mardi 10 janvier 2017

Angela Merkel - herr kommandantur - Croire en angélisme des réfugiés – Justin Trudeau – Philippe Couillard – Associations Musulmanes – Terroristes - Sommes tous devenus des caves

Angela Merkel - herr kommandantur - Believe in otherworldliness of refugees - Justin Trudeau - Philippe Couillard - Associations Muslims - Terrorists - Are all become stupids
Religious beliefs have no business with the laws of a civilized western nation because it is the case of an individual, not a nation.

In  we are seeing 2017,no doubt to the tragic accentuation of religious Islamists led war against all "infidels", we are the preferred targets. We must stop all Muslim immigration Wahhabi Salafist, veiled women, imams such Adil Charkaoui, dormant terrorists, extremists to Western countries no offense Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard.
Religions and religious do not have their place in civilized public institutions
These false believers who are the soldiers of Allah, soldiers of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab barbarian countries, Muslims in Pakistan, Afghanistan of ... .. And their radical indoctrination can be done in a few months or even weeks through social networks.
In this sense, their recruitment is effective because it has to compensate the number of jihadists killed in action. Their mosques and in our colleges of Quebec and Canada, they have free channels for their indoctrination to Hamza Chaoui through our regions and distributing its falsehoods on the internet web to indoctrinate young people to the Islamist jihad, to the Koranic devil of petrodollars.

What about our elected politician were all sold to us as Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Justin Trudeau, Barack Obama, Philippe Couillard, Tony Blair, François Holland, Hillary Clinton, Manuel Valls, François Fillion, Henriette Recker, Judy Wilson Raybould, Kathleen Wynne and millions of other international whores, the Walls Streets, feminist Françoise David, Agnes Faw, Lise Bacon, intellectuals who do not succeed in their lives, etc.
In the Middle East first and the rest of the world, these believers do not lose faith because they promised a place in paradise populated virgins as a reward for their martyrdom. And they are going to kiss the other side, no penis, no balls, nothing, spirits, corrupt, only to rot because their demon in hell with the devil. Allah, if God must be good, and goodness is certainly not in hell, so he's been had, that crazy of Allah. It is Allah ment Allal old man, he made the cut for nothing zigounette Adil!
Or are hidden good Canadian Muslim associations and Quebecers denouncing Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Adil Charkaoui, Chaoui Hamza, extremist mosques, the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamic schools in our provinces, WHERE ARE YOURSELF, the Good Allah, the Good God ?
In 2017, our democracies will continue to believe that we can win the fight against the jihadists by opposing our values of freedom, equality and respect for human rights? Our democracies lose before these criminals without conscience, they only understand what is cutting edge and we need to resolve their heads, their Korans, their Sharia, customs, cultures, return them home or they must be integrated without any provided by us.  

Our rights of States should not benefit them to destroy us, our laws should serve them against us, they are born destructive criminals, their religion, as the practice is the religion of the Nazis, of apartheid, the KKK, the worst criminals the world has had to endure since the world began. We must not let them infringe on our freedoms.
These rights they use and abuse, allowing them to burrow among us, freely cross borders and to be presumed innocent even when taken in flagrante delicto committing a crime.
The rotten idealism of our elected
In 2017, we will wonder about the effectiveness of the means available to democracy. For it is impossible to continue to retreat into denial and otherworldliness. Angela Merkel has learned the hard way, she plunged Germany into a crisis unparalleled since the reunification of Germany, welcoming a million political refugees. But we now know that a significant proportion were economic refugees, young Muslims only, as those who sexually attacked women in Munich the day before New Year's Day 2016.
In 2017, our governments must stop silencing social costs of financial security required by the State relating to terrorism, sums amounting to billions of dollars and that inexorably weaken the Western economy.

Possible integration of moderate Salafi extremists
Given the current immigration compensating the aging of the population, we can not continue to believe in our capacity for integration if we do not invest large sums to finance and help immigrants and refugees to find work. The government can not pretend to ignore that part of relatively large ones that we welcome does not adhere to the principles of gender equality or state secularism. Which implies a pedagogical effort with these people who not only have never lived in a democracy, but do not believe.
Integrable good Muslims wake up and manifest against the Salafists who you and against Justin Trudeau and Philippe Couillard
In 2017, will we continue to believe in the self-proclaimed saviors, who speak only of the welfare of the people they claim to represent . They are found everywhere in Europe. And elections to be held in 2017 in France and Hungary, for example, will tell us what the future of populism rampant.
In 2017, all eyes will be on the United States, this great country of diverse beliefs that decided to elect a savior ignoring the ways traditions and institutions.
Our politicians cultivate propaganda with Syrian refugees in Europe and Canada
Refugee are not all angels, Muslim, Islamic, Salafi, dormant in the pay of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the Islamic State and the Elect Western sold to petrodollars. We have only noted the Prime Minister of Canada, he attended the religious places Salafi Salafi Muslims and still spends his holiday with beautiful people, millionaires Islamic Pakistanis in private islands in the Bahamas at the expense of Canadians.

