mardi 24 janvier 2017

François Naughty Hollande - Justin Mohammed Trudeau - ITS Majesty Salah Abdeslam - Angela Traitor Merkel- Manuel lousy Valls - Politicians - Intellectuals leftists - Feminist contaminated -

François Naughty Hollande - Justin Mohammed Trudeau - ITS Majesty Salah Abdeslam - Angela Traitor Merkel- Manuel lousy Valls - Politicians - Intellectuals leftists - Feminist contaminated - Sociologist - Populist - Media - Collabos - warts Salafist imams   
What are the reasons what have -we left penetrate the Islamic devil, without any moral in our homes, in our lives, our children, our families, our cities, our schools, town halls, our courts of justices, our laws, our governments to use all our goods without saying anything and they take advantage of all our blessings, our earnings, our civilization to kill us on our own soil.

The decline of the West and the end of the HUMANITY, thank you to the Qur'an

This rot in their Koranic country does not respect us Christians, His Holiness Pope Francis who even happens not to distinguish good from other religions. Islam is it a religion or the devil wrote the Koran to put the figure of Jesus. Pope Francis, sometimes  but are not collaborator,realizing I hope,  should reflect on this issue because it is the same gestures that our corrupt politicians are now, they kneel before Islam, we all have on golden dishes for us to sacrifice for the sake of Allah and oil money from the Middle East who buys everything in their path.
Our democratic country violated my dear Manuel Valls who pro always stitutes to his favorite mosques
France - Canada - Quebec - Germany - Great Britain - Austria - Belgium - Australia - Italy - Vatican, etc., all Western countries have lowered arms and left the invader, rots the likes of Salah Abdelsalam,and eleven other acolytes Muslim terrorists, including France, that is to say, you idiots, of French taxpayers fed Halallement at your expense, dressed his honors, chérisses their demonic religions.
And stay in your true, keep in good health until the end of their days, and your parents and parents starving, losing their jobs, are on social assistance but they have the laws of their sides, protected by the rule of law and all the services of the French State can give them. So the French government treats terrorists as king and their own dog population. The France feeds as a King.

We fools, we feed our future killers Françoise David of Québec Solidaire President
Adil Charkaoui, imam, terrorist in Montreal,which was planning to blow up an Air France plane, a model citizen protected by Justin Trudeau first Muslim Minister of Canada . That our countries are beautiful and welcoming to our terrorists knowing they will never have the death penalty. Our statements of rights should not apply to Muslim terrorists, they must be executed on the fields of executions by cutting off their main toy, asin foreseen the Koran so they can meet their virgins and diverge.
In Quebec we are as stupid as the French, Muslims priorities on us all.
The government of Philippe Couillard gives unreasonable accommodations to Salafists against the wishes of the Quebec and Christian population. We must add for people who can read, and so few today that Dr. Philippe Couillard, the Premier of Quebec spent his drive for five long years with the king of Saudi Arabia, the country democratic, stoning Christians, women, promulgating the worst barbaric Sharia worldwide.

UN organization lies, thieves
also Knowing that this totalitarian country, with oil, that is to say money, lies, dressed in white rapists below covered with blood are the leaders in UN rights of Men, but we must certainly say that it is no indication the rights of women and that the UN is the place the richest and most corrupt worldwide. We see the filthy politicians, demagogues, who play the democracies on a global hypocrisy with which our elites enjoyed together the joys and happiness of grandeur that the world can bring while ignoring the misery peoples.
Currently, in courts, The best place to recruit young Quebecers ready to go do jihad in Syria is the Islamic Center Assahaba preacher Adil Charkaoui believes terrorism suspect Ismail Habib,of Gatineau, Quebec, whose trial is underway this week in Montreal. At least that is what he told in February to an undercover RCMP officer acting as the boss of a criminal group of illegal smugglers.

Are there has honest Muslim leaders and willing to sacrifice their lives to fight against the Wahhabi Salafists in France infiltrate and discredit the media, leftist intellectuals and feminists? Make a holy war against these false Muslims, false Koran, these bogus refugees, these terrorists that you keep in your luxurious prisons with all the comforts halal. Can we trust you, dear Muslim, who have never lifted a finger for decades to revolt against these usurpers be saying that you want to hunt in France, Canada, and elsewhere.
You know that our public institutions, parastatals and often our media lie quietly together for the welfare of the corruption. elliptical Money makes all say to anyone that journalists unless it's honest and courage, the network for which he works the bear. Our governments only live by the word populism, and the number of channels they will collect in the next election, and they do not care of the rest.

