mercredi 18 janvier 2017

Françoise David of Québec Solidaire leader, feminist Salafist - sold - dotage - extremely dangerous

Françoise David of Québec Solidaire leader, feminist Salafist - sold - dotage - extremely dangerous
Leader Françoise David of Québec Solidaire, is lack of intelligence for several years, she is a prude, rabid feminist potted intelligent anti-woman battle denying women Quebec for a century to collect votes of the Muslim community.  

Is it as asleep, mentally numb to the point of no longer recognize the significance of a garment and an Islamic crusade with clothes that Muslim women wear to signify their conquest of our territory. Is it so gourd, niaiseuse she is ready to carve Quebec especially for first nations.
Françoise David plays the same role as all other political parties, they are prostitutes, she sells all Quebecers for votes in the next election. As we can tell, the whores are in all political parties, is not it.

A face to several sides Françoise David and Amir Khadir
Thus we learn that Françoise David wins the prize for the non-racist, because it tends to take the facts and probably due for blacks than for whites .
Whites should therefore assess in the light of people of different colors. But on what science can we rely on to write such nonsense?
Françoise David should go in the corner of penance wall to start thinking as she wanders already at his age with a cone on his head
Freud posed this question to his sick patients "? What is the purpose of your disease" Otherwise said, are you trying to tell me through your discomfort? So that seeks to prove the Press in publishing this series dramatizing intercultural and racial relations in Quebec?
Should we conclude that the assumptions were to come to demonstrate that nationalist Quebecers have more prejudices black spot, are more intolerant of immigrants and, obviously, are Islamophobic?

Quebec solidarity Salafist
09 April, Françoise David, leader of Québec Solidaire, the immaculate conception Quebec, participated in an event by the Canadian Forum, the first political lobby in Quebec of the Muslim Brotherhood. This global terrorist organization, was present Françoise David, our blind feminist, and paid to close their eyes and lie to us, with Samah Jebbari, spokesman for the Canadian Muslim Forum (FMC) and Samer Majzoub, President of (FMC) were all with big smiles for the extermination of Canadians and Quebecers democracies and our Christian origins.
Justin Trudeau and Dion are collaborators of the Muslim Brotherhood
Samer Majzoub, Vice President and Treasurer of the School Knowledge, is also president of the Canadian Muslim Forum (CMF). He was spokesman of the Muslim Association of Canada (MAC), which openly calls for the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Besides the fact that it claims to openly teaching of the founder of the Islamic brotherhood, the MAC is stored at Al-Rawdah mosque, whose imam-in-chief, Hussein Amer, displays openly as a member of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Muslim Brothers international terrorist organizations that our MPs and prime ministers are associated with it

To Saudi Arabia,the country of Philippe Couillard, the Muslim Brotherhood are terrorists. Riyadh recorded the Egyptian Brotherhood on its list of "terrorist organizations", said the Saudi Ministry of Interior. Moreover Egypt, the United States, France, Britain, Germany, Canada have the Muslim Brotherhood are terrorists but the Prime Minister of Canada The Honourable Justin Trudeau attends regularly this terrorist organization decried by the Canadian Muslim organizations not Wahhabi Salafist.
This decision represents a major escalation against the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, which Riyadh is hostile, and reflects growing fears the kingdom a homecoming of Saudis made more extreme by the war in Syria.
It was taken in a context of serious crisis in the Arab Gulf states after the decision of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE to rein in Qatar, which supports the Islamist rise in the wake of " Arab spring