Are they genuine refugees?
Have they wanted us to send them the worst villains of society or the true and honest destitute refugees as Fidel Castro, a friend of Justin Trudeau did when he emptied his jails criminals, Cuban mafia, drug dealers, its prisoners he sent to Florida?
In these troubled times punctuated by terrorist attacks, emotional reactions override thinking the risk that in every Muslim an enemy of democracy, a terrorist, a rapist power. The problem is, it's always the same people, the same religion, the same preachers, the same religion that disorder on the planet for thousands of years.
I also wonder, what are the reasons that Muslims, of all kinds, sects, tribes fight among themselves, and why are they fighting with the Jews for four or five thousand years. After this many years to fight, why not make peace. Fighting for the Gods, or Paradise, they are nonsense. No one, no human knows if eternity exists, all the hope, certainly, but nobody knows. But one thing I know, when I write a text, I exist.

Religions sell us the afterlife, and you can believe it, that's your right, but bond first ever others to believe in what you believe. The truth belongs to everyone, certainly religious who sees only the taste for domination sister poor people gain and appetite. Religious, religious, politicians, investors, Walls Streets are all the same, what they want is their power over men and nothing else. They want to pound on you and crush you to the maximum. Out all the juice they can from you, one way or another.
More than ever our thinking must be refined, so as not to find themselves caught between a generalization that would give reason to xenophobic or compromises that would make Islamist allies in our struggle for freedom, for equality between women and men and social justice.
The majority of religions does not grant equality between men and women
The great defect of religions is that the male has written books of religion because it feels superior to women and majority leaders countries, empires, were men.
This simplistic and binary thinking can serve only the two extremes: the xenophobia that uses an incorrect definition of secularism to wage war against a section of the population and Islam which advocates the clash of civilizations.
Xenophobic have us believe that every Muslim is an Islamist, a terrorist or a rapist. They want us to believe that violence and terrorism are intrinsic to an ethnic group. This thought is only the face of cultural relativism sided.

The Islamists, Salafists, as Adil Charkaoui, Manual Valls, François Hollande, meanwhile enjoying the speech hate to cry "Islamophobia" and imposing this false end the debate. They even consider themselves victims, we almost forget that it is Islam that conveys messages of hatred.
We must also question the tendency of politicians and the media to seek answers from representatives of worship. By this behavior, they give religion a political role. Philippe Couillard, Quebec Premier should start attending mosques with Justin Trudeau in Brossard, privileged place of the Muslim Brotherhood and create unreasonable accommodation to harvest more votes.
Like it was in the mosque of crisis management of the company as if the policy could not decide without consulting religion, as if society was composed only of believers. By this behavior the citizen with some "original" would only be a believer, he would not have the right to be atheist, agnostic, Buddhist, his legal representative is the representative of worship.
Once again, the political delegate responsibility and trapped people in community and religious retreat, leaving the find internal solutions. It is true that society tends, when it does not simply deny the violence, to consider as a matter of "family".
Meanwhile, silence can not accept that weighed on sexual violence suffered by women not only in Cologne in Germany but also in Austria, Switzerland and Finland. As weighed and still weighs the silence on sexual violence in the camps against refugee women. Our refugees must thoroughly get rid of the semen after a long journey by Henriette Reker, Cologne Mayor in Germany, underlines a passage from the Koran during rape Year's Day, it stressed that the German were whores, badly dressed and they deserved what they came to them.

Henriette Recker is the most feminist Mayor pitiful, with Chancellor asleep politically, shaming the Deutschland, a noble country, right worker. Shame on that political party, as the elect of our country that are sold, and have lost their jobs, David Cameron, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Francois Hollande, and soon Angela Merkel, Henriette Recker, Manuel Valls and the list will grow and we hope Mohammed Justin Trudeau.
The people are tired of being manipulated by thugs like those sold politicians, and yes, you scoundrels, criminals, who have sold your ancestors, your societies to these Emirs, these Qur'anic barbarians, without any time, moral, petrodollars. You have received your money, go with, as Judas and hang you, and we will delete your name from our encyclopedias.       
The new Canada Salafist accept apartheid female segregation and approved by feminist associations
Some anti-racist associations and some feminist associations, feeling uncomfortable, or have minimized them or took refuge in silence for fear of playing of the extreme right.
But would they also internalized their complex "postcolonial" and the "superiority" of the fight against liberalism and capital?

The silence of the authorities (which deliver up to now the information to a trickle) is also unbearable. The lack of communication on the part of authorities and associations created a vacuum, it has led to breach for xenophobic statements of the extreme right.

Do not communicate on the violence, is to forget that rape is used as a weapon of war. The upsurge of sexual violence by armed Islamists, they belong to Daech, in organized militias, or a mob fury against women is the result of sermons and fatwas that incite hatred toward non-Muslims. Some fundamentalist preachers incite not only to take up arms against the West but legitimize sexual jihad and sexual violence. In these sermons, non-Muslim women are considered as infidel, godless, spoils of war, forced into sexual slavery.

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