dimanche 15 janvier 2017

Our Governments - Our Elected - Our Rags - Canada - Quebec -Justin Trudeau (PLC) - Philippe Couillard (PLQ) - François Legault (CAQ) - Jean-François Lisée (PQ) - Françoise David (QS)

Our Governments - Our Elected - Our Rags - Canada - Quebec -Justin Trudeau (PLC) - Philippe Couillard (PLQ) - François Legault (CAQ) - Jean-François Lisée (PQ) - Françoise David (QS)
Note: You may enter the Name your own politicians, at all levels, as they are all the same, they sell and we sell, full stop without any moral and value, their only goal is power to crush us whatever the consequences on future generations because their visions of the future do not exist.

Fallen person physically or morally, ultimately it is our people's representatives. They certainly have good intentions at heart, but the lure of power destroyed within their political parties honestly. We can certainly say that our politicians become poach our societies.  
Here I as hear as politicians, religious preachers, the media, intellectuals, radical feminists, you know all these people down from their perches, like chickens who love us to lecture and soon behave like corrupt gentlemen Jean Charest and Philippe Couillard, and others quote the Gomery commission Jean Chrétien, or the Commission Charbonneau citing all the Liberal party of Quebec with its parallel institutions Tony Accurso
Our elected us despise
the despicable things that we direct, with adequate remuneration feels frustrated the amount received idiots that contribute to reward them for their service to the state. It's true, he changes jobs, to a lesser salaries than in the private, but it is for the welfare of the people. Altruism is circumstantial and the populism of Mr. Justin Trudeau is selling only to the Canadian multicultural minority expressly rejecting the Francophone nation just as his father did, Pierre Elliott Trudeau.

We must certainly say that the genes of the Trudeau family, traitors, Canadians  their DNA with dictatorships and dictators of this world, and married-layers-you-there with all religions, nationalities, to exceptions Christians, francophones, allophones, migrants, are its strength, its spine. Justin Trudeau is our Canadian Castro, the revolutionary selfie and Salafi, Wahhabi, which calls for all of Canada Sunni Islam, Saudi Arabia, barbaric Islam promulgates that Philippe Couillard in Quebec with his unreasonable accommodations for accommodate these Islamic extremists and moderates to win the Canadian territory and Quebecers for fools of Allah.
Trudeau links with Islamist terrorists
That's why, Alexandre Trudeau, the brother of the Prime Minister of Canada, the Honourable Justin Trudeau urged in an open letter the federal Minister of Public Safety, Ralph Goodale, to defer the deportation of an Algerian Mohamed Harkat, suspected of being a sleeper agent of Al Qaeda.   

What is disturbing in all positions of our Honourable Prime Minister and the Trudeau family and its family of liberals in parliament, his ministers, almost half are Muslim or Islamic communities of immigrants acting as minister and with considerable responsibilities not those of the Canadian nation. Mr. Justin Trudeau, the populist, referred only to the community for re-election and denies all the traditional values Canadian and Quebec.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau destroyed the Quebec
Mr. Justin Trudeau is certainly not French or Québécois as Philippe Couillard, Quebec premier. Both hate Quebec so they have nightmares. His father Pierre Elliott Trudeau had imagined everything to destroy Montreal, first, by building the Mirabel airport, knowing that three quarters of transatlantic flights had to be diverted to Toronto. The Montreal Exchange and the parent companies of large companies move to Toronto. He created the Borden line.  
Everything was done in the reign and Trudeau propaganda father that Quebec has no place in English Canada. And the cherub, multicultural, Islamic, Quranic, who frequent the mosques with his veiled wife lying to the second floor as a thug with Mélanie Joly dragging its trough pig filled with members of board of the Liberal Party of Canada with envelopes fill for their Muslim ministers who lick his feet.

Justin Trudeau thumbed his nose at Donald Trump
Ah! I forgot, we now put us in the back the US government, Donald Trump, this small country, the United States. I do not think Justin Trudeau will have the audacity to go and give advice Muslims, Islamic, to south of the border. For now, the United States, we tolerate.
And what about our rags, seeking the Quebec identity for our newcomers? You know, my rags, when you embark on Saudi Arabian Airlines, the airline of Saudi Arabia, the country of the Democratic Sharia says you after the departure airport that men must have long trousers, women must veiled beings, and if women are not married they should not hold the hands of man.  
Women inferior beings
women should not go out alone without being accompanied by a male because only men have brains in this country, ladies. Women can not drive. Alcohol is banned from entering and pork too. So some of our ministers, prime ministers or presidents of our countries are not welcome in this Quranic country.

In Saudi Arabia, the government, and elected officials, never ask questions that think migrants that the migrant may have, wants to choose, what kind of identity he wants to choose. Sharia, the Quran, the Imams, the laws are there and all must obey, and there is no accommodation for foreigners. There, it's not Club Med immigrants. If you do not want to acclimate the head and dance we cut you.
Jean-François Lisée to wipe your feet
Jean-François Lisée, dancing like a real rug, do you trust a person who changes his tune to every thirty seconds to please the minorities not to upset them. These rags Françoise David, this veiled indelible that shames all feminists who fought to be recognized as actual human beings advocate submissions.

The droolings
The most medieval meanness with Lise bacon, radoteuses, Agnès Faw, Christine St-Pierre, feminists treacherous, enemy free women, intellectually ready to conquer the world, but no, she is Muslim, Tamil, Orthodox Jewish, regardless of what religious octane is what it must be inferior, submissive, man stocked with food, give him room and told her be beautiful and there farm.
François Legault, nonexistent
What about François Legault? Not much, he's a millionaire, he's a millionaire, he is a millionaire. This is not a politician, he is a man of intellectual offline business idiots, that is to say Quebecers. He lives on the planet Philippe Couillard, both are of the same tempers. Quebec is a barnyard with chickens, and wolves, and these two are the wolves that hunt us without knowledge and know the weight of the hens.
Rambo Bernard Gauthier, Canadian Donald disabused
In Quebec, as in Canada, we have now true leaders in politics. Real men and women with real innovative projects, good or bad, gatherers. People with statures, when you see them, you know they are leaders. Our politicians, almost all levels, in all areas, public or semi-public, local councils, the police, schools, universities, hospitals, so are winnowed, bruised, wilted, like old flowers on to die.  
Looks like it is the total disarray that no one takes responsibility, elected officials, from father to son, to embed their seats, stick with the "Krazy Glue" entrenched, trade unions, as employers, medical association's , opinion manipulators, the media, intellectuals who know nothing but keep talking through their hats, we have created a world of citizens, which are connected to each son to both ears to butcher to no longer hear the sounds of everyday life, aberrations that circulate around us.

How can we understand, see all these rags, leaders, whining, that do nothing, these populist sailing at the whim of polls and not for the welfare of citizens. These sold from politicking at the Justin Trudeau, Philippe Couillard, our ministers, MPs, political parties without our patriotic vision, collective.

To be respected one must be respectable Mr. Stéphane Dion

You wanted and ran for these glorious jobs, which requires work and a lot of courage so you have to suffer the consequences, good and bad. You have accepted these responsibilities, it is up to you to hold them and not to sell the population to the highest bidder as thieves or liars.

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