How crooked politicians that we have to recognize your sincerity after so long years that your company, your good imams never react. publicly Over the time period will be longer, you will have arguments to change the tactics of the Merkel beggar for destroying his country and the whole of Europe with his Syrian refugees that cause carnage of Western civilization .
Can we trust you with your non veiled women and integration to our customs, for it is you integrate and not to the society that welcomes you as Mohammed VI King of Morocco
You, French Muslims find the situation is intolerable for you, but it is also for the original French and other Europeans origins and Christians. Europe, I think is not a Muslim and does not become as barbaric Islamic countries of the Middle East, barbaric country. Europe contains democratic countries, as you like  or not,it the rights of both sexes are equal and the chances are equal beings in all their lives. This is not a book of religious peccadillo should dictate the laws of citizens, religion is in your brain, in your home, but when you leave your house you become a European citizen, Canadian, Belgian, French, not religious, but a human being who obeys the laws and if he does not like the laws he returns to his country of origin or that it has secularly to the polls.

It's hard to believe, as the song goes
You say you are Muslim and French first, but I would be sure that you do not say I am a Muslim for the heads of the French. A Muslim thinks that according to the Koran and can not think as a human!
These intellectuals for whom religion is a private matter in a secular country, has decided to speak as Muslims, as they say, as the French they must "respond to the inquiry of the French society that we said, "But where are you? What are you doing? ".
The risk of fracture between French is ever more important," No can no longer remain silent with the horrors he lived for several months, says Nadir Saifi, lawyer, one of the signatories of this forum.

Islam charmer of snakes radicals
Most of these intellectuals whom I would like to address today have left their country to come and live in France and to the charmers ambassadors of Islam, so lobbyists, since the word is fashionable, religion. They sell Islam, religion of peace, love and tolerance, especially to our elected and it works well.
Sell this speech to the French people proves a daunting task. The extremely grave acts committed by people claiming to belong to Islam and killing in the name of Allah Akbar, reverberates daily planet. It is true that they spend most of their time on Muslim lands, killing first the Muslims, but this is not particularly reassuring, especially as many Christians or Jews in the lot of victims .
Everyone is able to feel that the arrival of Islam in France, and more widely in Europe, brings this violence also in our country. The styling terrorism committed in the name of a radical Islam that does not change the case and does not fool anyone. We will not now escape threats, even with intelligence forces dedicated solely to thowart certain behaviors.
Our intellectuals will therefore be difficult to continue with the words, make love, not war, General which we will believe less and less. Some have felt that although recent years have, on tiptoe, expressed opinions, put his finger on what is wrong with Islam but were afraid to go to the bottom of things.

Islam is an incurable disease
Islamic ignorance is locked for centuries in its certainties, locked in deadly conviction of his own false truth. It is incapable of self-criticism. It considers so paranoid that any questioning of its dogmas is sacrilege. Quran, Prophet, Ramadan, halal etc ... any attempt to questioning about these totems of Islam faces an end of inadmissibility. No wonder that in this general climate of civilization, frozen and schizophrenic, some sick minds transformed and radicalized this collective closure murderous fanaticism?
How have our politicians have fallen so low?
We would like, rather than talk about deviant beings who do not have good reading verses, yourselves, do show a modicum of intellectual honesty ... We know the violence inherent in your religion some verses command to believers fighting, death, hatred of others. We can read, we know judge, assess the nuisance bears the Koran that led some believers to commit acts unsustainable. They invent nothing, alas! They obey what Allah command in the Koran, and it is this drama of your religion. It is by this that should begin your work ... We must tackle it quickly it is urgent You have to go scratch where it hurts.

Their fecal waste are gold for our politicians
Much of the Koran is already intolerable in an Islamic purity of society, but in a society which combines Jews, Christians, atheists and unbelievers your verses calling for the murder are unacceptable, dangerous, deadly in our country of human rights. The status and situation of women is the opposite of our democratic values. What are you waiting for to admit really? The Qur'an is the diabolical message Satan on earth.
His marriage to Aisha 9 years old. The one with Safiya bint Huyai appears to him one of the most atrocious acts committed by the creator of Islam. This Jewish woman found herself in bed when he had to kill her husband, her father and brother.
All religions, Orthodox say that these patients practice merrily and crime in the eyes of our laws are laughing at us all for fools God. Are we going to let these birds destroy our civilization to those crazy gods of the afterlife or do we want to live the living now, and the afterlife if it exists we will see how it is done but I ' have a certainty that nobody has returned from the beyond to tell us what is happening, none of these books, no religion can not say what happens after death, full stop.

Even the bearded, rapists, well dressed, with white robes, those liars, with all kinds of hoods over their heads, give no dignity in their actions because their teachings indicate that demonic treachery that several religious profess for thousands of years for power and money.
Let us wake up, God, protégez religious, medieval religions, criminals who kill your own children, our society, our values and protect our journalists.

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