"Recently,the spokesman FMC, Samah Jebbari, dared to lie to Quebecers on CBC waves about the links between his organization and the MAC of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Also, Ms. Jebbari chairs the School Parents Committee The Know where the hijab is imposed to girls:
The Canadian Muslim Forum appears on the list of organizations funded by the Muslim World League, based in Saudi Arabia, which mission is to export the Sharia.
Adil Charkaoui invites you to its sessions how to become Prime Minister in Canada
An Islamic-militant Montrealers relays written jihadist and frequent the elite of the Ennahda
Division Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood founded the Ennahda party. She had established its headquarters in London in the 1990s and 2000s, before the "Arab Spring" opens again the doors of Tunisia.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are openly pro Muslim Brothers international terrorist organizations
Québec: Why Amir Khadir is he combines with Khomeinists?
On the one hand, Amir Khadir condemns the hijab as a symbol of oppression of women. On the other, he is actively involved in the Quebec Solidaire infiltration process by members of the Association Bridges, founded and led by Imam Khomeini Ali Sbeiti ...
In 2012, in the premises of the Bridges Association, Awada Dalila "was appointed new spokesman by the general meeting" of Quebec Solidaire for Montreal-north ... "We believe," she had then said, "that the political organization we are building ( ...) corresponds to the values of the north Montrealers. "
To understand the values Dalila intends to promote within Quebec Solidaire, it is crucial to know that she participates in the Bridges Association headed by Imam Ali Sbeiti, a fervent Khomeini.

Angela Merkel, German chancellor, also pro Salafist
Sbeiti Ali was born in Najaf, Iraq, "a center of Shiite Islam and the center of Shia political power in Iraq" where officiated his father, Sheikh Muhsen Sbeiti. Young man, Ali Sbeiti joined the Imam Mahdi Seminary in Qom in Iran. After graduation in Islamic theology under Khomeini, Ali Sbeiti immigrated to Canada, he attended the Islamic conferences and proselytism. Returned to Qom in 1991 to settle there, he would have received an invitation from the Toronto Shiite community in order to establish an Islamic association, the al-Huda Centre). He then supported the founding of al-Kawthar Islamic center in Calgary.
Since 2011, Ali Sbeiti is the president of Muslim Community Center of Montreal (CSCM), and directs the Bridges Association, two institutions fiercely Khomeinists.
Hussein Hoballah was vice president of MMCC. He now heads the al-Mashreq Sada, an openly Khomeinist Newspaper.Talal Taha works for the same newspaper, and his two son, Mustapha Taha Mahdi and actively campaigning in the Bridges Association. Adil Habib also writes for the Sada al-Mashreq, while indoctrinating youth Bridges to the retrograde values and barbarians of Khomeinism.
On the one hand, Amir Khadir condemns the veil as a symbol of oppression of women.

Amir Khadir, deserves the propagandist liar prices
On the other, he recruits Dalila Awada as spokesman of his party, a propagandist of the hijab that is activated (as her fiance Samer Fneiche) within an association Khomeinist that practice gender segregation
Now you must know that the imam of this association is putting tremendous pressure on girls attending his mosque so that they adopt the hijab from the age of 8-9 years.
Ali Sbeiti, girls who come to swear to Allah that they will do everything possible to wear the hijab for the rest of their lives: "Your veil is not only a source of pride, honor in this life and in the other, but also, you become the pillars of Islam.
The girls, sexual guinea pigs depraved terrorist Islamic Salafi
We believe, as Muslims, we are making a contribution that enhances the company's fate preserving morality and virtue in society. We believe that the hijab supports and enhances the status of women in a society where women are used in television and on posters as objects for sale. "
While Dalila Awada wants us to believe that the hijab is a personal choice, these girls are telling us the truth terrorized by the fear of hell, they adopted the hijab to please the mullahs, who as Sbeiti indoctrinated from childhood to fear Allah
Pope Francis bamboozled by saying Syrian refugees
one hand, Amir Khadir said support the Iranian people's movement that tries to resist the Islamo-fascist regime of the ayatollahs in Iran. On the other, it combines in Montreal-North, with the objective allies of the Islamic regime among the most brutal in the world ...

