dimanche 22 janvier 2017

March of feminist women - Million Woman March - against Donald Trump

March of feminist women - Million Woman March - against Donald Trump
Today, the streets of Washington, Montreal and elsewhere, women march on the occasion of the Million Woman March. Hark a motley crowd of concerned citizens who have at heart the progressive issues. Gender equality, minority rights, freedom of the press, the right to abortion, access to health care, gun control, the environment in a democratic country that is the United States.

But what organization has forgotten it is these countries that denigrate all women's rights to religious causes such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Yemen, Kuwait, Indonesia, the Muslim countries, the Tamil country, countries with religions, Orthodox bloodthirsty religious extremists, that same route our streets, our cities
These organizations, feminist, women's rights, men at the UN, where the presidency is given to the worst countries where rights Women are stoned the worst in the world, where humans are mutilated, beaten, crucified, shredded Christians. But not these hypocrites intellectuals, worldwide, are protests against Donald Trump, it's easy, attacked a country of human right but when this country has balls and do not let walk all over by crazy drag politico religious organizations intellectual révoltés, these hypocrites, these revolutionaries will never have the courage to go their male defy these dictatorships that mistreat those women who have no rights to words for thousands of years is not this.

It is no coincidence that we chose to organize the march on the arrival in office of the new President. Democrats Hillary Clinton, the Salafists and the Muslim Brotherhood, the terrorist of Saudi Arabia which support reversals of Western governments to install their religion, Islam. Do you think, for one second, you, feminists do with the intellectual protest parades today across the planet have the right to protest? If you say yes, you are fools.
Under support, currently in the hands of the devil, the Salafist Islam, petrodollars, which pollute the whole of Europe, and you see that even Britain finally woke up out of the EU but it is the end of France and Germany as civilized countries caused by the desires of politicians who have sold their peoples as did Canada with Justin Trudeau to Muslim extremists to conquer the entire planet.
You must be very proud, my hens, chickens,with, ducks and ducklings launch infamous slogans against may be one person who might be stirred cages politicians, filthy world elites that continue to get rich the backs of the people.

Trump, while claiming to speak for the "real world" cheated by the establishment, has invented a fake where climate change is a hoax, women are just good to be "caught by the cat," patients who do not afford their health care can just get by. Nothing better to raise awareness of environmental citizens asleep, to rekindle the flame feminist, to mobilize advocates of social justice.
Rabid feminists are the worst defenders courageous feminist and open minds. Their minds are so manipulated by the media, actors, Hollywood, intellectuals, they are no longer able to think to support the real problems of women abused worldwide. These feminists are following the course of time, now is the anti Trump downhill and everyone forgets the American invasion is happening in institutions that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and the Muslim Brotherhood have established in veins of your democracy.
If I would be a Salafi, a Muslim terrorist, extremist, wishing the downfall of the American empire in the first place I will use feminists. Feminists are the designated target for demagogic books of religious and political groups what Islam. All women can do die men and they know it, because laws are still on their sides. The male face justice has much less chance to win a woman.

When you see a tragedy, you think first to the woman, when there is a divorce, it is almost certain that it is the woman who brings the jackpot if children were excluded, regarding this document, the husband will crumbs. An adult woman who rapes a boy of fourteen will not be in prison, and will be welcomed, put man will make the first step and newspapers will be crucified by the media at the moment.
If someone dares to say otherwise, is that it is not honest. The judgments against men are always more severe than towards females
Another collateral benefit: even involuntarily, Trump has prompted serious media work harder, investing more in the investigation and verification of the facts. He also urged citizens, who are not willing to do their post-factual age or entrust their critical thinking to Facebook, encourage quality journalism. Media like the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, ProPublica and the Guardian had their subscriptions and donations increase.
Faced with a president who has little regard for freedom of the press and to the facts, preferring to make his own truth by tweeting this watchdog role seems both more complex and more necessary than ever.

I hope that feminists like Françoise David, after he left, finally tell the truth about the real feminists and the ways in which should behave. What wars they should do. I think it is fine to fight Donald Trump, it's certainly not a saint, he also sent his companies in Asia, and he picked up billions by not working Americans. He, too, has a pure soul vis-à-vis women, my women had they as their pure souls vis-à-vis grateful they were billionaires.
These women were major and vaccinated? Monica Lewinsky knew what she was doing with Bill Clinton, she knew he was president, and knew he had money. If you say otherwise you are liars perfect. Both wanted and knew what was coming. Bill Clinton wanted her ass and she wanted her money, media advertising, full stop.
I love seeing all these women decked in US media to know that they would be the most abused, the most unhappy, the most violated, the more mentally sacrificed, the demoralized after he became president, that her life hanging by a hair. We all know that the United States is the country of lawyers, the country different justices, even before you have your car accident on the road, before the arrival of ambulances and police, lawyers are on the scene

upon arrival at the hospital, before recording and seeing doctors, lawyers are present to let you know your rights and how much money they can put in their pockets. These are the same people who will take action against the new president, who will invent situations to talk about them or from them. The country lawyers, the longest period of Republican political bullshit and Democrats never known for two long years to finally arrive at this result.
I never trust these elites, politicians, of all countries on the planet. They are there firstly for themselves, their party, their friends, their petrodollars, investors, the global elite, and people are usually forgotten. Is Donald Trump will be different? I have to give it a chance, but ...

Finally, feminist and extremist media are wrong again targets

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