lundi 23 janvier 2017

Donald Trump whining journalists - media - feminists - leftist intellectuals - the grannies - the cushy

Donald Trump whining journalists - media - feminists - leftist intellectuals - the grannies - the cushy
It's stronger than anything; they fail to do it and really have trouble digesting the Donald Trump of election to the presidency of the United States of America!
Journalists, leftist intellectuals, coarse blind Western feminists who condone Muslim women, women whose husbands Orthodox religious extremists of various barbarian religions that denigrate women every second of their lives. It is the members, these thugs, these demagogues, self proclamation as imams who violate children as young as age six or marry them in the name of Allah, the Qur'anic devil, they don't ' dare say a word.

Journalists, media, intellectuals, feminists, politicians, what do you want so much to defend death taught by the Qur'an and Muslims through their religion? I demand an answer!
Self proclaimed the good camp, the eater baluster, holy untouchables,refrigerated whores, not hesitating to make up the success of the ceremony of his inauguration defeat that would have made the whole world laugh, magnifying hostile demonstrations  a few hundred of intolerant to their image, to mask the immense satisfaction of many more representatives of the American people, despite all their manipulations that proved useless!
Donald Trump wake honest and patriotic consciences of Western peoples
Defenders in France the most ridiculous ersatz president was given that we have, François Hollande a wimp serving Salafist terrorists from Saudi Arabia and petrodollars.  
These monsters, these hypocrites, make fun of a man does not have the beauty of criteria used in their world; yet it seemed to me that it was forbidden to make fun of a person's physical, on pain of having big trouble with the law. But I can not understand, or so this rule, like many others, is due at ordinary citizen member of the evil camp, the Patriots?
The French, the collaborators
I can not imagine that the French people, the most intelligent people in the world came down so low in their patriotism, the love of their ancestors to let know to sell Islamic rots, Muslim, Koran, terrorists as Manuel Valls, François Fillion, and so on.
When the Wahhabi dictatorship subdues the democracies
in this market dupes, European leaders and North American rivals ploys to who will prostitute the best to win the favors of despots. The Golden Palm certainly come back to the President of the French Republic, François Hollande, who has granted, in secret, to the Elysee,on March 4, the Legion of Honour, a Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef, interior minister, known for his thirst for fresh blood beheadings, 150 executions for the single year 2015.
Western politicians, are corrupted
once the new disemboweled, Prime Minister Manuel Valls has broken his silence ten days later, invoking reasons of state - in defiance of the most basic principles of the Republic and justify such an aberration by the "strategic relationship" French-Saudi (oil and arms sales).
The French foreign minister, Jean-Marc Ayrault, he hid behind Wahhabism attempt to exculpate himself. "There are times, he said, diplomatic traditions that can surprise, take it as such." And to be in the good graces of the Saudi prince, the French Republic bows before his whims to allow it, by this shameless decoration, to gain international respectability brand.
This honor François Hollande made the bloody crown prince is a disgrace to the whole of France and for democracy. For proof, follow the character; Mohammed Ben Naef not only aspires to be king of the Salafist dictatorship, which is de facto already the case, he wants to be the great Caliph of the Middle East, and for that, we must make war on all countries could make him shade, Syria, and Iran in particular. Beautiful lucrative contracts in order for Western armaments industries.
We have to say the words as they are, terrorists are Muslims, the barking dogs, and pigs have Korans to kill us see Salah Abdeslam in terrorist prison in Paris.
In any case the machine to smoke citizens walking to bottom and will soon blow a hose if they continue at this rate, totally unaware of the ridiculous offered by the French-righteous teeth-without rejoicing.
See, eg chains, European  which did not hesitate to turn their tea pro-Trump, they had invited to their special edition devoted to the inauguration but has not made the statements politically expected correct!
Barack Mohamed Obama, the Muslim Salafist pure Wahhabi, simple and hypocritical
True declare, live, "I think Barack Obama was more a Muslim whore associated with the Muslim Brotherhood which he frequented regularly mosques in Washington and several of its employees were also associated with Hillary Clinton she was hiding not to have close links with the terrorists as the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and the Liberal party of Canada that currently governs Canada.
Barack Obama in his heart wanted the destruction of Christians and Jews in order to install the Wahhabi Salafi Saudi Arabia and Qatar in the Middle East and the Koran and Sharia are being imposed across America. Barack Obama, Francois Hollande, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, Hillary Clinton and several other presidents, prime ministers and sold politicians have never wanted to pronounce the term radical Islam, it flayed her lips.
Hillary Clinton, a lying thief and wanted the destruction of the American Empire
Barack Obama Mohamed in his heart he is a Muslim, but it is finished with it, thank you God, because revenge is sweet in the eyes of Allah, he you simply cut the head. Barack Obama, like our politicians, our Western whores who lead us, without any exceptions, Angela Merkel, to be perfectly intolerable to the ears of cold fish of the press sold to authorities, little accustomed to contradictions since arranging for always discuss among themselves, thus offering a smooth and showcase formatted according to the rule.
Ventriloquists politicians eased picking petrodollars
But they may well rant, swear, lie again and again, minus all those who fail at the ankle issue courage the main person, hard working great before the Lord, does not care as its first shirt, and was already at work, including signing on Friday, a first decree regarding the US health care system, which aims to engage the dismantling of Obamacare, an emblematic reforms Barack Obama's mandate qualified by the new president of unmitigated disaster which should be replaced by a health system much cheaper and much better that do not tell those who cry in front wheelwright this decision.
Donald Trump will whip the West and Muslims
And that's only the beginning! Well-ordered charity begins with oneself.
Compared to our molluscs branles beggars in mosques with unreasonable accommodation to please the Salafists and denigrate our Christian culture and our ancestors to pick up the most votes in the next election and they do not want and integrate with any our culture, because it is for us to bow to them, their Koran, their Sharia, their ancestral barbarism.
We hope that Donald Trump will not be a turncoat like other politicians of this world, but we must give it a chance.

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