This is what page editorial published in the Sada al-Mashreq, intimately associated with Imam Sbeiti and its Bridges Association, about the 2009 presidential elections in Iran.
The West has provided the Iranian opposition's latest computer and media technologies, in addition to huge amounts of money, for the purpose of local and global propaganda. But the results were contrary to those expected, and it popped them their heart.
Dion forgot to show
The machinations of the West, the United States, France, Great Britain, Germany, and other countries, have had the effect of increasing the rate of participation in elections, from 2009 up to 80%, which showed the actual weight of the laity in Iran, which form only a very small minority in a country of 90 million people, and yet expose once the truth of the Islamic Revolution, and prove that Iran's allies in the West are not civilized, and behave like dictators, whether in power or in opposition.
Donald Trump sows bickering through the fucking politicians sold the Salafi Wahhabi Saudi Arabia

This happened in Tehran during the presidential elections, the green movement is a new Western plot to make him doubt the Islamic democracy . This plot is rooted in deep hatred towards the West that have the Islamic system, which will take place on earth. Westerners will then choke with rage.
The West has concocted the ugly plot that can only be the result of his cowardice and his desire for revenge. Iranian allies of the West announced a landslide victory even before the elections are completed in order to influence the vote - so that if they lose, they are able to say that the elections were rigged through Western media instigators. [But] they plot and plotting and Allah knows the true number of people and voters.

             Our media, intellectuals, feminists, collaborators in the extermination of the West

Amir Khadir said on the airwaves of 98.5 FM that an Iranian film director residing in France was present in the offices of the Ministry of Interior in Iran as supervisor of counting votes, and he telephoned the candidate Mr Hussein Mousavi (who opposed Ahmadinejad) to announce that he had won a landslide victory in the polls even before the polling stations are closed. He then fled to France, where he is now, and it was once the plot (the West) has started ...
This is how the editors of Sada al-Mashreq tried to justify one of the most brutal repression that the world has seen in recent years: the resistance movement to the ayatollahs' regime that was then raised as a green wave would have been only ugly Western plot
Can you trust this Islam, Quran Salafi that pervades our culture?
Today, after the failure of ideologies, and many studies on the supposed end of the world, the Islamic revolution in Iran provides a model that unites the authenticity of religion to modernity, zeitgeist,and the rigidity of the religion to diplomatic flexibility.
Which offers the world an experience that marks the beginning of a new era for humanity, in the hope that the end of the world passes through the door of Salman al-Farsi, which promised humanity that history actual divine messages, with the final message, or Islam, will be in the hands of these people, that is to say the mullahs responsible for maintaining the Islamic Revolution, despite the hatred that animates the disbelievers and the hypocrites in the West and the Arabs.

These Salafists, in our culture, in our country, sowing death
Why Amir Khadir of Québec Solidaire, a political party supposedly leftist and feminist, if he combines with elements of Shiite Montreal extreme right ? Why he associates with people like Ali Sbeiti Talal Taha and Adil Habib, who, via the newspaper al-Mashreq Sada and Bridges Association, relay the propaganda of a regime that oppresses its own people violently ?
Why he tacitly endorse those people whose militant activities contribute to recreate here in Quebec, conditions which apply de facto sharia elements, such as gender segregation and veiling girls? Why Amir Khadir he opens the door of his party in their emissaries as Dalila?
Philippe Couillard promotes Islamophobia and Islamic apartheid with its accommodation déraisonnable
Salafist Islam, international health, medieval, wealthy, barbarian, these Muslims, these imams who walk briskly on our streets, in our schools, for our politicians represent money, food for their political parties, a source to keep power.  

For Islamists, for their crusades, our politicians are bonanzas dreamed to perform all their designs. We can certainly say that the cohabitation of Islamic extremists and our Western politicians is like the blood and the AIDS virus, the two go together. Both are voracious leeches of our democracies, our identities, our religion, our ancestors, our Western values.
Morocco is will win over Islam
we can trust neither the Liberal Party (PL) nor the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ), or the Parti Québécois (PQ), nor Québec Solidaire (QS), all married layer-toi there, whores of St. Catherine Street are much more honest or representative setting at 24 Sussex.


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