samedi 7 janvier 2017

Justin Trudeau and his family wish to multicultural Canadians excluding Francophones and Salafist Muslims live in the Bahamas wishes for the new year

Justin Trudeau and his family wish to multicultural Canadians excluding Francophones and Salafist Muslims live in the Bahamas wishes for the new year
The transition to the year 2017, and thus the explosion of joy marking the 150th anniversary of Canada, eh well, he missed it. His beloved country, he has exchanged that night against some sun. Justin Trudeau pre recorded messages on radio and television. He does not care in Canada. He had the audacity to cut current emissions for its messages, but he was on vacation abroad. We can truly say of our Prime Minister, he is a good terrorist premiership.

Finally, it is a private island in the Bahamas that Trudeau and friends went, an island owned by the Aga Khan, spiritual leader of Ismaili Muslims fifteen.
This is both surprising and not surprising at all. Mr. Trudeau will among Chinese billionaires snack requiring an individual fee 1 $ 500. He sees no problem.
He certainly sees no problem to be treated with kid gloves in a "spiritual leader" as the Aga Khan.
Liberal voters, red pride, do not see a problem either. The sponsorship party, we have the elastic ethics.

Grants Canada
"Over the years, Canada has forged close ties with Aga Khan and granted him honorary citizenship status in 2009. I am proud to consider his highness as a mentor and friend", said for a release Justin Trudeau.
In 2014, the Aga Khan became the first and only religious leader to deliver a speech to the Canadian Parliament at the invitation of Prime Minister of the time, Stephen Harper.
The religious community has an embassy in the federal capital. The luxurious building on Sussex Drive is home to the Canadian Aga Khan Development Network branch, a charitable organization present in 30 countries and employing 80,000 people, according to its website.
The Aga Khan Foundation Canada in 2015 received a grant of $ 55 million over 5 years, to implement development projects in Afghanistan.

The selfies, the grumpy enjoyed at our expense
It was not there, Justin Trudeau, Sophie Gregoire either, when everyone was moved to Ottawa and elsewhere for the anniversary of the federation, the Venus of geography, scope coast to the other, the one with the Atlantic cod, feet with Pacific salmon. Members of cod and ministers that littered the hallways walls hiding the vermin who were walking elsewhere in other countries.
This is MélanieJoly,the cheerleader that distributes hundreds of millions in grants to CBC, which is responsible for lighting the flame in front of the Canadian Parliament, accompanied by the Governor General, David Johnston. We can add that the Governor General was used to something almost useful.
But it is the job of Minister of Canadian Heritage to support Canadian unity when there is nobody in the office. But see, therefore, there is no Canadian unity, it has no Canadian identity from the father,Pierre Elliott Trudeau, multiculturalism began by destroying the French fact in Canada, after the install Charter of Rights and freedoms to kill the entire Quebec, and install the Maoists values, Castro, including Justin still mourning his death, and finally see the scion, brand new, beardless not reached puberty,he arrives on her high heels with her Muslim headdress Wahhabi erecta Salafist empire in the Americas.

Canadians like Quebecers forget when he sees the "Grand MULTI IMAM 24 Sussex, Allah is good for cons
Trudeau is still the most popular politician in Canada. In the Belle province too. This is why facias, the simple-minded, the French daily, Le Figaro as Justin Trudeau compared to John F. Kennedy. Should we be so idiot for having so little knowledge on this superficial individual. Certainly, it's a handsome, intelligent, moderate IQ, as many Canadians elected by default, we must return to Caesar what belongs to Caesar.
When thought, things move, refugees arrive without checks, money flow by millions, removes subsidies to provinces for health care, subsidizes Islamic associations, takes his beautiful person in the world to do it photograph. He certainly has the look of a young prince consort who celebrates every day of glory on the clouds does not seeing the daily realities of debts of the state and household Canadians the highest in the world. He lives on the planet, headless.

Justin Trudeau and his family deserves real holiday
Last year, Mr. Trudeau had also spent the holidays in the Caribbean. In St. Kitts and Nevis, where he spent warm holiday and it was for him a very good chance to rest. Justin Trudeau was lounging on the beach sheltered from bad eyes and think about its activities, prayer rooms in prisons mosques Mississauga shouting as the muezzin of the Tibetan religion. His wife, Sophie Gregoire, great singer, singer in his spare time, thank God, who protects us a little, said he, in wonderful husband religion in Tibet is not Muslim but Buddhist.
The Prime Minister, replied that it was only a confusion of genres and soon Buddhist stop sulking and become Muslims of Saudi Arabia in itself. Justin Trudeau's plenty of life in a slim and young body, all the girls want the boys love it,presidents, first mining of other countries love his youthful daring, carefree, libertine, Justin here and there by Justin . When you see the Prime Minister of Canada, you can sing, until the appearance of the true Quran, the strict Islamic Sharia and, afterwards there will be singing and music, song 'Ottawan, Oh! The hands!

Canada does not have time and money to think about the deficit
With decades of deficits ahead, Canada will need all the talents of Justin Trudeau to make him forget the doldrums in which it is mired. Future deficits are countless tens of billions or hundreds of billions but in trillions. We're talking about 1513 billion for Canada only.
Debt of Canada
January 07, 2017, to counter the federal debt is $ 636, 043, 724,899.99 for each inhabitant it amounts $ 17,528.43.  
This debt grows by day $ 71, 271,232.88 per hour or $ 2, 969,634.70
debt only Quebec
January 07, 2017 at the Quebec meter $ 278, 286,023765.78 and per capita debt $ 68,845.54
Here you must add your own debts,debts of municipalities, schools, etc.
Justin Trudeau plans during its fiscal deficit by more than an additional $ 300 billion since it opened the floodgates of spending without any budgetary restrictions which was against Stephen Harper's party

To have surplus, legalize marijuana, and welcome to the Americans
The federal and provincial governments could reap up to $ 5 billion with the legalization of marijuana, but only if the illegal sales are significantly reduced, "said the economist in a note published Thursday. This amount represents 0.25% of gross domestic product.
As the fireworks lit up the Hill on Christmas Eve, the Trudeau family was already in the Bahamas, reported the National Post.
But before you go to Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, recorded a video message for all Canadians.
Happy New Year ! Let's make this year our year as Canada's, live in the Bahamas, at 4:45 p.m. December 31, 2016
He says: "Tonight, we mark the culmination of 150 years of history and it is a unique opportunity to celebrate the new year together, from one ocean to the other, "before making a review of the first measures introduced by his government.

The same evening, the celebration was presided over by Governor General David Johnston. It is then accompanied by Mélanie Joly, Minister responsible for the bulk of the funding, planning and coordination of the 150th anniversary of Confederation, he lit the Centennial Flame.
This is the second year consecutive that the Prime Minister goes on vacation out of the country for Christmas Eve. According to gossips, we can certainly cited sources from a well-known senior embassy diplomatic premises, the Prime Minister ended his vacation with his family with Emirs and Sheikhs In an oasis, palm trees, a gargantuan lust, away from prying eyes before its return to the motherland.

Canada the country of the deaf and the blind

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