosque on Fridays to gather votes for the Liberal party, the Muslim Brotherhood and sprinkle subsidies paid by taxpayers Christian Canadians.
Kathleen Weil, Minister of Immigration of Quebec, the Minister of rags as a Muslim to cover from head to toe, it's just cover her vagina. What I did not know that the Muslim had vaginas of a meter long, I can imagine the penis imams who want sex 24 of 24 during their infamous preaching burqas, the Niqabs, the subject, the bitches for some, Johanne Faucher, CBC, most liar, blind and paid for by the federal lie to us about the fundamentalist Islamic religious in Canada, etc.

Excuse me, I forgot Pope Francis, he also made the pro Muslim politics, Islamic anti-Christian now, if renders the account?
Our states rights, pockets of
democracy, as it was known, assured, no matter what the spirits who dream of a junk revolution, our social progress, political, economic and moral. This democracy is currently in decline, our judges fools with the law.
Many citizens have lost faith in politics as a factor of change in the politicians who no longer command respect in institutions where they feel mistreated and more widely in the supporting elites of collective visions without which no future n ' is possible.
The West has lost its values to install a religion without a yardstick value
The West has believed in the triumph of reason, but forgot that without the soul, the human mind drift. Now, we are all lost because the traditional markers have disappeared, and only the wise, young or old for that matter, are doing to their defense.
Islam, he is strong of a global army made countless believers willing to die for their religion, for God and his Prophet. We nihilism, they fervor. We are exhausted, they experience great health. We live stuck in the pure moment they flirt eternity. We have in the past, they have the future because for them, it all begins, and for us, everything ends.
Donald Trump to get it right it will shake the cages of our politicians
As in nearly all his campaign speeches, Trump has painted a very bleak picture of the current situation in his country. After a list of conditions he sees in American society, marked as usual by exaggeration and a very personal understanding of the actual trends, it delivered a shock formula that many will remember as the heart of his message and US carnage stops here and it stops now.

Donald Trump has therefore no intention to divest the tone he maintained during his campaign and during the transition period. He will continue to relentlessly blame his predecessors for all ills afflicting his country, but it is also quite certain that no matter what we can observe with our eyes and above all no matter what say the statistics. He will find a way to paint an idyllic picture of the great victories that he, and only he will be able to get to the right people. America will start winning, it still takes pains to point out, and win like never before. Everyone is looking forward to seeing the results.
Canada will "SPIN"
For Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada: We will strengthen old alliances and forming new and join the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, we are going to completely eradicate from the face of the Earth.
In response to Donald Trump, the Prime Minister of Canada, certainly did not appreciate the speech the swearing-in of new president of the United States. Because he asked, his colleague Philippe Couillard, who knows many US and Saudi Arabia to be one of his contacts with the White House and the mosque located at 24B on Sussex Drive in Ottawa.
Philippe Couillard will send its representative fully representative raped her, Kathleen Weil a few days to do a balancing liberal representation of the School The Knowledge, the wise choice, a school financed by Kuwait and the Government of Quebec affiliated with Muslim brothers and global Islamic terrorist organizations recognized by Ottawa, that a "OISE" tell the truth about the "Eagles of Montreal" revolutionary link of jihad, the Islamic crusade to conquer the Donald Trump of America.

Kathleen Veil, ignorant she is, has all the required qualifications and Joanne Faucher, journalist of "Radio-Canada Survey" lend him a hand and give him false documents about the conduct of some people Salafists dormant this community working for some religious subversive groups or not supported by our politicians who receive ares under tables to ignore. We must always have confidence in the honesty of our Crown corporation that still hopes to have more grant Mohamed Justin Trudeau, the Honourable Prime Minister of Canada.
In conclusion, we will stay with this honorable selfie?

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