mercredi 4 janvier 2017

Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, sponsors Mohammed Badie, you can impose your religious practices and you put your Quran Salafi and your Sharia Saudi in YOUR HOLES

Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, sponsors Mohammed Badie, you can impose your religious practices and you put your Quran Salafi and your Sharia Saudi in YOUR HOLES
You can not impose your religious practices in a country where the majority is not Muslim, and if you do not like our customs to free you to return home, the borders will open for your departure.

Salafi Islam salafist enacted in Canada,diabolical religion
Mr. Marlek Chebel from Algeria, historian and psychoanalyst therefore speaks of authority and he warns against Islamism Adil Charkaoui, Hamza, Chaoui  Justin Trudeau , Philippe Couillard who are, according to him, to destabilize our Western countries.
Women who claim to wear the veil by choice live in an ideologically rigid moral framework. This is the speech they hear on television, this is the preaching of the mosque, it is the opinion of her husband, brothers, neighbors, the Muslim Brotherhood, the fundamentalist. These women are so alienated mental. If women were really free, they would wear the veil in religious activities would remove in public space out of respect for the community in which they live. They will experience never during their long and arduous life of slavery the meaning of freedom.

Quebecers must be intolerant towards Islam Wahhabi Salafist if we do not want to become  European Castes.
With us, Islamism will remain because the Islamists are very active and they understood, unfortunately for you, that Canada is the earthly paradise for them. They certainly dream of creating fundamentalist spaces, everything is permitted to them, the laws allow them to bully Christians, our values, our ancestors, our charters, with the approval of our politicians sold to vote of this important group of allophones , leftist intellectuals and feminists such as lack of intelligence Françoise David, Lise Bacon.
Remember that most of the self-proclaimed imams are ignorant people who are not brave enough to go to work like the majority of people in the sweat of their brow. They are deceivers, the speakers, schemers, strollers, imposters, having no academic discipline, cultural, and professing dirt through our institutions. We often ask ourselves, where do the revenues from these people and Salafists how much taxes he is paying?

The woman is a bitch by Jody Wilson Raybould
To imams, Salafist Muslims, terrorists who eat at our tables, in our living rooms, in our cities and villages, in our province, in our country, their apocalyptic vision of fundamentalist the woman is of medieval, we might even say that Neanderthal man was pulling his cave by the hair.
Wahhabi Salafist Islam leads to the extermination of humankind
The messages of peace, sharing and meditation abound in the holiday season. The major religions in naturally help to bring the contemplative and unifying principles of their value in tradition.
Never mind, many believe that religion is inherently violent. The belief in an almighty God or supernatural forces, and the articles of faith which are made religious doctrines, lead necessarily to dogmatism, intolerance and violence.
All religions have objects on the head advocate violence as Islam and viols, turbans, these condoms.

Warning: Religions, polluters of mind
Religion conditions us to lose critical thinking and stop being human beings able to think by yourself, making them obey without giving a justification for acts imposed.
Several religions condone hatred between humans, not self-help. Their hereditary provocations that kills our free expression, free will, equality between men and women, the knowledge of good and evil and are just as locked into a straitjacket and equally lost certain idea of morality being immoral.
The polluters religions deniers of weak minds of uneducated as some people in some not very educated, unemployed, from which their only hope out of this misery imams, emirs, dictators, politicians, kings the princes accumulate wealth at their expense, they found themselves to religion to have some comfort and often become fanatics.  

You see these men, instead of working, sitting, grumbling he blasphemed, we must stone him instead of saying we have to work, earn money, to feed our children, etc. Their preachers, their religious love and adore these slaves to their feet, and making do their dirty work. These religious, who are in politics, in the name of God, of Allah, Jehovah, or appointed any name, it's still the same song, some moron power over the common people.

Please note I do not say that Muslims, believers are terrorists, I say that the brain of a believer who practice diligently and devotedly prepared to obey, and it is so malleable that tomorrow believer can easily be the victim fanatics or manipulators who will use his faith. And several different religions, and religious are extremists and people are extremely tained mentallyin churches, mosques, synagogues, Tamil sites, etc., regardless, these criminals from God or Satan alongside us every day with their angelic smile viper emasculated our young to hell death.

God of morality is it that religion has?
As it is unfortunate to have a pope so nice and open-minded, honest and pure, Pope Francis and a pro-Muslim collaborator,Islamophile.How is it that he fell into the trap that sowed the Salafi Saudi Arabia under his feet in order to bring down the Catholic Church, the church that Jesus Christ built on the rock of Peter the 'Apostle.  
We would like to believe all that the reign of Pope Francis,will only be overshadowed by this stupidity to want to play politics with the Western wahhabites sold for petrodollars. We sincerely believe that Pope Francis has not lowered at the base money but it honestly think the misfortunes of "refugees", I mean "real refugees and not those paid by the Islamic State or by leaders of Arab and Western countries on both sides of the Atlantic ", within the meaning of the human word, not the Muslim sense Salafi Islamist terrorists crusades to conquer Europe and remove the Christians of Europe.

The twenty-first century destruction of the Catholic Church of Rome
When shaping his life from the texts instead of his own moral, its own interest, it is easy to switch, provided that ye may interpret these texts as a license to kill. The Quran says you can lie, kill, for the glory of Allah, and that's what Adil Charkaoui, his faithful prophet with accommodation Philippe Couillard.
Religions are not part of civil society, they are mental
Then we stop talking endlessly of religions and religious as if they were an essential part in our civil society. It has to do with, to be tolerant, given the current number of believers of different religions, but that's all.
Is it not absurd to believe literally in religious texts that tell incredible stories? These are fables, stories, recounted the exploits of a person on the other there are two or three thousand years without any scientific verification.
Is it not absurd to eat fish on Friday exactly? Refuse pork without health reasons or out of personal taste? The reasons that the meat must be halal? That food must be blessed by a rabbi. Religions do not they learn to accept the absurd? Religions are often absurd. Is it really in the interest of mankind to force credulity? Religions are used to lull the minds of the poor or to concoct intelligent people. We must not be fooled by the religious because they do not always profess the good religions, regulations, laws.

There is a world between God, religion and religious
If we stop to lull their minds, hopefully more responsible majority of humans, more lucid.
If one scans this pseudo original guilt, blackmail hell taught by religions, if one teaches man to disbelieve but to ask questions instead of obeying their god or prophet, to reflect and assume his actions instead of confessing or be promised paradise or blank, there is little chance that ca get better
it's not tomorrow the day because our policies are not all atheists or they rely the voice of believers and then religion is the opium of the people, is not it ...
the rites and religions should not interfere in our civil life as religious can not control themselves, they are dangerous spiritual alcoholics that generate entrust national, international, terrorist

Our politicians love discord brings religions, it allows them their legendary shenanigans, their flights, their corruptions, their dictatorship over the people.

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